°Chapter 18: Some Development. . .°

Sir Billiam's POV~

Karl has asked me to not mention anything about my time period, the masquerade or the killings.
Which was fine, I just felt concerned on how Karl hides all this and doesn't have the urge to just to tell someone about all this. . .
I did promise Karl I'd tell him why I did all this, why I invited Rich People just to kill them. . .

. . .

As Karl took me around, I was amazed by all the unique builds, but what was concerning was the fact that red vines were nearly everywhere,"How did it spread so much. . .? I didn't think it could ever go this far.", Karl sighed,"Yeah. . . At first The Egg didn't do anything, but Bad slowly fell under it's control, Skeppy tried everything he could to stop Bad, but in the end, Bad choose The Egg over him. This resulted in Skeppy turning red and under it's control.", I nod,"I see. . . So, The Egg took this Skeppy as a motive for him?", he nods,"Yeah, I believe so.", I nod,"When someone is at their most vulnerable moment, The Egg acts like a Devil, make a deal with the devil.", Karl nods,"True.", "Woah, I didn't know Techno had a twin!", Karl jumped so much,"Jesus!", a man with brown hair with white streaks and another Pigman, who may be Techno, were in shock,"U-Um, no this is not my twin.", Karl took a deep breath,"N-No, this is just another friend from outside of The SMP.", I held my hand,"Billiam. Friend of Karl's.", the pigman smiled and shook my hand,"Technoblade. And this Wilbur.", he waved,"Hey. I didn't know Karl had other friends outside of this place.", "Damm. Thanks.", Wilbur the looked at Karl,"So~ How come you never told us? Or why is he here, is he visiting??", Karl looked at me,"Well, um, kind of? He can offer us some help on The Egg, right?", they look at me, I bod,"I can.", Techno sighed heavily,"OK, because I'm about to kill Bad.", now I see what Karl goes through everyday. . .

So, while they were reviewing what I wrote Karl had filled me in on everything about his time period just so it what seemed less suspicious, he suggested that I could just also say that I just grew up in a strict household with no electronics as Karl calls it. . .
The door opened and Karl smiled,"Oh, he drinks!", "Yeah, I thought your friend and you might be thirsty so I got you both some tea.", I look up,"That is nice of you, Sir-", "Call me Phil, Billiam. I'm not one for formal stuff, mate.", I was definitely taken it back, not by the informality but. . . He looked very familiar. . .
Karl waved him bye,"That's Phil. He's probably one of the sane people here, who keeps Techno from murder and is really nice.", I nod,"He does seem nice. . . He also seems familiar. . .", Karl raised his eyebrows,"He does?", I nod. . . He definitely reminds me of him. . .

Tommy's POV~

Me, Tubbo and Ranboo watched as Foolish and Eret did this so called training. . .
It was the simple sword training but both of them were obviously skilled, me and Wilbur didn't trust Eret much because of L'manberg, but we didn't really have a choice in this situation. . .

. . .

That and I was still freaked out about his eyes. . .


Tubbo and Ranboo both had their bets on who could potentially win this training. . .
Soon, it ended with a draw!
Eret and completely out of breath but Foolish wasn't, he was slightly breathless but not as much as Eret,"Heh, you did really good, Eret!", he smiled and slightly brushed his fringe out of the way,"Heh, I um. . . Thanks.", Tubbo then ran over as Eret fixed his glasses,"THAT WAS SO COOL!!", Ranboo nods,"Yeah, how did you do that one move with the sword???", "Well, I just um...", as Eret talked to Ranboo and Tubbo about his sword, I looked at Foolish who looked at me,"Call Eret's eyes monsterus again and you'll be known as CookedInnit.", I gulp, I managed to piss off another God. . .


"Kill the boy. Bring me Sir Billiam. And bring me Foolish's accomplice."

"As you wish."

". . . You still choose it over me. . ."
