Chapter 15

1 year later

Moane pov

I was finally recovered and me and Dave had moved in together in his house .

Today we were gonna go to the beach to go have some fun .

"Babe you almost ready?"

I heard dave yell from the bottom of the stairs I yelled yes and grabbed my purse and went downstairs.

"You look beautiful mama"

Thank you I said smiling . Can u take my picture? He nodded and took his phone out and waited for me to pose to take it .

"Don't you think that dress a little to short?"

I I laughed and shook my head , here yo over protective ass go . I'm with you so nobody will look dave okay ? This is all yours I said while turning around and bending over in front of him to where he could see my see through panties I had on .

He smirked and came behind me and I started twerking on his dick and i could feel it rising so I started twerking faster and bite my lip as he smacked my ass.

He was biting his lip looking at me .

"Stop playing wimmie before you start something"

So just to tease him I don't think he noticed but I unwrapped my dress to wear it was off and I didn't have a bra on so I know he's member would get even harder so I stood up and turned around and stood up straight looking at him then slowly took my panties off and smirked.

"Fuck it" Dave said and picked me up and took me upstairs , y'all already know what happened after that.

2 hours later

Me and Dave finally woke up and got in the shower and got dressed again and finally left the house .

*At the beach*


he started laughing and threw me in the water

I got up so quick and started running after him this pussy ass nigga slow as hell when I finally catch up to him I started slapping him in the back of his head and started kicking him.

"Ight Ight you got it you got it"

Yeah that's what I thought I said walking away feeling good till I felt Dave grab my hand and twist it behind my back.

"What's that shit you was talking?" "Huh"

Ight Ight I'm sorry I said laughing while trying to pull away .

"Yeah who pussy now" the let go of me . I looked at him and flicked him in the back of his head and started running.

"Yo ass better be glad I don't feel like running"


sounds of gunshots when off I turned around running to Dave me and him both ran fast as we could to the car and drove off.

"You okay ? You didn't get hit or anything ?"

No I'm good let's just get out of here and get something to eat. He just nodded and drove .

We went to this Hibachi restaurant and I was happy . Dave looked at me and started shaking his head we got out the car and walked in the entrance . We got seated immediately and went to go get are food since it was a buffet.

Dave pov

Yo you mad nasty why would u smoosh your hands in yo dookie when you were little then wash it off In The sick. You dirty as hell yo . I said while she was laughing mad hard.

That shit ain't funny now I'm scared you gon do that shit when you take a shit at my place.

"You asked what was something nasty I did as a child and I told you" she said laughing

I just shook my head and continued eating my chicken. You something else yo I swear I said smirking .

"Bluh bluh bluh so what's the nastiest thing you ever did"

Eat a bitch out while she was on her period and hairy.

Once I said that she she spit her soda out and looked at me with a straight face.

I busted out laughing I'm fucking witcu ma I said laughing even harder to the point I was holding my stomach.

"Nah nah don't try switching up the story now"

Nah for real I would never do that shit but the nastiest thing I've ever did was Um drink total water I think .

I couldn't stop laughing because Moane's face was really having me dead as fuck

"You disgusting" aye I was little as hell you can't be talking you wiped shit on your hands so you can't be talking.

"And you drink water where shit and pee drop out of"
"Now's who's worse?"

I stayed silent

"Yeah that's what I thought retard"

I looked at her and shook my head I hope u stub your toe I said laughing.

She looked up at me and flicked me off

What time?

"Never bitch"

Bet don't say that when we get home

"Don't day that when I get home face ass"

Ight bet come on cause you playing .

She laughed and we got up and left .

As we were driving I kept seeing this same black car following us .


I know I know I see him just crawl in the back and lay down I'm not going the way home till I see what's going on . She just nodded and slide in the back seat and later down and kept looking in the review mirror and decided to sped off the lose them .

30 minutes later

After 20 minutes I the car went in a different direction but I still drove just in case it was still following me . After a while I saw that we were safe and told Mo to that she can come back in the front.
After a few moments I seen Mo playing with her fingers and already knew she was gonna say sum .

What's on ya mind mama.

"You - you don't think that was him do you?"

Baby I don't know but I promise you that nigga dead when I find him and nobody's stopping me when it comes to you any nigga dieing if he touch you and that's on my dead mama . After that it was silent all the way till we got home .

2 days later

Mo I'm heading out


I soon left the house going to the trap I told all my homies to meet me there because we needed to have a meeting . By the time I got there I saw all them there. I got out my car and locked it falling up my body Guards and going into the trap .

"Bout time nigga took to dumb ass long enough shit we been waiting for two hours for your late ass" my nigga Ray Ray said

Nigga shut up I had to make sure my girl was good .

"Ight so what's good how she been doing?"

She been good but last night I think she's started get to me scared again I said rubbing my fore head and sparking up a blunt .

"Why you say that what happened?"

After I took a puff of my blunt and exhaled I told them about what happened last night and that we needed to go looking for this nigga . That all agreed and we went are separate ways .  I stayed back and just  smoked a lot of blunts till I felt satisfied.

Monae's pov

It's been hours since Dave left and he said he'd be right back I was honestly getting worried my calls and texts aren't going through but I just needed to breathe . I went into the bathroom and washed my face . I was honestly getting bored so I decided to call my job and asked if I could come In because I honestly missed my job.

1 hour later

My boss agreed and I was gonna work till 7 in the morning . It was 7 at night right now so I'd be doing a over night shift . I went to take a shower and put some scrubs on and my work shoes . After that I grabbed my purse and left .

At the hospital

I walked it and be greeted me I went to the break room to put my stuff in my locker and decided to take a picture. Haven't took a picture in my scrubs in over a year so I was excited .

Once I took the picture I put my phone in my pocket and walked out the break room to go clock in.

Dave pov

1:00 in the morning

I just got home I know Mo was gon be mad at me but I'll tell her everything . I parked my car in the driveway and locked the door I walked up to the front door seeing it slightly opened.

The fuck I said in my head , I slowly backed up and went in the back of the house into a a pent house that I built a while back I kept all my guns  In there , I grabbed my pistol and snuck into the house from the side door . I heard nosies in the kitchen and slowly walked into the kitchen and turned the corner and ponited my gun up . Then I see this fat ass Nîgga eating my shit .

Nigga what the fuck u doing in my house ?

"Nigga put that shit down you ain't bout shit"

"I got hungry"
How tf u get in I said putting my gun on the counter

"Spare key dumb ass"
Nigga get yo fat ass out my house , take the damn sandwich and get the fuck out I said to my homie Malik.

Once he left I put my gun back and went upstairs , I seen Mo was no where to be found , what the fuck I thought in my head . I tried texting her but I seen my phone was dead and hurried and put it on the charger.

1 hour later

It was now two in the morning and Mo still won't here I was getting mad and frustrated. I called and called but no answer I was starting to think this all was my fought issue told her I'd be home but never came home FUCK I said out loud then pounced a hole in the wall.

Moments later I went to drink some Hennessey and I kept drinking and drinking but then eventually stopped . I was drunk. Ur not to drunk . I went to take a shower and later down eventually falling asleep.

8:00 in the morning

Moane pov

I was finally off and just seen Dave's messages I was beyond tired and was gonna take a shower and go to sleep .

At home

I parked my car and locked the car and went up to the front door unlocking that and locking it back and tiredly going up the stairs . I went into the room seeing Dave sleep so I quietly got my change of clothes and took off my scrubs and went to take a shower.

30 minutes later

I finished m shower and put some clothes on and hopped in the. We and went straight to sleep.

To be continued

Ik this chapter was boring but a lot is about to happen in the next chapter 👀👀
