chapter 9

Trigger warning; suicide

the next morning, when she woke up, she smiled seeing her husband snuggled into her like a baby., smiling to herself she got out of bed with lots of effort. making sure she doesn't wake Hamza up. after shower and praying she slept again. after all she was exhausted from last night events!

the next time she woke up it was already 11am. Huda looked around her and found her husband's side all empty. maybe he was downstairs. she changed her clothes and went downstairs as well. when she arrived, she found Fatima watching the tv. she looked around but her husband wasn't present. where is he? it is Sunday he should be at home.

''assalamu alaikum, ma'' Fatima smiled at her and replied back.

''wa alikum as salam beta, how are you feeling now?'' Huda frowned at her question.

''I am fine, what happened to me?" Huda sat beside Fatima and rested her head on her shoulder.

''hamza told me that you are not fine so don’t wake you up.'' Fatima kissed her head.

''where is he?'' Huda mumbled feeling shy.

''he didn't tell you? he said that he was going out of city for some work.'' hearing her words Huda’s heart broke. he shouldn't have left her after she told him the most terrifying incident of her life or at least he should have informed her.

''no, he didn't tell me but did he tell you when he will return?'' she asked hopefully.

'' no, he didn't but I am sure he will be back soon. now go and have something to eat.'' Huda nodded and got up.

''by the way I have asked this question multiple times to Hamza but that donkey just changes the topic.'' Huda stopped midway and turned to her.

''what question?'' there is no way Hamza will ignore his mother's question.

''when am I becoming a grandmother?'' Fatima smiled sheepishly while Huda just blushed and ran to the kitchen.


two days passed since Hamza left for his work. at first, she didn't mind much but he didn't even contact her which broke her heart into pieces. Huda busied herself into kitchen and different activities to not think much about it.

''bhabhi.'' Huda got out of her thoughts when she heard someone whining as she turned she looked at myra who had tears in her eyes.

''what happened?'' Huda made her sit on the bed.

''can you please ask duraid bhai to take me to eat ice cream.'' she sighed hearing her. thank God it wasn't something serious.

''myra, you scared me. I thought it was something serious.'' Myra, being the drama queen she was, gasped hearing her.

''bhabhi this is serious aren't you a girl like me as well? you know the cravings girl have while they have periods.”

she shaked her head and took her with her to duraid's room. Myra was following her and giving her a very adorable look. duraid got up when he saw her entering in her room.

''bhabhi, what happened? why are you here?'' duraid already knew why she was here when he saw Myra behind her.

''why aren't you Myra for the ice cream?'' behind her Myra glared at him as if she is intimidating him.

''she told you about me not taking her for an ice cream but did she tell you why I am not taking her.'' Huda wanted to slap herself. she should have asked her this. even though Myra looks innocent but deep down she was no less than a devil.

''what did you do?'' Huda turned and asked her.

''I didn't do anything. he deserved it.'' she said in a low voice.

''oh really. you didn't do anything. do you want me to tell her then.'' it was duraid who said.

''so what? you deserved it.'' Huda had to cover her ears when Myra yelled at him.

“ok then if I deserved it, then you also don’t deserve an ice cream.'' that was it and both of them started bickering like tom and jerry. having enough Huda just interrupted both of them.

''will you guys tell me what really happened?'' both of them stopped and looked at her. at first, they were silent but duraid was the one to answer her.

''when I was returning from work she called me and asked me to bring her an ice cream and me being the good brother I am brought one for her. later she entered in my room and threw the whole bucket of ice cream on me and now she is asking me to take her for an ice cream. Bhabhi I really don't understand where she gets that much confident. after doing that she had the audacity to ask me for another ice cream.''

Huda’s eyes widened hearing him. but she wasn't surprised hearing it. it is expected from Myra to do this but why did she do that.

''you deserved it.'' Myra yelled.

''why would you do that Myra. you know he could catch coldsas well.''  it doesn't matter how much they love her but health comes before anything.

''because I told him I wanted ferrero rocher flavor and he got me brownie flavor.'' Myra did all this just because of this!

''no, you didn't say any flavor.'' duraid had a very good memory. no doubt in it.

''well, that's true but you should know your sister's favorite flavor.'' duraid laughed hearing her. ''every flavor is your favorite.'' oops! that was true as well. Huda was sure she will get a headache if this argument doesn't stop.

''ok so stop now. duraid you are my brother right, please take her for an ice cream and you myra'' she turned to her ''apologize to him.'' her eyes widened ''no way I am going to apologize to him.'' why is she so stubborn!

''alright then no ice cream.'' Myra turned to Huda and gave her a pleading look. sigh! she has to stop loving her.

''duraid I want to eat ice cream as well!'' Huda said to duraid whose eyes widened in return

''you are taking her side Bhabhi.'' betrayal. that's what he felt at that moment.

''I am not taking anyone's side I want to eat ice cream and let's invite Ibrahim and Zain also. I also want to spend time with you all.” giving a defeated look he took his car keys and told both of them to come to the porch.

Myra squealed happily but stopped looking at her face.

''what's wrong bhabhi?''

''as soon as we return, I want you to apologize because what you weren’t something good.'' Myra smiled at her and nodded. taking her hands, she dragged her to twins room and after that they all went to have ice cream. Huda also enjoyed to the fullest that night not realizing that this was the silence before the storm.


Fatima was anxious and seeing her like this made Huda anxious as well. there were some guests coming and it was clear that Fatima didn't like them much. when Huda asked her who they were she said that they were just some close relatives who couldn't attend her walima. she was happy at first but when Fatima told her not to come in front of them much and ignore what they says made her confuse.

well but still Huda was happy. this was the first time someone was coming and they were her guests after all. so, she made everything she could. farzana bi was also checking every now and then the dishes she was making. Huda was still feeling the absence of Hamza. he hasn't contacted anyone and Fatima assured her saying it was pretty normal. it's been 4 days without any contact.

when the guests arrived, Fatima followed her like a shadow. actually, the guest were not much as she expected just an elder woman and a teenager girl. she was quite sweet with her but that women was just giving her disgusted looks as she was a criminal. not taking to her heart she just continued taking to the girl whose name was kiran. after just few minutes farzana bi took the woman, whose name was maybe raheela with her to her room. while Huda showed the house to kiran she got tired and was yawning often Huda offered her to go to the guest room and rest.

when she was going to her room, she heard her name from farzana bi's room. she didn't have any intention to eavesdrop but her name was mentioned so she couldn't help but go near the room and put her ear against the door.

''she looks exactly like alia.'' someone said bitterly.

'' how can you stand her in your house farzana. after all what her mother did to your family. and Fatima that woman is always nice even to the daughter of her husband's murderer.'' Huda felt the ground slipping. this is not true!

''leave it raheela it doesn't matter now and Huda has nothing to do with it.'' tears were falling nonstop from her eyes.

''of course, it has. first her mother manipulated atif into killing Adnan and now her daughter is married to Adnan’s son. do you think this is normal. Adnan was like a brother to me and I can't stand her. this is not a coincidence. believe me I know that Huda will also make hamza kill duraid like her mother did.''


this is not true. her parents killed Hamza’s dad. Fatima who is so nice to her had to suffer just because of her parents. how can they even accept her. she doesn't deserve it. Myra didn't ever experienced a dad because of her. Hamza had to take so big responsibilities at a young age just because of her parents fault. that’s why her dad didn't answer her, that's why Hamza went pale when she asked him. no! no! no! no!

as she turned, she stumbled into a vase which made it fall and shatter into million pieces just like her heart. without any care she ran to her room. farzana bi was about to call her but she disappeared. her state was devastated so she ran to Fatima’s room.

''fatima go to Huda’s room and call Hamza as soon as possible.'' Fatima who just finished her prayer was startled to see farzana bi in her room.

''why? what happened?'' Fatima took her phone and was dialing Hamza’s number now.

''she knows.'' Fatima stopped midway and looked at her in shock.

''please don't tell me she knows about what I think she knows.''

''raheela was saying talking about it and she was standing outside of our room. she was crying so hard fatima that even my heart sank seeing her like that.''


Huda was crying non stop. everyone came to talk to her but she wasn't ready to talk to anyone. the only person who could answer was he father so after crying her heart out she went to her father's room. no one was present their so she decided to wait. he will have to answer her today no matter what.

while she was waiting for him her eyes landed on it. without thinking she went near it and held it in her hands. it was cold and heavy but she doesn't care. this was the only thing which will make her pain go away.

a gun!

as she pointed the gun to her forehead, she closed her eyes. no one will care if she dies. her parents were a murderer., her husband left her right after she told him about her nightmare, she was surrounded by people who were suppose to hate her.

''relax, put it down.'' Huda sobbed as she heard someone behind her.

''huda, mera bacha, you don't want to do it. so put it down.'' the voice was calming but she wants to end this pain.

''please bache, we don't want to lose you.'' she hiccupped hearing those words but lowered the gun.

''very good now put it on the floor and kick it far away from you.'' slowly and very slowly she did it. right after doing it she broke down. this was so much for her. Huda fell on the floor and cried but she calmed down when she was engulfed in a arm hug. oh, how much she needed it.

when she was done crying, she looked up to see who was hugging her, her eyes widened seeing farzana bi


''why did you save me when you hate me so much.'' Huda’s voice was full of sadness.

after her breakdown farzana bi took Huda to her own room and made her lay down while her head was rested on her lap. she was caressing Huda’s head to calm her when she asked her this question

''I don't hate you.'' farzana bi said as she blew some duas on her.

''you do hate me that's why you avoid me.'' Huda said drowsily. She was tired now.

''that is not why I avoid you. I did hate you at first but not after I saw you. I avoided you because I felt guilty.'' Huda sat up and looked at her.

''guilty? why?'' farzana bi sighed and replied ''because of me you were separated from your father. I blamed everything on alia when it was more atif's fault. I am not saying alia was innocent but you were also punished for what you had nothing to do. I couldn't face you.''

Huda’s eyes filled with tears hearing her but she wiped her tears as soon as they came. she cried enough today.

''you know, I always imagined having a grandmother and you don't know how happy i am now. what's the point of living in past when we have a present. it all happened years ago let's not let it affect our present. mama used to talk about everyone. she told me everything about you because maybe deep down she knew that we will meet.''

her words brought tears to farzana bi's eyes. she couldn't believe that a girl who is younger than her is more mature than her. but all of this was true. why think about our past when we have a present and future to think about. farzana kissed her head and both hugged her tightly. she is never letting this precious girl go.

as both of them were talking Fatima also entered in the room. her eyes widened seeing farzana holding Huda with so much love. is she dreaming? both of them looked at her and smiled.

''fatima come join us I was about to tell her a very funny thing.'' she was confused but shrugging her shoulders she also sat on the bed.

''so Huda what was I saying?'' farzana smacked her head for having a weak memory.

''when I was 2 weeks old and something.'' Huda was looking at farzana with adoration. oh, how much she needed this.

''yes, so you were only 2 weeks old and alia was out so you got hungry. you were a cry baby so when you were crying only Hamza was present in the room so when he noticed that you were hungry, he went to the kitchen and was about to feed you samosa.''

Fatima laughed out loud remembering it. that's true Hamza didn't like it when anyone cried because he liked utter silence that is why he avoided weddings.

''haw Hamza wanted to kill me when I was only 2 weeks old.'' farzana bi smiled hearing her.

''and Huda when alia was expecting i really hoped it was a girl. and no one was happier than me when doctor confirmed your gender. you weren't even born and i reserved you for my boy because i already loved you so much.'' both Fatima and farzana bi high fived when they saw Huda’s red face but they didn't stop and teased her more. they were interrupted when the door slammed open which startled all of them. when Huda raised her head, she was shocked to see who it was.


So this was the surprise!

How was it?

who is ready for a silent treatment from huda? the one and only hamza.

let's give hamza a hard time.

next chapter will be the last one but i also have the epilogue so don't worry.

love you all!

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