top 10 reasons why men are hot

bro i am trying so hard to hold my fucking sanity together my brother gets paid to do NOTHING but i have to clean every corner of my goddamn house to get like 40 dollars every 2 weeks, i'm fine with getting money in exchange of doing chores but tbh it goes to prove someone has a favorite, damn. 

Anyways i'm sure my medication makes me feel less emotions like: sad, happy, horny, mad, and balls. Due to that I can only just read the weird shit in my journal from when i was horny. "while I give him the best fucking pleasure" Kind of gay. That whole page makes me questionlife

Anyways I miss Cole and Nollie cause they were so fucking rad nollie if you see this and you havent listened to deftones yet ihy

still thinking of that dude in that one store that looked fuckin hot like gawd damn 
