The Fight (pt. 2)

From a duo mission once more for the umpteenth time this past week. Badgerclops groaned when he and Adorabat came into the living room to see nothing had budged at all. Bedroom door still shut tight and nothing touched in the rest of the house. He sighed knowing this had to end.

"I'm gonna go get Mao Mao!" Adorabat proclaimed seeing the same dreary mess they'd left before the mission.

"No little dude," Badgerclops yanked her little wings out of the sky before she darted off, "You stay out here, this is a job for a best friend."

Grumbling angrily the bat listened but not without resentment. Badgerclops meandered to the sealed bedroom door. Realizing it hadn't been opened at all since they left because the drawing Adorabat left and his plate of cobbler was undisturbed. Worse seeing Mao let cobbler of all things grow cold and stale in the air.

Wrapping his robotic arm gently against the door, Badgerclops leaned into the door, "...hey man, you got a sec?"

No response from the other side.

"I'm gonna come in so just..." Badgerclops relieved at least to see the door unlocked. Carefully pushed it open with it's normal creak when he tip toed in. Once more, just like the rest of the week, Mao was wrapped up in his cape. Back to the door. Facing the wall. Badgerclops wondered and applauded him for not moving. But mostly he was growing worried.

"Hey man," The badger came ambling to the edge of the bottom bunk, "You've been in here a while. Didn't touch your cobbler either champ." His words met with Mao tightening the blanket around his face and curling more into him. Badgerclops sighed and sat down on the edge of the bed, "Listen, you're tough. You gotta shake this funk off. Come out with us, fight a monster, do some heroing work. You know you'll feel better."

"I'm not going to feel better," Mao mumbled into the hem of his cape, "Not now, not ever."

"Your being over dramatic!" Badgerclops fuse fizzled real fast, "You've been in here for over a week! You reek and you make the room reek! Why is this any different than the countless other times your weird flirting got you shut down?! You schlepped those off!"

"This is different!" Mao unraveled himself from his cape just to scream at Badgerclops insensitive words, "Zu is different!"

"Then go see her! Go say your sorry man!" Badgerclops jumped up from the bed to point at the open door, "If she'd different then maybe she didn't mean it and she was just having girl problems or something! Nothings going to change unless you-"

"Unless I what?!" Mao barked, "Change?! Be someone else?! Go back in time and not be me?! Because news flash I'm this way and I'm absolutely terri-"


A blast loud enough and powerful enough to make their headquarters shudder and windows clink, stole everyone's attention from the argument at hand. Immediately both adults rushed to Adorabat. Obviously she hadn't caused it but her safety trumped anything.

"Adorabat!" Both sheriffs came careening into the living room.

Quite the sigh as the little blue bat was unharmed and seemed unshaken. But her gaze was glued to the window. The window looking out on the kingdom. Confused why she didn't turn around after such a surprise. Mao and Badgerclops eyes followed hers. Until their jaw dropped

Indefinitely where the blast had originated from was the castle. Nearly half of the lower section was up in smoke. Plumes of darkened acrid smoke billowing out of the low laying section of the castle. There was no mistaking it. Something had gone wrong in the very heart of the valley.

"Zu!" Mao panicked, forgetting his blanketing depression about the entire thing. The danger that blast included was imminent. If she wasn't hurt, his queen was going get hurt if he didn't hurry.

"Ack!" Coughing up half her lung in the process of wiping god only knows what kind of residue off her face, Zu got herself back up from being thrown against the wall. And narrowly avoiding the work table that followed and splintered into a million pieces right next to her, "Camille- Ack! What did you do?! What was that?!"

"Oh nothing!" The loony chameleon was scurrying about putting out a dozen and a half fires just in the work space alone, "Just some missed calculations! I'll get it right this time deary! Hunny bring me the-"

"You broke half of the castle! Camille, there's a hole in every single wall!" Zu pointed wildly at the ceiling, "Even there! I don't want anything like this in me!"

"It won't go boom inside you!" Camille cackled like that was completely safe knowledge, "It'll maybe a tiny boom- To do its job- But not like this haha!"

"Camille I can't have-" Exasperated near the point of tears. The one thing Zu didn't need was the uninvited sight of the aerocycle crashing through the hole in the ceiling just recently caused by the explosion.

"Oh the sheriff's department!" Camille snatched her test tube, "Hurry Hunny we don't want them to catch us! Ehehe you'll never take me alive coppers!"

"No Camille wait don't-" Zu had lost all control on the situation as the lizard wedged herself between two fallen pipes like it was an escape route. And poor Hunny was trying to pry her out. Since it didn't look like they were going anywhere, the Queen turned to the law enforcement no one called, "What are you doing here?!"

"What are- There was an explosion!" Mao flung himself off the aerocycle, beside himself that was even a question with nothing holding this lab together but a few rickety beams, "You could see it from headquarters! We thought there was danger!"

Frothing Zu got up in Mao's face, "What!? You thought I needed saving?! That I was useless?! You make an appearance after all this time just to be the hero!"

"I didn't make an appearance! I thought you were hurt!" Mao screamed back into the pink lions face. Unhinged at this point that safety wasn't the number one priority.

"I don't need you help! I don't need you to save me!" Unfamiliar tears pricked at the corners of her teal eyes.

Mao's bottom lip trembled and no matter how badly the tears wanted to break past the dam he couldn't tear his gaze away from her angry face. It'd been so long since he'd seen her. Mao fell into remembering every single feature of the lioness like he'd gone without seeing her for months, "I never meant that! You know that! Why do you even think that?! You've been my fighting buddy since I came to Pure Heart Valley!"

"Hey..." Badgerclops wedged in like it made a difference. Which it didn't.

Before Zu could open her mouth Mao's tears were flowing, "I never meant for you to ever feel like that! Ever! You mean the world to me so of course I'd be worried if you were hurt! I just didn't want you to get hurt during a fight! I didn't want you-"

Like cotton had taken over her mouth Zu croaked out his name, "Mao-"

"You getting hurt is the worse thing possible to me!" Fat globs of tears rolled down Mao's furry black cheeks as he broke down in front of her. Pent up all week nothing he thought about saying to even came out. Mao couldn't stop all his feelings regurgitate themselves in front of everyone just as raw as how they came out, "If you don't want to see me fine! But I need to know your safe! I'll still protect the Valley- I'll still protect-"

Everything he was saying. It threatened breaking all the coldness she'd been compiling about their fight to push away all her feelings. Why it happened. Why it needed to happen. Zu had to tell him before it was too late to choke down her own tears and something worse came out, "Mao Mao-"

"I'll protect you with my last breath!" Mao blubbered right over her like he couldn't even hear her. The sheriff's sobs making some of his words hard to hear as he hiccuped and wiped feverishly at his face trying to grasp at even the tiniest bit of composure, "My Qu- Zu, I can't be without you, I'd give up everything for you I love-"

Zu's tears won and she finally screamed over him without a forethought of what she said in front of everyone, "Mao I'm pregnant."
