10 - Perspective


Two days after my father announced my engagement, I was hiding in my study, watching my bride through the screen. Her beauty was undeniable with cocoa hair braided to the side and a white ribbon tied around the bottom. A blush, pink blouse and dark blue jeans weren't the only things she wore. There was also a smile on her face.

It seemed nobody else saw what I did lurking behind that expression. That content on her face was as false as her reason for giving up her future. Zooming in on Nevaeh, it became even more clear that she was scared. I wasn't happy either, but it was different for me.

I knew what was coming. There were no mysterious puzzles to keep me encircled in the panic of the unknown. That well-concealed spark of misery dwelling behind those sage gems and phony happiness made my distaste for the arrangement that much stronger.

My mother came into the room and stood behind me, resting her hand on my shoulder. "What's on your mind, bebé?"

I trembled my head. "It doesn't matter. In the next five minutes, that girl will change everything for me and I have no say."

" Lo siento hijo." (I'm sorry, son.)

"Don't be, " I said, leaning forward and tenting my hands over my mouth, keeping my eyes on my bride. "This isn't your doing. Padre is to blame for this entire mess. It's just like that pendejo to tear me down and make a demand this life-altering!"

"I know, but you know we can end this all, bebé. Many of the men follow your lead as it is. You can-"

"Stop it, " I demanded. "These things you keep saying will get you killed, mamà! I don't want to see you fall victim to his rage!"

There was a long silence before her red-painted nail tapped my screen. "Tell me, hijo, what makes my life more important than hers? How many people must suffer at the hands of Victor Perez before you understand there is no other way?"

"She'll be fine, " I huffed, growing tired of her dramatics. Sure my father had caused many people pain, but my bride's life wasn't on the line.

"Will she, though?" She questioned, making me spin my chair to face her. I could see the battle for air in her loving eyes. I wasn't a fool. She hated my father and every day, that wall gained a new brick. "Nevaeh may not want this marriage but the minute those rings are on your fingers, it changes her from an innocent girl to a wife; your wife. What will that title mean for her? Will she come here and find a kind and caring husband? Or will she walk into a hell she can never escape?"

"Don't be ridiculous, mamà!" I groaned. "You raised me better than that. You know I'd never hurt her."

"Do I?" She twisted a strand of hair around her finger and flicked her eyes to mine. "Ella made you a man that I didn't recognize. You were killing people for looking at her the wrong way! You let that woman bring out the worst in you and he didn't pack up his shit and move into your padre's seaside villa with her! He's still here and that girl didn't ask for this any more than you, so what are you going to do?"

"I'm not sure what you're asking me, " I told her.

"What I'm about to say won't be anything you want to hear, but you're old enough to understand now and you need to listen because I've been where that girl is at." She stooped at my feet and used my knees for elbow props, taking my hands in hers.

"I've lived 35 years in a loveless marriage, hijo. You know our marriage was arranged as well as I know you and your siblings can see our issues. I've remained a faithful and loving wife to a man who has never done the same. It's been woman after woman. And though I don't want your father, his behavior has taken a toll on my soul. I tried to make it work and he let me believe that we could be happy, but it always ended the same way; me coming home to find him with his dick in another stranger under our sheets and every time, it drove me deeper into myself because there was no way out."

"Ah, ma, please just get to the point!"

I knew she was trying to bear her heart to me, but I couldn't stand the thought of living such pain with her or the water rising behind her lashes. It was entirely different to learn from her mouth that she suffered than think I knew what she felt.

"You are destined for greatness. I've always known that. The problem for me is if it will be guided by your heart or your head; will you get lost in the darkness of power or follow the light into happiness?"

She had melted my mind into a confused puddle of mush. She wasn't making any sense and that worried me. "Mamà, I can't see the future so I can't answer that. What does any of this have to do with the girl?"

"It has everything to do with her. The way you treat her, what you say to her, and which path you take from this day as her husband. You, mi hijo, are in charge of how your future turns out. And that starts with what type of man you decided to be in this marriage."

During the silence I was using to think, Nevaeh's voice became loud as the traditional marriage vowels left her mouth. I was drawn to her words and decided that even if my wounds from Ella weren't mended, I'd at least give this marriage a true chance. It was just going to take time.

It's been hours since we returned from our meeting with Marcus and we've already settled on the majority of the small details. Mom wasn't thrilled that Nevaeh chose silver and lilac for the color scheme, but as my wife pointed out numerous times, it's her party and she has the final say.

Watching the two most valuable women in my life giggle over drinks, I smile because they seem to have created a connection already. I'm glad that my mother's words haven't turned Nevaeh off from befriending her.

I've tried multiple times to get a moment alone with my wife, but mother wasn't allowing it. Each task that came to an end, another was there to replace it. During a food break, I listen to them speak, not that I have a choice to join between their lips running and Nevaeh pouring drinks down my throat.

"So, my dress?" Nevaeh asks.

"Oh, Marcella won't be here until 10. She had a busy day. I hope that's okay."

I heave out my annoyance, receiving a scowl from mamà and a snicker from my gorgeous wife. "It's already 8:30. I told you, she and I have things to discuss."

"Well, I'm sorry, but the girl needs a dress."

"She has thousands of dollars worth in her closet already."

Nevaeh pats my leg. "A girl can never have too many gowns, Belle."

"I beg to differ, Bella. (Beauty)" I tell her, pulling her dainty hand to my lips. She smiles at my affection, trying to hide behind her glass of rum.

"You two really are a beautiful couple, " Mother says, staring down at her own beverage. "There was a short time I believed that Victor and I could have a happy marriage bu-"

"Mamà, don't, " I growl, squirming beside my bride, not wanting to let my parents' marriage scare her.

Although my mother had put up with a lot in her life, she had been a strong woman. I know for a fact her affair with Rowan started just before my marriage to Nevaeh. For 35 years she did live a lonely life. Still, I meant what I told my wife; we aren't going to be them and I was going to abolish her poison before it spread.

"I'm only trying to say that it was never there for us. "

Nevaeh's expression twists into confusion in time with mine. "What wasn't, Amada?"

"That sparkle of hope you get looking in each other's eyes, " Mother clarifies, standing up.

Her expression is grim as she turns and walks from the room. I frown at my wife as she stares compassionately.

"I feel bad for her, " I say, rubbing my eyes with one hand. "At the same time, I'm not okay with her comparing us to them."

"I think she's just trying to make herself feel better, " Nevaeh informs me.

"How so?"

"Well, in my opinion, she looks at us and sees what she once prayed for. Obviously, that plea was left unheard and your mamà is saying it out loud now to keep history from repeating itself. I'm not sure the things she said earlier were to hurt me. She's just trying to give me the signal she never got."

"It's an unnecessary warning, Nevaeh," I fuss, pushing her hand off my leg and rising from the chair. I'm bothered, thinking she believes the things my mother said. Had my mother's words already rooted in her mind?

"I know that!" She snaps. "She may not, though! Look at your brothers. One day with them, and I know Lorenzo is as cold-blooded as I've heard your father to be. Mateo obviously goes around poking his stick in anything that has a slit, also familiar with your father. You're his son too and it's not odd that she would fret over inherited behavior from you as well!"

Understanding her final meaning doesn't detour me from getting upset. I can't stand the thought of being correlated to my father. I may have seen him in myself before, but that's changed and I've fought myself to escape that comparison just to have it constantly dangled in front of me. I set my glass down and turn my back to her, not wanting to start a fight.

"Where are you going?" She questions in a faint tone.

"Bed." Is all I reply with, moving quickly to resist further discussion.


My fingers sluggishly run through my hair as one Perez leaves the room and another enters. This family is so damn touchy. Every word uttered makes me feel like it's the final inch of the fuse. I'm not sure what it was that I said to Bellemy to put him back in his sour state, but it's unsettling for me.

Amada sits down and lays her head on the back of the couch. "I'm sorry to upset him. He doesn't like hearing about how unhappy my life has been. I know I shouldn't put that on my children, but I don't want to ever see them following my steps."

"There's nothing wrong with that, Amada, " I comfort her, rubbing her arm. "Wanting a better life for their child is what every good parent desires. However, it can't be easy for him to hear how unhappy his mother has been in hers."

"Probably not, " She sighs. "I'm sorry we never got to play your game."

"Oh, I was just teasing Bellemy. I'm not much of a 20 questions person. I wouldn't mind hearing a little about how and Victor became a couple though. If you're up to sharing, I'm here to listen."

"Oh, I've done enough of that."

"Maybe, but I'm an outsider. It won't be as painful for me to let you vent your worries."

Smiling, Amada wiggles up in her seat, pulling her feet under her. "Well, Our parents arranged our marriage as a way to strengthen our hold on the enemies. Victor's father was reckless and got his family into a bind. Mine wasn't happy with the man I was with and used their situation as a way to rid himself of two problems. I fought at first but Victor was a charmer. His smile was kind and fooled me into accepting the deal. Our ceremony was beautiful and I felt like everything would be okay."

"So what changed?" I ask.

"Our wedding night opened my eyes to the man he was. We got to his house and I was greeted by two other women, naked in our bed, waiting for us. I was livid, of course, and tried to leave after some yelling. He explained that there was no choice. I was his wife and what he said was law."

I hold up my hand, wanting to make sure I was following correctly. "Are you telling me on your first night as husband and wife, he wanted you to share him with two other women?"

"Not only that, he wanted a show. I fought him like hell, but it only made matters worse. I was forced to allow those women to undress me, then watch as they did the same to him. I won't go into too much of the details because they are unspeakable, " Inhaling a deep breath, she wipes a tear away. "In the end, he took what he wanted from me and kicked me out of his room because I was so distraught over what happened. He said he thought he married a woman, not a child."

"I'm so sorry, Amada, " I whisper, unsure of what else I can say. That had to have been terrible. I'm not sure I would have survived a situation like that cause I would have tried to kill the bastard.

"I'm not, " She announces, swirling the ice in her glass and shocking me. I guess my expression gives away my lack of understanding since she continues. "That night gave me Enzo and Carmen and I love them. All of my children may have been conceived during a terrible moment in our relationship, but they made my pain worth it."

"You really are a good mother, Amada. I just don't see why you would continue to deal with this or that man."

"I told you, chica, my family won't back my children if I leave."

"I still don't understand that!" I shout. "If you told them what he's done, they'd understand!"

"I have told my brother, but he's no better than Victor. He believes women are here to serve men and produce heirs. That's all. The Perez family name has grown since my marriage and Diego doesn't want to risk being on the bad side. However, he's ruthless and would go for the only things that matter to Victor if a war broke out. That's our children. I told you things are different for us."

I raise a brow and scoff into my drink. "Yeah, sure seems that way. Look what he did to Bellemy with Ella. That doesn't seem like caring."

"I understand where it looks bad, but from what Victor told me, he never intended for Bellemy to fall for her so hard. She was just supposed to be a fun distraction. In Victor's mind, sleeping with her was the only way to fix his wrong."

"Oh, " I huff, rolling my eyes. "Please, remind me to buy him a trophy filled with gold stars and cookies for his father of the century award."

The doorbell rings and she jumps ups, wiping her eyes carefully. "That's Marcella. Let's get your dress situated so we can rest up for tomorrow."

She pauses on the way to the door. "Can you keep what we talked about to yourself? If my children were to find out how they came to be, they would hate themselves, especially Belle. He has always felt so deeply for others that this would hurt him too much."

I nod in agreement. In no way, do I want to keep things from my husband, but I won't ever bring that sort of turmoil down on him. His mother trusted me with one of her darkest secrets and sometimes it's for the greater good to let them be just that.

Hearing a little about her life, I am able to understand why she was so grim when we had our talk before. She's scared for me and it's easy to understand why now. Yet, I don't believe my husband will be anything like hers and I have to hold onto that belief.
