Matsuoka Rin x Reader (PART 2) Meet you again

Eventhough Rin made you a promise that he will keep you a contact. After he left to Australia for 1 year, you never received the letters from him anymore. 

After graduated from Iwatobi secondary school, you decided to study in a high school of  Arts in Tokyo. It was a first time that you separated from your twin brother. You didn't want to but it's your dream to become an architect. With the talent of arts, you could entrance the school easily. 

You heard from Haru that Rin already back to Japan but you didn't want to see him. The one who broke the promise. 

Haru was so much worried about you to live alone in Tokyo, that's why he kept calling you everyday. Beside from your life in Tokyo, the conversation were about Hatuka and Iwatobi swimming team and sometimes Haru talked about him, Rin. 

Even though you always said that you don't want to hear anything about Rin, you never deny when Haru talk about him and how strange he was. 

Haru told you that Iwatobi team will join the regional tournament and you promised to go to see them. 

In the competition day, you were a bit late. While running to the stadium, you bumped into a guy and fell on the floor. That guy apologized and held you up. Then you noticed that he was wearing a Samezuka swimming club uniform. 

"Samezuka?" you was surprised 

"Yes, we are Samezuka" "I'm glad that you know us, cutie" Seijuro, a Samezuka swimming captain said with a bit flirty.

"Rin" Out of control, you said his name out. 

"Matsuoka? you know him? Ah, he is here" "Hey Matsuoka, I'm so envious that you know many cute girls"  

Out of the blue, Seijuro dragged you to be in front of Rin. Your eyes met his. It was the first time after you both never see each other for 4 years.  Rin was extremely surprised to see you here. Before he started saying anything, you interrupted by saying out..

"Onii-chan will never go down to you!"  Then you started walking straight into the stadium. 

You used to like him so much. You used to smiled at him. But now he is only Haruka's opponent. No need to please him.

When the competition started, you was shocked that Rin failed in an individual competition.  

Then your heart was filled up with pleasure again when you saw Haru, Makoto, Nagisa and Rin swam medley together again. 

After the competition end, eventhough both Iwatobi and Samezuka were fined, you all were happy to get Rin back and re-memorize the precious time as they were in Iwatobi swimming club together . 

Haru walked with you to the bus-stop because you were going to the airport to get back to Tokyo. 

You hugged Haru very tight and told him that you will come back to Iwatobi asap.

When the bus arrived Haru kissed your hair and let you go into the bus. 

Suddenly, you notice that Rin was running to the bus!!. Unfortunately, the bus has departed. Rin tried to say something but you couldn't hear what he said. 

You didn't know what was Rin trying to say but this made you happy and smile again.

"It's a great day right?" 

