So we gathered our three female leads for an interview, to get to know more about them and what went on in their stories. This interview was conducted by Sellyfronce, so as to resolve some unanswered questions. Let's begin!

Sellyfronce: Thank you for agreeing to meet with me.

Adelaide: It's our pleasure 😊

Sellyfronce: First question! What was the first thing that came to mind when you first locked eyes with your partner?

Saya: Definitely Handsome...manwhore as well. Don't tell him I said that part😬 *chuckles*

Laila: Handsome...he's a very handsome man😊

Adelaide: Honestly...I just thought...I'm about to die πŸ˜‚

Ladies: *All laugh*

Saya: I can't imagine that

Adelaide: Don't even try, it was terrifying πŸ˜…

Sellyfronce: What is something you wish you can change about your story?

Adelaide: That my husband's parents were more accepting of me. Then he wouldn't have lost the only family he had. He wouldn't have given up on his kingdom.

Saya: *takes deep breath* I wish my family didn't die on me...all at that time especially. I had hoped that because my sisters were not close by, that they would survive. But word travelled very quickly. As soon as they heard I was in the kingdom, they came...but I couldn't last time. *sniffles* sorry.

Sellyfronce: It's okay! Take your time.

Laila, and Adelaide, pat and rub her back.

Saya: In my story it looked like I moved on fairly quickly, but I didn't. It took me years to accept it, and move on with my life, because my children need me. If I dwelled on the past, I'd neglect them, I didn't want to do that.

Laila: Hmmm mine would sister giving up on life. I understand that she was the villain, but the memories of when we were children, and how she would take care of me...I couldn't let that go, despite everything she did.

Sellyfronce: This brings me to my next question. Princess Saya, everyone seems to blame you for what happened when Oma came and hypnotized your husband?

Saya: *chuckles* Yes! To be honest, if I were given the option, I would save her again at that banquet. People didn't see what I saw in her. Oma was a woman who just wanted to be better than what people saw her as. At that time, the only better thing was being the Queen.

Laila: *nods* If people read my story, they will see that all Oma wanted to do was to escape this destiny of being the next witch, but...people broke her, and to become better and prove that she could escape destiny...she sought after the crown.

Saya: I needed my husband to understand why literacy in women was important. Saving Oma reinforced my idea. Imagine allowing him to kill Oma, and then say, "You should abolish tradition." Any sane man would say, "Oma and her maid were just bad fruits, no one else would turn out that way." Keeping them alive kept the memories of what happened, fresh in his mind, it made him more open to understanding. I bet if he had killed them, whatever I would say right after wouldn't register like it did in my story.

Sellyfronce: So you believe if the tradition of literacy concerning women had never been put in place, Oma wouldn't have turned out the way she did?

Laila & Saya: Definitely

Laila: I know she had hurt Saya, but I wanted her to taste freedom one more time before she died.

Saya: You knew she was going to die?

Laila: Yeah. She was cursed by her own mother, there was no way she wouldn't after seeing the state she was in.

Adelaide: It seems one can never escape destiny...I'm sorry for your loss Laila.

Laila: Thank you. It must have been hard when you found out your husband's kingdom had been invaded.

Adelaide: I was so sure he was going to leave meπŸ˜…...that he was going to blame me. Thinking about it now, I have no idea why I thought that way since he'd always been so good to me-

Saya: You were a slave all your life. It's not your fault. πŸ™‚

Adelaide: *Nods* I was also pregnant at the time, so my emotions were also everywhere. *chuckles* But I guess...I finally understood where he was coming from, and at least it was your kingdom that invaded.

Laila: Stephan was so scared that he had appointed the wrong officials. Turns out it was my brothers behind it. 😞

Saya: If they were your brothers, they wouldn't have tried to sacrifice Eden and Eve.

*Saya takes Laila's hand giving it a reassuring squeeze, earning a smile from Laila*

Sellyfronce: Who is your favorite child?

Laila: How dare you ask such a question?😐

Saya: Have you gone mad?🀨

Sellyfronce: *sweats and chuckles dryly*

Adelaide: What do you mean? That's a perfect question. My husband is my favorite child.πŸ˜„

Saya and Laila: πŸ˜‚

Laila: You're right. I believe Saya is the only person who can't say that. Her husband would never act like a child.

Saya: Sorry to blow your confidence but Xerxes has his moments. When we bathe together and he just sits there because he wants me to wash him, or he won't touch his meal unless I sit with him...that's about all of it though πŸ˜…

Ladies: *laughs*

Adelaide: I could've never imagined King Xerxes would be like that.

Laila: Exactly! He hardly smiles! I swear I've never seen him smile

Sellyfronce: Leading to my next question. Has that changed Queen Saya...your husband smiling?

Saya: To be honest...not really πŸ˜‚*chuckles* I'm convinced he was supposed to come with instructions. Something like 'How To Make Xerxes Smile' because he only smiled twice in our love story. When I accepted his proposal and when Elior was born, his smirking doesn't count apparently. Honest truth, he would literally smile when our children are born and that is it.

Adelaide: You've got to be joking😦

Saya: I wish I was!πŸ˜†

Laila: So like he's forcing himself to smile at those moments or what?

Saya: No! That's the funny thing! It would just creep up on his face and it's the most beautiful smile ever! But literally after that...he doesn't smile. But he still makes my sons and daughter laugh without smiling so I guess he's really talented. *shrugs*

Laila: *laughs* Stephan overdid his. Like he was smiling and laughing and my daughters were just over it.

Adelaide: Oh no! My children love it when Nicholas smiles or laughs. They would put their fingers in his dimples.

Saya & Laila: Awww!! πŸ₯°

Laila: That's so cute!

Adelaide: I know! My heart can't handle it.😭 Now that I think about it. Is that why you kept having children Saya...because you want to see him smile again?

Saya: πŸ€”...If you tell him that, would he let me have another?

Adelaide & Laila: SAYA!

Saya: It's only a joke! πŸ˜‚

Sellyfronce: Why don't we go in order and say the number of children you have, and their names in the order they were born.

Adelaide: I have four children. Nakoa, a boy. Asher, my second born, Amelia, my third born, and the first daughter, then Fiora, is my last born and 2nd daughter.

Laila: I have four as well. Two sets of twin girls. The first is Eve, and Eden, the second is Tabitha and Talitha.

Saya: Well I have six children. Elior is the first, the twins Arthur and Kit, are the second and third, Roldan is my fourth, Elia is my fifth, Euric is my sixth and last child.

Sellyfronce: have a lot

Saya: Thank you 😊

Laila: Would you believe me if I said she wanted another after that?

Adelaide: You'd be lying

Laila: Only I'm not

Saya: I was trying to get Elia a sister! 😭

Laila: She uses that as an excuse.

Adelaide: So why did you stop? Euric is a boy

Saya: I know. In fact, I had told him when I was pregnant with Euric that I wanted another after, but then I almost died giving birth to him. I was told I stopped breathing, and Xerxes said no more after that. I could see the fear written all over his face, and I felt bad.

Adelaide: *nods* It must have been difficult for him.

Saya: I cried. I realized my husband would always say yes to my requests, and I capitalized on it...I was very selfish. I was so caught up in what I wanted, I didn't open my eyes to what I was putting him through every time I went into labor. I couldn't look him in the eyes for weeks, I felt like the worst wife anyone could ever have.

Sellyfronce: Don't be so hard on yourself. I'm glad you realized that sooner.

Saya: *Nods* I'm glad too. πŸ™‚

Sellyfronce: Adelaide, people were upset when you were scared of Nicholas the day he came to rescue you after all those months, even angry that you didn't tell him of your pregnancy when you decided to part ways.

Adelaide: 😦 Well I'd like to see how they would handle slavery then. I was whipped, assaulted, abused, and when I saw Nicholas beating up that man, I was scared. It wasn't enough that Nicholas loved me, because there were people more powerful than he was that would love to see me hanging dead. I'd rather lie to keep him away so that my child and I would be safe than to risk it with him when if something went wrong he would blame himself for the rest of his life. It took years for me to get over that trauma so I don't expect them to understand. However, getting angry at me and my actions is completely unfair.

Laila: It's hard when people don't try to see things from your perspective

Saya: It's absolutely heartbreaking. That's why I always tell my children to always look at things from others' perspectives.

Sellyfronce: One of the main reasons for this interview is to clear such air, and I'm sorry people didn't understand you, Adelaide.

Adelaide: It's alright *chuckles dryly* let's move on

Sellyfronce: Alright. Laila, people found it embarrassing when you kept going back to Stephan. They also found it upsetting that you were angry because Stephan knew about your secret all along, that you should've been happy he was okay with it.

Laila: *scoffs* Happy?! Stephan was not kind to me! One moment he's apologizing and acting sweet and the next he was calling me an idiot. How does anyone think that him knowing and acting like it doesn't matter is a positive sign? It is out of the ordinary for Stephan to have reacted the way he did. It was scary. It angered me that such a large fact about my life didn't phase him, but a small incident of being nice to Arthur drove him insane! I couldn't believe him, I couldn't believe it, and then there was the situation of what would possibly happen if the people found out. So much went on in such a short amount of time. It's okay that people couldn't understand my predicament, but judging me for my reaction is just mean.

Saya: I would have never guessed Stephan would behave that way towards you. He seemed so sweet.

Adelaide: He's very talented at it, I can tell.

Laila: I know you're going to ask who is the better person Sellyfronce, and yes, looking at it from the outside, Arthur is a better man, and he was a better man to me, but I found it weird that that was the only side of him I saw. That was the only side he showed me. I saw Stephan's bad and good sides, and ultimately made my decision to stay with him. I'm definitely not trying to discredit Arthur, just something I want the readers to think about.

Sellyfronce: *nods* Saya, you were criticized heavily for saving Oma at the beginning, where you ended up in the cold room.

Saya, Adelaide, Laila: πŸ˜‚

Saya: To be fair, I believed what angered Xerxes more was the fact that I hid it from him, and he thought I did so because I was scared of Oma, which was not the case. When I decided to take her place, it dawned on him that he misread the situation, and covered it up by punishing me instead. This is all what I think happened though. I had a lot of sisters, and peace among us made life enjoyable. I had hoped that would have happened with Oma.

Laila: I guess we were both hoping that she would change.

Adelaide: To be fair, it is deemed quite honorable to take someone's punishment. It shows you care for the person. Saya cares about everyone.

Saya: We all care about everyone.

Saya, Adelaide, Laila: *nod*

Sellyfronce: Well I guess we're out of time as we're approaching 2000 words! Should we do this again?

Saya: Definitely

Adelaide: I would love for the men to be interviewed.

Laila: That would be lovely πŸ˜‚

Saya: Hopefully Xerxes agrees to it.

Adelaide: He would agree to anything you say.

Laila: If he doesn't, blackmail him.

Saya: πŸ˜‚

Sellyfronce: Thank you ladies for agreeing to meet with me!

Adelaide, Saya, Laila: Thank you! Keep showing our stories love!πŸ‘‹

Sellyfronce: If anyone has any questions, comments or concerns you would like the male leads to address in our next episode please drop them here!

