Chapter 2

I wouldn't say I was ugly...I would say I was average. Yes, an average teenager with pimples. I mean it's would be normal if acne wasn't covering my face, but you know I never really cared.
The man was startled at what picture I picked. I thought I could use a more natural look. He sighed, "How about you pick again..." I knew he wasn't trying to be mean. I looked at him and pointed to the same one. He sighed louder.
God this man is really getting on my nerves. He asked which one I would like, then he just goes off and makes a big deal about which one I picked. His eyes scanned at the picture picking out the colors to go into my face.
He started applying the makeup and he looked like he was struggling a bit. He finally finished and looked at me and turned away. "God..." He rubbed the back of his neck. Handing me a mirror...My eyes widened.
What the hell...What was this? This is not even my skin tone! Are you actually serious, this guy really gave me the wrong color for everything!
"What the hell?!" I said out loud. Now all the other makeup people were looking. Their faces became disgusted, and they quickly turned away at the site of me.
"You can't just come in here looking like that...Their is no way to fix it." The guy that did my makeup scoffed. I saw the guy who had made the man do my makeup. I called out for him.
"S-Sir!" I turned the chair around. He shifted his weight over to me. His eyes widened, "Who did this?!" He grabbed my chin. Obviously this man is not afraid of physical touch.
I pointed at the guy looking the other direction. He walked over and yanked the name tag of his shirt leaving a hole. "I thought you said you were a professional!" The employee looked down. "Well how was I ever gonna make her look good! She can't even pull of a natural look." He talked back to him.
The Boss Scoffed, "Really...Because this isn't her skin tone. You don't just take the colors off the picture and put it on the client!" He pointed to the door. "Get're fired." The guy stormed out the Café.
The man look at me with soft eyes. "I'm Seokjin. I am going to fix this." He smiled and whipped of all the makeup. He started off with some facial products and made me wash my face to it was a clean canvas. He wore gloves and check my face.
"Okay...So you have a acne problem. Meaning redness is bad. So we are going this started with canceling out the redness with the opposite color." He was talking to me as I was going to do this by myself. Sir...please-
He applied and continued to talk about things like how I would need to you this product or this or that. He was finishing off some of the "finishing touches" to my face. He spun me around to face a big mirror and smiled.
"There you go princess!" He took off his gloves, and handed me some face masks and other acne reducing products. "Use these every two days and the acne might settle down a bit." I smiled at my face. I felt good! The makeup didn't feel thick or anything.
"You can have a drink of water and head on your way. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day!" He smiles walking back to his office. I got up and sprinted home.
I hurried to unlock the door to show my family what happened. I walked in taking of my shoes quickly and sliding into the living room.
My brother looked at me and screamed.
"INTRUDER!" I slapped his shoulder. "It's just me!" His eyes widened. "Y/N?! What the hell happened to your face!" I rolled my eyes.
"I had a free makeover at this new Cafe place." I brushed off my shoulder as if he was a dust particle I would wipe away.
My mom walked in from the kitchen and her eyes widened. "Yeosang? Who is this girl." She placed down the food on the coffee table.
"It's me ma! You guys really didn't recognize me?" Their heads shook. "You should go their more often so I don't see your ugly face-" Yeosang got slapped in the shoulder by mom.
"That's not funny Sangie!" She gave me a plate. "Here eat and tell me all about this makeup place!" We sat down and I told her about what happened and how I heard about it.
Yeosang left to his room after his show ended, and me and mom stayed out in the living room a little longer to show her the products he gave me.
"That was a very sweet man!" She smiled at me. "I wonder how old he is." She continued. We both ate the rest of the Soup and rolls. I remembered what the girls said, "Mm~ EOMMA! He's in his early 20s!"
My mom sighed, "To young for me...but you are turning 18 in two days!" She nudged me.
"Ma! You're crazy is like 22. Also, have you seen my natural face. He even practically called me ugly." She laughed.
"Not if you used the face products he gave you! Now go to sleep it's almost 12." She pulled me up from the table and pushed me to my room.
I wiped off all my makes with a makeup wipe that I had since my 16th birthday. People really thought I needed to use makeup to they gave me little eyeshadow stuff. Nothing special.
I used the face products, following all the directions so I wouldn't mess up and finally got ready to get in bed. I was already exhausted because of school. So when I closed my eyes I fell right to sleep.
