The Self-Love-Test

This little test that I found on the internet is called "See in the mirror". It is very simple and you can do it right now. This test will show you where your current self-love is, if it is high or low.


1. Stand in front of a mirror and just look at yourself for a while
2. After that say your name and the following sentence out loud for a while:
" (your name), I love you!) "
3. Do these two things and see how it affects you

How do you feel after saying those words?

If you feel comfortable by saying those words and can pronounce them with ease and without any problems, then congratulations! That means that your current self-love is high, which is good.

If it is hard for you to say those words or even think about it, it means that your current self-love is low. You will probably feel uncomfortable by saying it or you will not even be able to pronounce it.

If the second choice applies to you, don't worry! I am here for this reason. To help you pronounce these 3 words without feeling uncomfortable but proud!

If the first choice applies to you, don't be scared, that doesn't mean that you can't read this guide book. Even if you love yourself you can still read it because it won't hurt you to know more about this theme. Remember, you can always learn something new.

Now that we know where your current self-love is, we can finally start!
