Chapter 25

I dont know if I already used this picture in this book before but if I had I mfn well😭😂

The next morning

Moane pov

I woke up taking a shower and putting some clothes on . I knew that we were in Miami Florida so I was gonna go out and just spend some me time and go a little shopping just to get away from Dave so I took my shower and got dressed .

She so mfn fine 😩😍😍I wish she would notice me like shorty single to and it's like ha smile doing something to me 😩get a nigga weak no cap but let's get into this drama ass chapter😁

After I got dressed I grabbed my purse and my phone and went on my phone getting a Uber .

15 minutes later

My Uber was finally here so I grabbed my purse and and phone and u locked the door and went downstairs and left out the house .

I got into the Uber and he drove off.

"Where to first ma'am?"

Um do you know any car dealerships near?

"Yeah it's about 30 minutes from here"

Oka can you please take me there I'll pay you extra

"No need to ma'am it's fine I'll take you where you need in a quickie"

I just nodded my head. I needed to rent a car for the day because I wouldn't be going back to that house to later on I just wanted to have a me day get my toes and nails done and my hair and go shopping just wanted it to be me myself and I today.

40 minutes later

We finally arrived to this car dealership it took up 10 extra minutes do to traffic. I paid them man a hundred dollar bill he wouldn't take it but then eventually did then drove off after thinking me .

I walked into the building and got greeted by many people. They were nice .

"Hi welcome to franks car dealership how many I help you today ?"

Just made that name up😭😂ion kno what mad me think of a name frank but it sounded good so 😭😂😂anyways back to the chapter

Yes I would like to rent a car

"Alright right this way ma'am"

1 hour later

After an hour of sighing all this information

I finally got the keys to the car . I didn't wanna do nothing to big but I got a Mercedes Benz it was nice no cap

Once they gave me some papers I told them that the car would probably be back tonight or tomorrow and they were fine with that I got the keys and got in a Nd drove off.

My first stop was to get something to eat cause a bitch was hungry no cap. So I looked up where were some good spots for breakfast cause I was tired of ihop and McDonald's . I seen Greenstreet cafe had 5 ima half stars so I decided to go there .

20 minutes later

I had got here and looked at the menu and already seen what I wanted .

I finally order and 10 minutes later then bring it to me .

Shit was looking good. I ate in my car and then drove off to get my nails done .

I found this nail shop 30 minutes away and drove there blasting my song heaven by Beyonce.

That shit be hitting no cap like that's my song and I've been hearing it lately because my grandpa birthday was yesterday and I was just ughh but anyways ....

"No heaven couldn't wait for you"
"Heaven couldn't wait for (you x 5)"
"Heaven couldn't wait for you"
"Heaven couldn't wait for you"

That's my fucking song 💔but anyways

I blasted that song all the way to the nail salon . I finally got there shutting off the car and grabbing my phone seeing Dave texted me but I ignored it I didn't have time for him . I walked it immediately getting seated and ready for my nails to be done . I told her what I wanted and she did it .

30 minutes later

She was finally done and put me in one of this chairs so my hands could dry. After about 10 minutes I was all done and decided to get a manicure and my toes painted to.

These joints cute😍might get this before school starts no cap😍but anyways

I sat in the chair as this pretty chiese lady came up to me with a glass of white wine. My favorite and some kisses "the chocolate" I sat on my phone feeling relaxed enjoining me time.

I was finally done and waited till they were dry and was taken into a room to get waxed because  it was time to.

30 minutes later

I don't know what shorty did but her tearing the wax off ain't hurt and I was looking good and fresh down there but anyways I paid and then left . Now it was time to get my hair done .
I went to my appointment I had set for 3:00 I was getting faux locs nothing to big.

I finally arrived there and was seated quick . I'm starting to like Miami they get everything done quickly which I like .

4 hours later

I was finally done getting my hair done . I loved it honestly.

I paid the woman and then grabbed my belonging and went to get something to eat that was walking distance . I was in the mood for wings so I went to get some . One I arrived I got some hot wings and waited for them to come out and then ate them right there cause I was hungry.

After I ate my wings I walked back to my car . I don't know what made me do this but I wanted a tattoo nothing big hit nothing to small so I went across the street to just look and see what they had and what interest me.

I then I saw this cute little one and decided to get it . It was mad painful but I took it like a G .

1 hour later

I was finally done and paid

It like very nice no cap I paid the man and then left .

I was satisfied with today but didn't get to shop if just do that tomorrow. I grabbed my phone seeing Dave was blowing up my phone I ignored it tho . I ordered me a Uber so they'd be there when I turn in this car.

At car dealership

I turned in the car and got into my Uber going back to this house .

When I arrived I seen 4 other cars I was confused but didn't care I still wasn't talking to him. I walked inside going straight to my room locking the door and going to take a shower to go to bed I was honestly tired.

20 minutes later

I got out the shower and got dressed going to lay down in the bed

Act like her head done😭💀but anyways

I put my phone on the charger  and eventually let sleep take over.

I know I know another boring chapter I know this one was to have drama but I'm tired as hell and don't wanna mess it up so I'll probably update in the morning but anyways the next chapter will be a little surprise not really but something like that and y'all might be mad at Dave but just know there not gonna break up and also In The next chapter Dave will be telling Moane why they had to leave .
Plus a lot of fighting will be happening. Not just between Dave and Mo but other people sksksksk anyways goodnight
