The Princess and The Sheriff

One dagger secured to her belt, Zu wiped the sullied edge of her other dagger before replacing it back in its swath of leather for safe keeping. The feline patted down her hands on her tunic and turned an eye to the commotion behind her. Certainly the competent sheriff would handle the rest of it. He was the one insistent she needn't dirty her hands with unroyal duties such as fighting monsters. So he could clean up the mess.

"Queen Snugglemane wait!" On que Mao Mao hailed down the lioness like he did daily.

Groaning Zu pinched the bridge of her nose but didn't turn around, "I told you, it's Zu."

Bounding in front of her so she wouldn't have to turn around. Mao was face to face in a matter of seconds, "Queen Zu then."

"No," She could feel the lip twitch of her coined sneer, "Just Zu."

"Hey man are you going to come over here and clean this up!?" Badgerclops hollered from the gooey mess the defeated monster left in the town square, "No! No Adorabat get outta there! Mao! Get over here so I can-"

"Not now Badgerclops!" Mao barked before darting his attention back to the elder Pure Heart Royalty, "Were you hurt? Shall I escort you back to the castle Queen-"

"It's Zu!" She slapped at his red glove when the catty feline smoothed himself right over to the woman's favor. Glaring Zu crossed her arms and looked back at the two left cleaning up, "And shouldn't you be over there helping Mr. Sheriff?"

"Yeah he should!" Badgerclops screamed when he had to pry their young squire from kicking the dead gross body dead in the streets.

Green eyes narrowing Mao gestured at the woman he was trying to talk to then growled giving himself away. Zu turned around and Mao stopped his obscene gestures. Not before being she saw. Rolling her teal eyes and whisking past him.

"Zu wait!" Mao clamored in desperation after her, "A queen shouldn't be walking-"

"Mao Mao do you wanna get something to eat?" Zu interrupted him with the one thing that would shut him up instantly. Feverishly the black cat nodded like a kid being given candy. She smiled and tossed a look back at Badgerclops, "I'll babysit and send you some help, hows that sound?"

Wiping the goo of Adorabat's face and picking her off the counter, Badgerclops looked from his co hero nodding like mad. And back at the mess that was left. Finally he sighed, "Fine. Thanks."

Zu sighed not ready for the earache this meant. She did as she promised though and turned towards Mao, "Shall we....sherif?"

Jumping at the opportunity the sleek black feline stumbled over his own feet in an attempt to put himself forward and offer his elbow to her. Zu groaned and brushed past his offer. Bouncing right from that Mao skipped that entirely and moved on keeping pace with her. Together they walked in silence longer than she originally thought. Shattered promptly with Mao opening his mouth.

"You know my Queen-" Zu groaned but he only stopped long enough for her to finish, then Mao carried on, "You should really consider a personal, warden? Sentry? Guard? It's unsafe now with the Heart of Pure Heart Valley exposed!"

"You mean the Pure Heart crystal," Zu spoke with the exact opposite of his excitement.


"That you broke?" She blinked unenthused, "With your aerocycle."

"We're here now!" Mao ignored that and pumped his fist up victorious to the sky, "To be protectors of this legendary land! And of course-" He paused and looked back at her with a slimy smile, "The legendary people."

If her eyes rolled any further back Zu worried they might detach and stay like that forever. She didn't even try to police him anymore. No one could stop him and certainly not her or else the slough out of his mouth got worse.

"You know, Mao, I think I'm just gonna head home," Zu pardoned herself from the decoy of food like she'd played to help Badgerclops out. His face contorted a little confused, "The castle." She restarted.

Mao waved his hands in front of himself, "No no, I mean I know the castle yes- But- I thought you wanted to get something to eat?" The corners of his mouth dipped down in a frown, "Are you not hungry? I could get you something? I could bring it to you even if you'd like."

She sighed and stopped for a moment. Forcing the feline to linger a little closer. Zu reached out and cupped his face with her left paw. Just to lean in and give him a ginger kiss on the corner of his cheek, "Thank you sherif Mao. That'll be all for today."

"Wait Zu I-" Mao's voice broke tinged with frantic nerves as his chance slipped through is gloves, "We could- You don't have to now-"

Zu closed her eyes and shook her head. Too tired now for this second round. She nodded to the hero before making her way up the cobblestone streets towards the nearly empty castle. Mao left holding onto his words. Wishing he had more time to find the right ones to say. Like always though, he was too far behind.
