chapter 2

two years passed but Atif never came. Alia sent him her address. She was living in a small village in the northern areas. True to his words Atif sent money every month and he sent more than enough and as time passed the amount of the money was less and less. Having no other option alia started cleaning houses and even though what she earned wasn't much, she could still fulfill her and Huda's basic needs. .


years later

Hamza was exhausted when he returned home. he was about to call his mama when he remembered that everyone was out of city. it was wedding of someone he didn't know nor did he care.

After having his dinner, he was heading towards his room when he heard the phone in the living room ringing. it was 12 o'clock! who is calling at this moment. picking up the phone all he heard was someone sobbing. who was it!


who is she? he wondered

''Abba'' in reality Hamza did feel a little pity. she was crying so hard

''I am sorry. who are you''. he was about to cut the call but asked out of curiosity.

''Abba'' he was now getting frustrated. doesn't she know any other word than Abba

''wrong number''

''Nahi! Abba mein Huda''. Hamza's eyes widened when he heard it. even though Huda and her mother were a forbidden chapter in his house he knew who she was.

''Huda?'' he had to confirm it. why is she calling and why is she crying so hard!

''Jee. mujhe abba se baat karni ha''. oh my god! it really was her.

when was the last time he saw her, talked to her, heard her, touched her? 19 years ago. He never realized that it has been so long. she was tiny the last time he saw her. she would have grown up now. right? how tall was she now. were her eyes still big like they were before. does she still cry when someone touchs her.

''chachu is not here''

''where is he?''

''he is out of city'' Hamza was getting anxious now. is she in danger?

''amma is dead'' hearing her words Hamza's eyes widened. what? alia chachi? is this a dream?

''they are asking me to marry someone. Bhai help me. if am scared. help me.'' she is getting married. how is that even possible. why are they marrying her. who are they?

''Huda i am coming just tell me where you live and I am coming to get you. ok relax. I am coming'' after knowing where she lives, he ran to his car.


when he reached her house, he double checked the address and it was the right address so she was living here. the place was hideous and the place also looked quite dangerous for two girls. sighing he knocked on the door and the one who opened the door was not Huda and he knew it. when the girl saw him, she took him inside. Hamza couldn't believe his eyes her house was too small and it smelled bad as well. entering the living room which was equal to quarter size of his room he looked around and then sat down. after sometime 2 elder man came and sat in front of him and they were glaring at him but Hamza was still trying to figure out who they were. what were they doing in her house.

''Lagta ha tum ne hme phechana nhi.''the only thing he was sure about was that he really disliked these old haggies.

''yes I haven't so introduce yourself to me'' Hamza said as he sat comfortably there.

'' mera naam Bilal Ashraf ha aur yeh mera bhai ha'' Hamza gave them boring look. he just wanted to see Huda.

''and I am hamza'' Bilal Ashraf extended his hands for a shake but just one look from Hamza was enough for him to take his hands back.

''Alia used to work in my house but she died 3 weeks ago and now huda is all alone now. And she doesn't even has a mahram . According to her she has a father but they have lived here for almost 19 years and her dad never came and so we asked for a proof. we asked her to call him and she did but her calls were never received. this happened for awhile and we were getting tired so we decided what was best for her and that was finding her a mahram.....'' Hamza was patiently hearing all this and controlling himself but it was getting difficult.

''.... today I found a very good match for her and this time we also brought a moulvi with us. The sooner the better.'' Hamza raised an eyebrow at them.

''where is Huda?'' that was all he said.

''she told us you are her brother but that doesn't mean we will trust you and you need to confirm us that you are her brother'' he said with a smirk

''first of all I am not her brother but her cousin and secondly I don't have to prove myself to you and thirdly you don't have to worry for her I will take her with me to her father'' Hamza said in a gentle voice.

''and what makes you think we will believe you. they have lived here for 19 years and no one ever came to even meet her once and now out nowhere you come and expect us to believe that you are her so called brother or cousin and that her father exists. huh?'' Bilal burst out.

''my brother here is ready to marry her and you will be welcomed to...'' he couldn't finish because a very hard punch was landed on his face.

''how dare you. how did you even think of it.'' Hamza just wanted to kill him. how could he even think like it.

''he needs a wife and Huda needs a mahram so this is the only solution'' Bilal blurted out without any shame.

''I want to meet Huda. right now. and listen if this all is happening against her will then you are going to regret it''. Bilal knew he was serious

''you can't meet her''

''ohh really! let's see who can stop me'' saying that he started searching every room behind him was a very scared Bilal Ashraf.

opening the last room that was at the end of the hallway he saw a girl and one eye contact was enough for him to know that it was Huda. those forest green eyes that he used to love were filled with tears, her cheeks had tear stains, her lips were covered with a duck tape, looking down he saw her hands were tied in a rope and her legs were chained. running towards her he untied her and ripped that duck tape off her mouth.

hugging her close to his chest he realized how thin she was. she was too skinny and her skin was all red. her clothes were too dirty. caressing her wrists, he looked at Bilal Ashraf.

''what the hell is this? explain now.'' he shouted. hearing his voice everyone flinched.

''we did what was right.'' Hamza wanted to kill him but he knew this is not the right time.

''now, I will do what I think is right.'' saying this he took a hold of Huda wrists and went outside.

'' you can't take her like this.'' hearing it Hamza came to a stop and turned around.

''and why is that'' raising his eyebrows he asked.

''you are not her mahram. we can't let you take her. it will affect our reputation'' this man was getting on his nerves now.

''you said that you brought a moulvi sahab right?'' Bilal gave him a confusing look

''yes''. Hamza smirked as he looked at Huda who was just giving him a curious look.

''call him. we're getting married'' Huda's eyes widened hearing his words and bilal ashraf was pale now.

How was it?

I am so nervous. My tummy hurts whenever i am nervous so right now i am holding my tummy and looking like a maniac while posting this.

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Love you.
