
*sad music* *crying* *loneliness*

So... Time to tell my sob story.

Every friendship I've had has been fake. Just someone tricking me into a false sense of having a friend just to break my fragile little heart later on.

But... *happy music* *laughter*

Year five. I met these people, it started out having one of the only true friends if ever had (since year one) introduce me to these six people. They were literally the best things that ever happened to me. I had seen them around but never introduced myself. So we became friends. And why change their names? They're flipping amazing. Madison, Lindsey, Hannah (the friend who introduced me), Tristan, Connor, Ty and Isabella.

I call Isabella 'Bellie' so if I'm ever talking about my friends again, if I say Bella or Bellie, it's her. And I like to call Madison 'Maddie' though she allows no one else to call her this.

But anyway, we're all gamers and some of us decided to make a group YouTube channel. It's me, Maddie, Bellie, Connor, Tristan and Lindsey. Hannah isn't that big on gaming and Ty is (in the most loving way possible) the biggest noob ever. But for our YouTube channel, we've recorded A LOT. I mean A LOT. But haven't gotten a chance to upload.

We once had Funday at our school, and we all got 'SQUAD' painted on our foreheads at the face paint booth. We took a ton of pictures.

Another day we went on a trip with our grade as a reward for the semester. We had went to Bo's and discovered a selfie stick on the bus. Connor grabbed it and stuck it in the middle of the isle and, after half an hour of struggle, we managed to take a selfie.

Once on Skype, we played never have I ever (minecraft version). We made a Parkour and if you hadn't done the thing someone said, you got to move a block forward. Whoever reached the end first won. Basically, whoever had the least eventful life won. We discovered how lonely I was... Upon saying: "Never have I ever had a serious bae" and "Never have I ever kissed anyone" and being the only one who moved forward. Uhuh. That's my life.

So yeah... If any of the people I've mentioned happens to read this, Love you guys! <3
