°Chapter 5: The Search°

George's POV~

I stormed down to my house and locked the door. . .

I sighed heavily, resting my head against the door. . .

As much as I wanted to hate Dream, I still felt some feelings for him. . .

"Hey, friend."

I turned in shock to see DreamXD,"DreamXD?!", he nods,"Mhm.", I walked up to him,"What are you doing here?! Why weren't you at that meeting!?", he smiled, like he always did,"I was at the meeting, I was just watching from afar. . .", we both fell silent, I sighed and started to look for something,"Poor Dream... Was it really that bad in that prison?", I tried to ignore him, this guy just gives off bad vibes, but as long as I be his friend, he won't do anything silly or deadly. . .

I throw on the colourblind glasses and a jacket,"George? Where are you going??", I sighed,"I'm going to help find Ranboo.", "Ooh~ Can I come??", I sighed and turned to him,"DreamXD, I have to ask you to not come. . .", he sounded sad,"Wha? Why???", I sighed,"Because no one can see or hear you, apparently. And I do not need them to throw me in a Psychical Hospital.", DreamXD sighed,"Aww. . . Alright. . .", I nod and left the house. . .

As I walked down the stairs to join my group, I really started to think. . . About how I really felt towards Dream, I mean. . . I may have fallen out of love with him, but that doesn't mean I hate him. . .

As I got to my group, Sam stood up on a platform,"Alright! Everyone that could make it! Keep your eyes out and find Ranboo! But remember that he is in his Enderman Trance. . .", I felt anxious leaving Dream alone, even if Puffy agreed to stay and watch him with Niki. . . But, had a bad feeling something was going to happen. . .

Foolish's POV~

So, I was with Eret, Purple and Hannah. . . Eret held a lantern, I had my sword, Hannah had another Lantern and Purple had his crossbow. . .
Hannah seemed anxious,"What do we do if we do find him?", I gulp,"Welp. Find a way to snap out of it.", Eret nods, fixing his glasses again, probably making sure they were on properly and his eyes weren't showing. . .
As we walked through the snow, I felt like we were being watched. . .
Eret was especially jumpy, seemed to be anxious about something, but someone was moving around us. . .

Suddenly we all jumped to an Egg Vine falling to the ground! I breathed in relief, it must have been leaned against a tree and gave out. . .
Hannah and Purple sigh with relief, I turned to Eret and he looked frozen,"Eret?", he was just. . . Standing there. . .
I turned to Hannah and Purple,"You two go on ahead, I'll be a minute.", they nod, both looking worryingly at Eret before they left. . .
I immediately turned to Eret, I put my hands on his shoulders,"Eret, are you OK??", soon, he seemed to be holding in a breath, he exhaled heavily and was just trying to take deep breaths, I was starting to get concerned,"Hey, Hey. . .", I made him look at me, I took off his glasses so he could see me a bit better,"Deep breaths. . . It's alright. . .", Eret did what he was told, slowly but surely. Once he seemed more calm and aware of his surrounding,"Hey, are you alright. . .?", Eret nods and puts his glasses back on,"Y-Yeah. . . I'm fine, it might just be from the shock of the vine.", I nod slowly. . .


I froze.

That scream. . .

Philza, Techno and Tubbo were walking around the snow bomie. . . Tommy did want to join Tubbo, but he didn't want to face Techno, so he joined Sam and George. . .
Techno waved the lantern around the woods, narrowing his eyes as snow was softly falling. . . Tubbo shook in hear, hiding behind Techno and Philza readied his bow. . .

Tubbo jumped at the sound of a branch being stepped on. . .

Techno felt his heart sped up, he didn't want to admit that he was scared. . .

Suddenly, they heard footsteps. . .
They all fell silent. . .

Suddenly Philza was grabbed and tackled to the ground,"PHILZA!!", "GAH!!!", Philza felt the back of his head, hit the snow, Philza was met with two purple eyes and strange purple liquid dripping from it's mouth. . .!


Ranboo had completely gone savage. . . He was making strange Enderman nosies, angry Enderman nosies, he turned his head to Techno and Tubbo, in a matter of moments, Ranboo threw Techno against a tree hard and threw Tubbo down a hill and subsequently hitting his head on a rock. . .
Ranboo's attention was back to Philza, Ranboo went to pounce on Philza, only for Philza to hold up his arms in a way to defend himself, only for Ranboo to BITE hard into his right forearm,"AAAAAGGGGGHHH!!!!!!!", Philza attempted to use his free arm and feet to get him off, but Ranboo was stronger than Philza. . .! Philza's breath was becoming short, the strange liquid dripping into the wound in his arm, he felt light headed and dizzy. . .


Suddenly a rock was thrown at Ranboo's head. Ranboo looked up, clearly more angered, George immediately ran the opposite direction, Ranboo ripped his teeth out of Philza's arm, earning another painful cry from Philza, before he went to hunt for George. . .
Techno limped back to where they were, carrying Tubbo on his sore back. He had applied a bandage around Tubbo's head from the rock and he knew his back was sore, but he knew it was oy bruising that would heal. . .
Once Techno found a lantern, he was over come in shock. . .

There lay in the snow, was Philza. . . Techno immediately lay Tubbo down by the lantern and ran to his father figure,"PHILZA!!!", as he dropped to his knees by Philza, he could see strange purple liquid on his face and the bite mark. . .
Techno gently lifted Philza's body slightly off the ground, tears whelming in his eyes,"Philza. . .? Please. . . Please, don't fucking die on me. . .!", Philza didn't move. . . Techno could see and feel Philza's chest rising, he was breathing, but not awake. . .
Techno felt hot tears running down his face as he held his father figure,"Why. . .?!?!", Techno let out a few sobs of guilt before he looked up at the snow falling and roared,"WHY?!?!?!?!?", soon the air was filled of the sobs of a warrior. . .

George ran.

He ran as fast as he could back to Karl, Quackity, Sapnap, Sam and Tommy.
He could hear Ranboo behind him, teleporting and running after him, making the most horrifying sounds to him. . .

Once George broke out of the woods, Sam, Quackity and Sapnap readied their weapons as George hid behind them, wondering what he was running from. . .
Only for their answer to be quickly answered.

Ranboo broke into the clearing, eyes glowing purple in the dark, purple glowing liquid dripping from his mouth but the one that stood out was the blood that also dripped was his mouth. . .
Their first thoughts were that George got hurt, but then they all realised that that was someone's blood. . .
Quackity readied his battle axe as Ranboo let out the most terrifying roar of an Enderman and came charging at them! Quackity swung the axe behind his head, ready to make the death quick and painless when---. . .


Karl. He had stepped in front of Quackity, Quackity was in shock that Karl would have the courage to step in front of a moving weapon. Ranboo seemed taken back, but roared at Karl. But, Karl. . .

He stood motionless. He was not scared of Ranboo. . . Karl looked into the purple eyes of Ranboo, before he reached into his bag and pulled out something. . .

Ranboo suddenly backed off, roaring and hissing at Karl. Everyone watched as Karl held out a strange pair of golden goggles to Ranboo, he looked him dead in the eyes and said;

"You aren't like them. Remember that?"

. . .

.  .  .

. .

.  .



"What have I done. . .?"

Everyone was in shock, Karl calmly watched as Ranboo's eyes slowly shifted to their original eye colours. . . The purple tears and liquid stayed, but his eyes had gone back to normal. . .
Ranboo looked at his hands in horror, seeing blood in the palm of his hands and more dripping from his mouth. . .
He looked at his friends in horror, Karl gently reached for him, holding his arm for comfort, before Ranboo got the idea that he had hurt someone. . . Or people. . .

