The Start

To start things off let's get rid of the fake ass church and state and we keep them separate until they're not. We all know they are they are one the government listens to the church and the church is teaching hate to go along with what the government wants. Instead of church and state we have just state fuck the church fuck the religious shit. America the fucked up ass country needs to focus on keeping our rights aligned and getting rid of the old laws that make no sense,  getting rid of the church will make the government focus on real problems real issues make them snap open their eyes make them see the real that's happening day to day and why it's happening vs creating laws that follow a fucked up man created bible. Right now there dismantling roe v. wade and why because the church you're committing murder in the eyes of the church and that'll damn you to Hell and here comes the government hell yea who cares about women's rights we didn't want them to feel this free this me to movement bs blah blah fucking blah we are in a formula shortage daycares are Jamed packed there are no teachers more kids aging out of foster care than being adopted but yes more babies yayyy so fucking stupid. That's it for this part though short and sweet fuck the church that's it that's the chapter.
