Chapter 35: THE TRUTH

Adelaide has just finished filling up the large gallons of water, she puts both hands on her waist massaging it, her baby has been very active since he started kicking last week. Clarice had told her that her baby is probably a boy since he is overly active. She could've sworn that it was the other way around, when a baby is overly active it's a girl, and when the child is calm and not disturbing too much, it's a boy. Either way, Adelaide wanted to call her baby a he or she so Clarice's method seemed to do the trick.

"How are you, my love?" she smiles, rubbing her belly.

"ADELAIDE!" her master yells. She could've sworn he had gone to bed!  

"I'm coming My Lord!" she exclaims, running as fast as she can, inside the house. The stench of alcohol fills her nostrils, he has been drinking again, it's never a good sign and Clarice is not here.

Grayson's pot belly competes with Adelaide's baby bump now with Grayson having the upper hand. The smelling hag is sitting on a rocking chair with a bottle in hand, his eyes are red, glaring at her belly before looking up at her.

"Where is Clarice?"

"S-she went to the market, My Lord," Adelaide responds, bowing.

"Look at you. Went to the castle and got yourself knocked up by a fool. You thought you could stay there forever? Thought life was better? Thought you were better than me?"

"I apologize, My Lord." It's nothing new to Adelaide, as her master never seizes to rain all sorts of insults on her and her baby. She was whipped when he first found out and saw her baby bump, but he realized he needed her to give birth as that would mean another slave for him. Adelaide has no intention to raise her baby in this place, that is why both her and Clarice have planned to run away in due time. A time when Grayson will least expect it, that will prevent them from being caught, whipped, re-branded, and enslaved all over again.

"You're apologizing for that bastard in your belly or the bastard that knocked you up?"

"I'm apologizing for upsetting you."

Grayson laughs out loud, standing up from his chair. "There's only one way to apologize to me. I wanted you before that idiot had you to his fill. But it's alright, let me have a taste of what I have been craving since you first came into this house."

Adelaide takes a step back when she sees her master walk forward. "M-My Lord," she says, her heart pounding.

"No no no," he says, bringing out a knife, "If you want that bastard to live, come here and do as I say."

Maria barges into the prince's chambers as he's finishing up, getting ready for the party.

"She did not come." Nicholas turns to her, "Are you sure you checked everywhere?"

"Yes, your highness, the gates have been closed for the commoners but she nor her masters never made it through."

Chadwick sighs, sitting on the bed and rubbing his temple.

"You need to go see her," Maria says, looking at him with a worried expression.

Chadwick lets out a humorless laugh, "She made it clear she never wants to see me again. She used me."

"I don't want to call you a fool, your highness, but you're a fool."

Nicholas looks up at her, his eyes wide in shock. When did she get this bold with him?


"You're a fool if you think she meant everything she said."

"I know she doesn't! But she's clearly given up and I can't be the only one fighting-"

"For God's sake, your highness, she's a slave! She can never think the same way you would. She will take Grace's death threat to heart because she knows she has no value in society! You are the prince and you know what you're capable of. You know the extent you will go to keep her with you. Over these months you have become a lifeless body! Grace can never give you happiness the same way Adelaide can. You love her too much to give your heart to someone else. She loves you, and you love her."

Nicholas looks up at Maria's frustrated expression, a smile tugging at his lips. "You should've given me this confidence weeks ago."

"I thought you were smart and would come back to your senses, I was wrong."

A chuckle escapes his lips as he stands up, bringing her into a hug. "I need you to tell Charlotte and James to stall for me, till I get back."

"Of course, now get out of here."

Nicholas grabs a black cloak, wearing it over his attire, jumping out of the window.

Maria's eyes almost bulge out of her sockets as she races to the window looking out, only to see him skillfully make his way down, like a spider, landing on the ground and running to the stable.

"I forgot he's trained to do worse," she says to herself heading outside to find Charlotte and James.

Nicholas follows the back trail to avoid being seen by any guards, he goes through the familiar forest he hadn't taken in months. His heart pounds as he gets down from his horse, inching closer to the house. The sound of a scream gets his attention, the voice of a woman begging all too known to him.

Grayson had slammed her against the floor, kicking her, aiming for her belly, as she refused to let him have his way with her. Adelaide begs as she curls up, using her hands and legs to shield her baby.

"You think you're better than me?!" he yells, continuing his assault.

The pain is getting unbearable, as her voice is becoming more hoarse, her strength giving up. The sudden stop of his assault, the sound of a jawbone breaking, Grayson's yelp of pain, and loud thud, causes Adelaide to look up, the last person she could only imagine would be here is actually here.

Nicholas does not look at her, his glare fixed on the man laying on the floor. Grayson looks up and is half mortified and angry that The prince of Amaris is standing there.

"Your highness! If you're here when your engagement is today, it can only mean one thing. You're the one that knocked this bitch up. You never seize to make my life a living hell you two-faced snake! I'll kill both of you!" He stands up charging to the Prince with his knife, but Nicholas steps to the side, grabbing him in a choke-hold, and slamming him to the floor again. The prince only sees red as he pounces on top of the drunk, breaking every bone in his face as his knuckles keep colliding with it. Adelaide pushes her fears to the side as she runs up to him, holding his arm, "You'll kill him!" she exclaims, but Nicholas yanks his hand away from her, Adelaide losing her balance and falling on her side hissing in pain.

Chadwick only stands up from the body when he's made sure it's not moving again. The man backs her, panting, his blood still boiling. 

The sniffles from his lover cause him to turn around, his heart stopping as he sees her protruding belly, her face bruised up. She's been pregnant all this time?! He takes a step towards her, but she scoots backward, looking at him with fear in her eyes, before bowing her head, her tears flowing uncontrollably, "Please don't hurt me," she begs, shaking. She has never seen the prince hit anyone, her trauma from constantly being beaten, flashing before her eyes.

Nicholas feels his heart clench upon hearing her words. He wipes his hands on his cloak, slowly squatting down, her head still bowed.

"Addy," he calls gently, lifting up her chin, the sight of her tears and fear hurting him. "Princess, why would I hurt you?"

She does not reply, swallowing hard. Nicholas immediately embraces her, kissing her forehead, and rubbing her back soothingly, the young lady, slowly lifting up her hands, hugging him back, her tears flowing more.

When he feels that she has calmed down, he asks, "Why didn't you tell me?"

She breaks the hug, looking up at him, "I was scared...I didn't want you to be upset with me."

"Princess, why would I be upset with you?"

She looks back down at her palms, "I thought about how it will ruin your life if anyone found out."

"Don't do the thinking for me."

"I'm sorry." Nicholas tilts her chin up to him, claiming her lips. He loves this woman so much. If anything, the baby is a blessing to him. He can't possibly think of anyone he would want to bear his children, than the woman in front of him. Adelaide responds to his kiss, she has missed him so much, his warm touch, his whispers in her ear, the feeling of his body against hers, she's missed everything.

Chadwick breaks the kiss, resting his forehead on hers. "Don't apologize princess." His hand gently rests on her bump, the baby kicking almost immediately. Nothing, but warmth feels his heart, as he looks back up to his lover. "I love you so much."

A smile tugs at her lips but doesn't last, "I love you too, but you need to go." 

What do you guys think?

As said in my announcement, there will be a triple update! I worked hard to bring all three at once and I hope you enjoy it! 

This chapter is dedicated to painheart13, my new followers! Thank you for following me! 

