Chapter 2

Aghanya's POV:

"Aghanya didi!"

A small voice chime. I looked around to see Diya calling me. Walking upto her I examined her drawing. It was mostly scribbles but I could make out a figure of a little girl holding hands with a figure of a women.

"Dish is me and dish is you!" She pointed to the figures.

"Wow Diya! This is such a pretty drawing." Once I said it, her eyes lit up like the night of Diwali. Her face graced with a smile and she stood on her tip toes and kissed my cheek.

After that, I checked on the drawings of other children. I smiled at the sight. I loved children. Children were the only good thing in the entire world. But the thought of all these children not having parents killed me inside.

They were all orphans. I helped out at this orphanage every weekend. Friends was something that I lacked. All the girls of my age and status always wanted to party and shop around. They lived in their own cocoon of their made up perfect world. They refused to see the miseries outside their comfort. I never liked that.

Infact, my mom hates me that I'm not a socialite like her. I wanted to do something for the society, something for the world but my parents dis agreed. They thought that business should be ruthless and you shouldn't share your proceeds with anyone else.

I walked out of the orphanage and waved at the kids. Getting in the car, I waved back at them again.

"How was your day, Ramu kaka?" I asked my driver. He was a kind man.

"Just like everyday, beti. How was your day?"

I replied, "My day was actually nice kaka, How is everyone at home?"

"They're all good. Your kaki wants you to visit again for dinner." He said smiling.

I remembered Sugundha Kaki, she was a nice lady. She treated me like a second daughter.

"I will kaka, sometime soon."

We arrived at my house. Or you can call it a mansion. I walked inside and quickly climbed the stairs to go to my room, avoiding my mother.

"Aghanya!" She called out. I let out a curse and went inside the drawing room where she was seated.

"Aghanya, come sit down." My dad said, seated beside mom. I sat down on the couch opposite to them. My mother checked out what I was wearing and shook her head in disappointment. I looked down to my attire. A kurta and a jeans, what was wrong with that?

"Aghanya... there's this boy..." My father started. I knew where this was going. My parents always tried to push me towards bachelors for marriage. They would agree to court me after my father's proposal to them but once they saw me, they'd reject me.

I wasn't beautiful, I was aware of that. I was just plain rich and no body wanted a plain rich girl except for the money of course. A year back my father tried to pay one of the bachelors to marry me by promising him half of his riches, as soon as I came to know about it, I made dad promise me that he'd never do it again.

I didn't want a guy to marry me because of my riches. I wanted someone who loves me. But it was nearly impossible, unattractive people don't deserve love. I want a guy who atleast respects me and isn't after my riches.

"No dad!" I said cutting him off.

"Aghanya... listen to me. This boy's family has itself asked for your hand in marriage." My dad smiled at me. Actually my mom smiled too. They both seemed happy.

"What? Who is he?" I asked shocked.

"He is..." My mother picked up Vogue India and tapped the cover, "him!" She sang.

My jaw dropped to the ground. On the cover was Viren Raizada, one of top 10 hottest bachelors in India. He was rumoured to be dating Natasha Kapoor, that bollywood actress.

"Is this a joke?" I asked after collecting myself.

"What?" My mother sighed. "No, their parents really came to us talking about marriage."

Something was wrong. This was suspicious. Why would number 3 of hottest bachelors in India want to marry a plain someone like me? And when he has a super hot girlfriend?

"Did you promise something monetary to him dad?" I asked him.

He hesitated at first but replied with a no.

Now I was confused. Why Viren? What do you want from me?

"Also! We got invited to their party at The Raizada Hotel." My mom said excitedly.

"You guys go, I'm not in the mood." I replied with my usual response. I hated these parties. They were only for the Crème-de-la-crème. Where girls and women dressed up to out dress each other. Guys went there to score. I hated such events.

"No you have to come, Viren will be there. You both can talk and see if there's a spark?" My mom said fixing her hair.

"Just tell him no. I'm n-"

Mom cut me before I could complete my sentence, "No! Aghanya! This guy wants to meet you and get to know you and marry you genuinely. You are not throwing away such a golden opportunity and wiling away your life as a spinster! You're coming and impressing the hell out of that boy and marrying him! That's it!" She ranted out.

I had no other option other than to nod my head in affirmative.


Arriving at the party I already felt like a sore thumb sticking out. Everyone here was dressed extravagantly and here I was dressed like a hobo. Great! Just great! I moved to the edge of the terrace to find some quiet.

"Hey!" A male voice said. I turned to look and saw none other than Viren. He was even more attractive in person. His brown eyes held mischief and he wore a killer smile like always.

"Viren Raizada." I acknowledged him.

"Is it just me or people say their own name for introducing themselves?" He chuckled.

My heart skipped a beat at that. Now that was dangerous.

"Aghanya Jha.." My name slurred of his tongue and I couldn't help but feel a shiver down my spine.

I mentally scolded myself. What are you doing Aghanya? Get a hold of yourself.

"Yep, that's me." I muttered.

"Waiter!" He called out to the waiter who was carrying a tray full of drinks. I slightly nodded at him saying no and he went away.

"I don't drink." I stated out.

"Why not?" He asked curiously.

"Because it makes man stupid. It meddles with your brain and it's the root cause of all evils."

He said, " Hmm.. but it is good for your health too if we intake it in limited amounts."

"Sounds something like an alcoholic would say." I replied at him to which he pulled his head back and laughed. He looked so charming while laughing. I wished I could record it and play it again and again.

I shook my head. What am I thinking? He wants this. He wants my approval, he wants something else.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked him. His laughter snapped out and he stared at me. "What?" He asked. "Why are you doing this? Being charming? Asking my hand in marriage? What is it that you really want? Money?"

He stared at me with his mouth open but composed himself. "Now why would you think that?" He asked.

"Because I know the type of girls you date and I'm not that type."

He took a step forward. He was so close, I could smell his cologne. And it was making me dizzy. My heart thudded with excitement. I hated this. All of these reactions he got out of me.

"But what if you're my type?" He asked dead serious.

"I-I'm not!" I stammered and took a step back. "I'm not anyone's type!" I muttered at him.

"Why do you have walls build up? So damn high? You're not only keeping others out but also keeping yourself in." He said.

"Because the one truly worthy will climb over them." I replied.

He was about to reply something but we were interrupted by my folks and his folks.

"Ahh look at these love birds!" My mom sang. Blood rushed to my cheeks. This was so embarrassing.

"I hope we hear wedding bells soon." His dad commented and everyone laughed.

I wanted to hide my face. Thank God I wan't fair toned or it would've been really obvious that I was blushing.

After some time of chatting, where they all chatted with each other. I kept quiet. His presence was so overwhelming. His arm would brush mine while he talked sometimes and sparks would run up my arm.

After a while, My mom bid them adieu and as I was walking towards the exit. And hand pulled my elbow backwards, I crashed into something hard. Until I realised it was his chest. My whole back was now on fire.

His mouth was close to my ear his breath hitting my neck. A blush crept to my face.

"Build your walls as high as you want. You said you wanted someone to climb over them? Well, challenge accepted!"

Saying that he let me go, I turned back rapidly to look at him. He gave me a wink and walked away. All I was left with was a dropped jaw and an amazing view of his muscular back.


A/N: Vote, comment, follow. I'm in love with this story. I wish I complete it soon. I'm so confused with who to cast Viren as, Karan Kundra or Fawad Khan or Siddharth Malhotra? I dunno.... you decide? K bye. Have a nice day ;)
