Scroll 34: Pursuit

Two Years Later

It had been two years ever since Azami trained under the Mother Dragon and her two djinns. It was now time for her to leave. She packed up her things and checked out her clothes for the third time. She was wearing a plated top which ends at her navel and a knee length skirt which is shorter on the front. Her hair reached the middle of her back and was tied in high ponytail. On her hip was a steel fan and a bright violet earrings on her left ear.

"Are you ready to go, Little One?" The Mother Dragon asked her. She nodded before materializing her staff. She thanked the dragon and exited the cave.

"Alwaqt: Alnnaql Alfadayiy." She was transported to Aladdin's world. It did take a lot of magoi but she was able to get the trick after Halphas told her how to manipulate it. She was now on the skirts of Dark Continent.

"Illusion." She covered her rukh to the point that even Yunan would not be able to tell if she returned.

"I wonder if Yurell and the elder are here. I want to visit them." She murmured to herself.

'We might as well say hi, Azami.' Furcas said. She nodded and they flew towards the Fanalis tribe. She saw them but was surprised to see that Aladdin and the others were present as well. She saw Morgiana, all grown up and that made her proud. Her hair was longer now. On the other hand, she was amazed at the display of power between Hakuryuu and Aladdin.

'Heh~ The little brat changed sides. I guess he finally knew what is the truth.' Ipos mused. Azami giggled at her before stepping backwards. It was not time to reveal herself yet but it was time to see how the world changed after two years. It will take a little longer using only the magic cloth so she changed to her full body djinn equip.

"Djinn of Rhetoric and Service. Serve as my wings and use my magoi to embody me. Come forth with your household, Ronove." Her hair changed to a silvery one and there were red feathers protruding from her arms and feet. She only wore a cloth that covered her breast and lower region. She wasn't that embarrassed but it didn't mean that she liked to parade in such clothing.

"Where should I visit first? Reim would be good but I would like to see Kou as well. Maybe Sindria and Balbadd. Hmm. I guess Reim first."

'You should be careful, Little One. We don't know if that Sinbad and Arba are on to you.'
Halphas warned.

'She's right. Arba will penetrate any magic barrier but you have strengthened yours that even Yunan wouldn't be able to pinpoint your location!' Ronove commented. She smiled and sped up. Once she was in the outskirts of Reim, she removed her equip and wore her cloak.

'This is great. It seems like Reim didn't change that much. Although, those foods are not native here. Wow. Trading has changed that much.'
She thought to herself. She was so entranced with the food that she bumped into something hard. It was actually a hard chest. Looking up, a familiar face greeted her.

"Are you alright, miss?"

"I-I'm fine. I'm sorry. I should be going now to meet my friend." She lied. It was Muu Alexius for Solomon's sake! Muu was weirded out but didn't question it. It was lucky of her that her hood didn't fall.

'That was so close!' Sitri sighed.

They didn't want to be found out in an instant. It will be a disaster if that happened. She shook her head of those thoughts and raced towards the nearest restaurant to eat. There, she was able to gather as much information as possible. Sinbad and the Seven Seas Alliance recently created an International Government. The main point was trading.

'So in that case, there will be a lot of competition when it comes to trading companies. The problem is that everyone will do everything to take down and overwhelm a company. What a plan.' Stolas uttered. Azami finished her food and headed out for another adventure. She discreetly visited the Colosseum and Palace before leaving. They were all good now.

"It's great although I'm worried about something. Reim didn't take part in the Seven Seas Alliance plan. I hope Titus and Marga strengthened themselves over the years."

'We hope so as well, Our Queen. Uh-oh, we have to leave now.' Ronove warned. He felt another presence and it was not pleasant. Azami noted his alarmed state and scanned the area for anything. That was when she saw Sinbad.

'This early!? I can't get caught.' It looked like the king was looking for something. More like, someone. Azami slipped out of the country and djinn equipped. She didn't bother with the clothes anymore as she flew using Ronove's power to Balbadd.

It was a lot different now. She learned from them that slavery was banned and that caused the fall of Kou. Not only that, Kogyouku was now the Empress. Saying that she wasn't stupefied would be a lie.

'Kogyouku. I heard that she's Vinea's host. How wonderful. They fit together.' Halphas commented. Azami turned her way towards the tavern to rest. With illusion, she was able to hide her rukh once again.

'Have a good night sleep, Azami.' She could feel her metal djinns vibrate.

Sacred Palace
Ugo and Azami

"Azami. You're here."

"I didn't expect to be called out here. Is there any particular reason for you to do so?" She asked. The blue head djinn laughed at her. She was still the same even after all these years. He ceased his laughing before glancing at her in a serious manner.

"He's back. What the Origin Dragon said was right. I could also feel his presence and I know you had as well. What I want you to do is to help Aladdin and the others. After that, I want you to take care of this Palace." His words shocked her. Her staff appeared in her hands and she pointed it at him.

"You can't expect me to do that, Ugo! This place will live for so long and I already planned on stopping the magi system and the rukh. What I want is for people to live in a proper way. Where they won't have the feeling of depravity. I want them to be free, not controlled by this system. I know you created this in Solomon's image. You're a great magician, Ugo but soon, David will come and use what's happening to you now as an opportunity to take over this place. I'm not suitable to take over and the only thing I could do is to close this Palace."

"But Azami, Solomon used his rukh to guide all this people. This king system, magi system and the rukh is what enrich this world. What happened in our world, I don't—" Ugo tried to reason out with her.

"I know you don't want it to happen anymore but you've seen that Solomon didn't want to be king. His eyes showed remorse but he had to because of the constant internal tension between all the species back in Alma Torran. Even Sheba saw through his facade. We forced such responsibility to him. To those who can say that he's irresponsible, I beg to differ. How would you feel if the hands of millions—scratch that, billions of people are in your hands. Won't you feel pressured and guilty? This place is taking a toll on you, Uraltugo." She concluded. Ugo flinched at her own words but he couldn't just abandon it so easily.

"This is my role, Azami."

"I know that's why, I intend to do what Solomon did. My rukh will close it all." Suddenly, his full body towered over her and grabbed her shoulders.

"You can't do that! You know what will happen and I've seen you so happy with that magi."

"Yunan will understand but I have my ways and I'll be back. I promised him after all. So what do you plan now? Do you still intend to stop me?"

He was silent. She nodded and felt the world around her buzz. Soon, she was plunged in another unending darkness.

Six days later
Kou Empire

She walked through the roads of the empty streets in Kou. Not directly empty but one could see just how huge the change was in the country. It was unexpected for such a rich country to fall down in a blink of an eye due to the International Government. She casually walked towards the palace until some soldiers stopped her.

"Stop right there! What is your business with the Empress?" One of the soldier asked.

"Empress? Who?" She feigned ignorance. If one would look closely, there's a small smirk on her lips.

"Why it is Empress Kogyouku. Now state your business!" He demanded. Azami crunched her face in annoyance at his tone. 'Can't they be a little courteous instead of being so demanding? And what's with pointing the spear on my face?' She sighed and told him that she will have an audience with her. He didn't believe her so he resorted to attack. She easily dodged it and slowed down time using Ipos magic. She was not the Djinn of Time and Courage for nothing. Entering the palace was a little annoying but of course it would be. After all, she didn't announce her arrival. She reached the throne room and saw a figure of top of it.

"Who are you and what business do you have with me?" Her voice was strict and empress like. It was stiff as well.

"Kogyouku? Since when do you use that tone?" Azami amused. The figure wasn't amused by her though. She rose from her throne and walked towards her.

"Who are you?"

"Did you forget about me? I know it's been two years but I didn't change that much. Or that's what I think so." Kogyouku examined her face noting the pink hair and red eyes. That was when she clumped her hands in front of her with tears in her eyes.

"Azami!" She pulled her to a hug to which the pink haired dungeon conqueror returned. Kogyouku led her to her private room for them to talk. Azami quickly put a spell around them so that no one could listen or even feel her presence.

"Where were you for the past two years!? Everyone was looking for you, especially Sinbad." She gushed.

"I was out doing some training and I know about Sinbad. I am not so sure why he's hunting me down though and I hope I didn't do anything to anger him."

"I see."

"You've changed a lot. Your hair is more stylish than normal and it's much softer." Kogyouku flushed at the compliment but stopped doing so and acted like her empress self. Azami saw this and assured her that no one was going to listen nor know what she was talking about except the dungeon conqueror. She exploded.

"I hate him, Azami! That man is loathe worthy! H-He... He used my body to help Hakuryuu in that civil war. M-My brothers... they were all captured and exiled of this country. Up until now, I still hate him but I also hate myself for being controlled and this country is falling. I'm so scared but I can't show it. I have to be strong for my country. I am all they have. I don't know what to do, Azami."

"Kogyouku. For starters, I can remove Zepar's control on you. Second, I can secretly help you with the country though somebody will do it on my account. I promise to help though."

"That somebody is?"

"Someone you know and a friend. Don't worry. I'll be taking his magic now." She warned. With a safe distance from her, Azami held Sitri's metal vessel near her forehead and asked her djinn to do her bidding. Suddenly, a pained scream reached her ears. Kogyouku let out an ear splitting scream. It was as if her head was torn into two. It subsided when her breath eased and Azami reached out for Stolas who healed her.

"I'm sorry if it was too painful. It was engraved and I didn't want you to feel controlled again. How are you feeling?" She asked.

"It's as if my mind is at ease. Thank you."

"No worries. I have a question though. Where is your metal vessel?" That stopped the empress from smiling. She told Azami that due to the International Alliance, all metal vessels were confiscated to 'prevent' future war.

"Bullshit. This is bad. I know Sinbad had put his as well but who's to say that he doesn't have access to its powers. He has that snake by his side. Ugh! What is that stupid king thinking!? He's blinded by his own desires." She ranted. Once she has calmed down, she turned towards Kogyouku and told her that she had to leave. Although, she asked her if she could promise not to tell anyone that she saw her. It would be a problem after all.

"I will. Take care okay?"

"I will. Best wishes to your ruling Kogyouku. If you need any help, just call for me." She bid farewell to her and flew out of the kingdom. Soon, she was in the middle of the ocean and was traveling towards Sindria for some checkup. She would have to be careful of their protective measures though. Especially the barrier. Unfortunately, she felt two menacing presence behind her.

"It's been difficult tracking you down, you know. Where have you been for the past two years, Azami?" It was the same deep voice that she had been avoiding. She gritted her teeth. What a reckless action to put off her spell.

"I guess I can't escape my way out of this peacefully right?" She asked without turning to them.

"Not unless you join us."

"Fat chance. I already planned on going against you, Sinbad." This time, she turned around and saw him in his full body djinn equip. Arba was with her though in Hakuei's body.

"You really are a snake aren't you, Arba? All for that nonexistent Father you kept on praising." She said. Arba looked at her indifferently before using her staff to scratch her arm.

"Are you saying something, Azami? I'm particularly sure that you also want to see Father right? That Solomon got into your head. He's been a bad influence to you." She cooed. Azami called out for her djinn, Stolas, before imprisoning them.

"What is it that you want with me, Sinbad?" He looked at her calmly before asking her to join him. To change the world.

"Change this world? Why would I do that? I love the way it is now. It is not a perfect world but where do you expect to see one? People makes mistake Sinbad. Even you. We're all just humans after all. Without mistake, we will not be able to learn anything new and we will just be mindless creatures doing the same mundane thing all freaking over again." She explained to him but Sinbad was firm in his hands.

"Solomon was irresponsible, Azami! It was because of him that those imperfections are here! But if I were to be king, I will never let it end up like this."

"Are freaking deaf!? I told you that mistakes are natural! We are all human and we can never be god! Get it through that thick skull of yours!" She shouted. Arba was a little annoyed so she sent a small fire magic her way. Azami deflected it before using Stolas sound magic to create a powerful force. Unfortunately, Arba destroyed her barrier which resulted to him attacking her.

"Foras Sei."

"Dwell in my body! Furcas!" She changed her equip and attacked him as well. "Zalam!" It hit his chest but she was hit with it as well. Then they resorted to sword fighting, spear on her case. Sinbad was able to scratch her cheek but she pointed her spear to his leg and slashed it. Blood dripped down his shin before kicking Azami out of the way. There was an island nearby which resulted to her skidding downwards. She hit her head pretty hard but didn't stop her. She jumped upwards and struck him but he was able to deflect it. Their swords clashed until Arba used her staff to attack her. She hit her sides which resulted to a crack rib.


"Join us and stop this ridiculousness, Azami. You're a great woman." He lifted her chin and neared his lips towards her. She knew what was about to happen and slapped him really hard. Sinbad smirked and changed to Zepar. He screeched loudly but Azami was able to protect herself using her staff and by covering her ears tightly. Sinbad took this chance to kick her hard. He changed to Baal and struck her with lightning.

"Damnit!" She used Stolas to heal her and changed to Ipos. With water, she used it to freeze Sinbad before using Sitri to strike him with light. She didn't use her two new djinns because she wanted him to think that she still has 4 only. Sinbad scowled at the pain in his arms which was burning.

Azami turned her head to Arba and relentlessly send it her flying. With every kick and punch she gave, the poor black haired magician tired out. Blood poured out of her mouth. Azami was so distracted that Sinbad used this chance to restrain her arms. His face dangerously near her face.

"I like you, Azami. Stop this and join me."

"I will not! I already decided to join Aladdin and the others! I know they defected on you. Let me go!" She trashed around but Sinbad just kept his hold and even pressed his lips on her neck. She stiffened at the contact and that slowed her trashing.

"Why me, Sinbad? I'm not worth anytime!"

"I may have never conversed that much with you but you fascinate me." He gave her neck another kiss but Azami kicked him in his groin and he doubled over. She looked at him sadly before using Ipos to make them fly away. Arba was not in any position to make an attack. Her hands were bleeding and so was her chest. Sinbad was the same.

"I hope you find your way, Sinbad. I am not up for this." She disappeared without any trace and that made Sinbad clenched his fist in anger.

"We have to get her."


"She's a great asset."

With that, Azami was chased by Sinbad as she desperately find a way to keep out of his reach. There were times where she is safe but it would never be the same.

