Matsuoka Rin x Reader (PART4) Twins

You were shocked by seeing Haru stopped swimming in a halfway during the individual freestyle race in regional tournament. Even though he seemed to be fine after the medley race with Iwatobi teammate. You truly know that Haru was very confused about what he would do after graduated.   Since you both were twins, the feeling of you both were connected.

It was the Obon holiday, there was a festival in Iwatobi town. Nagisa, Rei, Makoto, You and Haru joint the festival together. It should be a nice day after the regional tournament. Until Makoto and Haru argued about Haru's decision about his future. You were there. It was your first time seeing Makoto and Haru fight to each other. You never thought this would happen to both of them. You were shocked and started crying while Haru angrily walked pass you without a bit glancing at you. Makoto stopped following Haru because he saw you were standing there and crying.  

"I can't go back home now" 

"I don't know what should I do if I see him there in this situation" You said with crying.

Then Makoto took you to his house and he realized that he was not the one who can solve this problem. So he decided to call Rin and asked for help.

At Rin's house you and Makoto arrived there half an hour after Makoto's calling. As soon as you saw Rin, you ran to him and hugged him tight. 

"Rin, please ... please help Haruka" You begged Rin while buried your face on his chest and cried. 

Rin was a bit surprised for what you did.  

"Sorry to trouble you again, Rin" Makoto apologized to Rin 

"I can't see any one who can help but you"

"Don't worry, just leave it to me. Gou will take care of (y/n) tonight" "About Haru, I will go to see him tomorrow" Rin assured to Makoto that he will help. Then Makoto went back home alone. He believed that leaving you with Rin is better.

That night Gou let you slept in her room. She prepared the futon for you to sleep next to her bed. 

After took a bath, Rin wanted to make sure that you already slept tight. So he slightly opened Gou's room to check. Gou already slept but you didn't. You were sitting up and still crying.  

Rin walked into the room and embraced you before asking you for what happen.

"I can feel it. I can feel how Haruka pains for what happened today" 

"I knew it for long how much he confuse but I can't do anything" You moaned and groaned. 

Rin afraid that this will wake Gou up from sleep.

"Ssh, you will wake her up" "Let's go to my room"

Rin carried you up and took you to his room. He left you on his bed and laid down beside you.

He let you hugged him and he held you back. Let you cried on him as much as you want. 

"I know how you feel, I will help him for sure. I promise"

 "And tonight I will be beside you until you feel better, okay?" 

 Rin kissed on your forehead.

Rin's warm cured your pain and made you feel more relax until you slept.


In the morning, you woke up alone on his bed and Rin wasn't in the room. 

You got up and walk out his room. The moment you opened the door it was the same time that Gou walked out from her room. 

"What? (y/n) chan, I thought you were in my room all night!"

 "Hehh.. what happened to you guys?" Gou was teasing you.

"Na.. na.. nothing happened!"

 "I just worried that I will wake you up so..."

"So you moved to sleep in onii-chan's room?" Gou teased you again and laughed.

"What an annoying morning" 

Rin's voice loud out from the living room. He slept there, on a sofa.

"You slept there all night?"

 "I'm sorry to trouble you" You apologized.

"Never mind, or you want me to sleep with you in my room?" Rin smirked.

"Of cause not!" You refused even thought your heart said that you don't mind.


Rin decided to dragged Haru to Australia with him to explore the new experiences.

On the day they back to Japan, you and Makoto were at the airport to wait for them. You worried a bit about how's going with Haru.

When Haru and Rin arrived, you ran to Haru and hugged him tight. You saw his smile. You felt it. You felt that Haru has no confusing anymore.

"Sorry to make you worry" Said Haru.

"No, I'm glad to see that you are okay today" By saying that, you hugged your brother tight.

And it was great to see Haru and Makoto smile to each other again.


At the Tokyo stadium, you texted Rin that you want to see him before the National tournament start. Rin came to see you in a park near the stadium.

"How about Haru right now?" Rin asked.

"I hope what I did could help him"

"He is getting much better, a wall in his heart was collapsed now"

"You really saved him" You said with smile

You made Rin brushed a bit and before he said anything, you kissed on his cheek.

"Thank you, Rin" " And good luck for the competition today"

