Scroll 3: Balbadd and the Lady Killer of the Seven Seas

It had been five months ever since Azami started serving under the Kou Empire. Convincing Kouen was not a walk in the park considering that he was very thorough when it came to work and efficiency. However, it was well in the end.

She was also able to meet most of the princes and princesses of the kingdom. In fact, she was quite fond of Kougyoku, Hakuei and Hakuryuu. They were fun to be with, but one thing she always avoided was Hakuei's cooking. No offense, but it might as well become a poison for assassination.

'Azami, you still have a mission to fulfill.' Sitri reminded. Azami knew that she had been spending most of her time with them, and slowly abandoning her plan to escape. Her djinn's words were enough to pull her out of that reverie. It was sad to leave them, but Sitri was right, she had a destiny to fulfill. She was running from reality.

"You're right. What was I thinking?" She muttered. Later that afternoon, she went to serve Koumei snacks. It was also her chance to speak to him about her leaving.

"Prince Koumei, it's time to rest. Please have some chamomile tea and cookies." He looked up from his works and at the snacks she prepared. Putting his pen down, he went to sit in front of her and drink his tea. Koumei noticed her crestfallen look and asked.

"Is there something wrong, Azami?" The pinkette clutched her dress and blurted out the words she had to say.

"I have to go back to my friends, Koumei. They need my help somehow, I can feel it." She whispered. Koumei did not speak for a moment, not finding her words appealing. He crossed arms and told her that she will not have any permission unless Prince Kouen allowed her. Somehow, his tone had become cold and distant. Azami knew that they could be harsh, but after spending so much time with them, he could have pardoned her a little.

"I'll be back. It's just— I really don't know how to tell you this. Let's just say that like anybody else, I also have a destiny to fulfill. Do you get me, Koumei?" She was desperate. Koumei sighed and asked her whatever her destiny was. The only thing he managed to get out of her was that she had to help her friends not let the world fall into depravity. Only that because she, too, had no idea what she had to do.

The Crimson Prince held her hand and kissed her forehead. He felt the heavy burden she was carrying, and he, as much as he did not want to admit, want to help her. Azami was not fazed by it unlike her djinns who were cursing at the prince horribly.

'Stop touching her, stupid prince! She's mine!' Furcas complained loudly.

'Shut up will you!? I'm trying to sleep!' Sitri shouted as she tried to silence him.

'You shut up old hag! She's mine!' Furcas retorted. Sitri had enough and kick him hard on the groin. The djinn doubled over in pain, and Azami felt it knocking on her mind. She asked the two what happened, and Sitri told her not to worry about anything. The said conqueror shrugged her shoulders and went back to their conversation.

"That's a lot of paper." She commented.

"It is."

"Kouen is really starting to kill you." She said with a giggle while prince just smiled lightly. They both enjoyed their moment because the two knew that it was the last time they will enjoy each other's presence.

"Azami, you have to talk to My Brother and Lord if you really want to get out of Kou. That's the only thing I can advise you." He muttered. She nodded and left the room immediately to do her other chores.

That night, Azami stared at her window before grabbing the letters she made and carefully folded them. If she talked to Kouen, there will only be a dispute between them. It would be better if she leaves without a word. With one last look, she jumped down the castle and called for her djinn.

"Spirit of Knowledge and Perfection, I ask thee and thine to use thy magoi. Come forth with your household. Engulfed me with your darkness, Furcas!" Light covered her body and not too long, it diminished and left her with a new look. She now wore a dark silk cloth that covered only her breast, an almost transparent skirt that has a slit of both side, golden chains and ornaments that adorned her body, but what was special about it were the horns and webbed wings that protrude out of her body. The horns were curled up while her wings were a beautiful shade of ruby.

"I will never get used to this clothing, Furcas. It's too showy!" The djinn just grinned at her antics of covering her legs and breasts.

'It looks good on you!' With a defeated sigh, she left it at that and flew towards the sky. Just like before, chirping sounds were heard behind her, and she could see a swarm of rukh guiding her towards the young magi.

"I'm coming Aladdin, just wait a little longer."

The young magi sensed the rukh around him chirp happily. He noticed they were all so lively, and they told him that Azami was coming soon. He could not hide the smile that forced its way and quickly told Morgiana about the good news.

"I'm glad Azami is coming here soon." She spoke. Aladdin swayed from side-to-side, too happy about their friend returning to them.

"Yeah! I can't wait to hug—I mean see Azami-nee." Aladdin cheered. After Amon's dungeon, the four were thrown out to different places. They all had their own adventures, but as fate directed them, it seemed like they will be all seeing each other again just like how Aladdin and Morgiana met.

As the two walked around the road towards Balbadd, they decided to talk about everything that has happened in their lives.

"Say, Morg? You're going to Balbadd so you can catch a ship back to your homeland, right?" The young magi asked.

"Yes. And also because I wanted to see you three again." The Fanalis replied. "I wanted to give my thanks to you, Azami and Alibaba."

"Me?" Aladdin asked confused.

"I am so grateful to you three for giving me back my future." She said with a smile. Suddenly, the girl bowed down as Aladdin frantically tried to stop her from doing so. He assured the girl that they did not save her just for gratitude but rather for doing the right thing. After all that was who Alibaba and Azami were.

"Now, I really want to see them again."

He looked at the horizon and imagined Alibaba welcoming them with his warm smile. Well, he thought it was only his imagination, but it was not. In front of them was a man stark NAKED! Except for the leaf that covered his glory that is.

"Hello there! What a beautiful day we're having!" The stranger greeted. He had purple hair and golden eyes. If only he was not stark naked then the two would not be so alarmed.

"Ah! Stand back, Morg! He's dangerous!" Aladdin warned. Morgiana stepped a front and covered for the young magi.

"No, it's okay! I will handle this!"

"He might be a monster!"

"W-Wait! I think you're misunderstanding the situation!" The man tried to defend himself. The two stopped and let him explain. Aladdin understood his situation and finally lent him his spare clothes, but it really did not fit his bulky figure. Morgiana looked away from the man, too embarrassed to see one.

"Thanks for lending me some clothes, Aladdin. My name's Sin. I was on my way to Balbadd when thieves robbed me clean." Sin said. Aladdin apologized for accusing him.

"Crossing the dessert has made me wary to danger." He admitted. Sin had a curious glint in his eyes.


Aladdin told him his story which amazed Sin who started spewing things about adventures and wisdom. He also tried using sweet words to get in Morgiana's skin, but it looked like it did not have any effect on her. Just then, a waft of sea breeze fluttered around the Fanalis, and the man told her that Balbadd was just beyond the hill. The two children were overjoyed by the information and ran towards the cliff where they could Balbadd.

The city looked lively especially the market, but on the dark side, the country was drowning in poverty. Balbadd was fated to its doom. Sin assured the two that they did not have to worry about a thing. All expenses will be shouldered by him. Well, that was what he said until the guards stopped him. Two silhouettes came and sighed at their companion's antics.

"Him and his mouth."

"Honestly, what is he doing?" The man stopped the guards before they could shoo Sin away. This person had white hair and coal eyes with a tint of green, wearing a green keffiyeh and cream colored clothing. He welcomed Sin and his guests along with an apology in order. They thanked him before the man ushered Sin away.

"And you, please do something about your inappropriate attire." He pointed out. Sin sheepishly smiled before waving at the two kids.

"See you later, Aladdin and Morgiana. Let's eat together."

Towards Balbadd

Our young dungeon had been flying towards Balbadd for hours. As taxing as it was, her excitement was far greater it to stop her.

"Say, Furcas? How much long until we get there? It's really cold out here!" Azami complained. Furcas' metal vessel goowed and informed her that it will take about half an hour to reach Balbadd with the speed they were taking. Happy with the news, she looked at the vast ocean, awaiting to see her destination.

A roar and a cry of a child caught her attention. Looking down, there was some kind of chimera sniffing his prey while the child sobbed and backed away slowly. Azami knew she had to do something, so she took her dagger out and aimed at the chimera's head.

"ROOOAAAR!" With a perfect hit, the chimera roared in agony, and the dagger cut deeper than intended. It wriggled his head around to remove it, but Azami kept a strong hold until it collapsed, dead. The child continued to sob until he was engulfed in a warm hug.

"There, there. The bad chimera is gone now. No need to cry, little man." The child opened his eyes and saw a pair of beautiful red eyes and pink hair. It was as if she was the goddess herself. He cried and hugged her tightly. Azami smiled and comforted the wailing child.

"I'm Azami. What's your name, and where are your parents kid?" She asked. The kid sniffed and wiped the tears and snot the dripped his nose.

"The name is Setta. They died in a fire when I was 3 and now I'm living in this forest until that monster drove me out." He confessed. Azami pitied his situation. The boy looked no older than 7, and her heart soared out to him, so she did what she thought was best. His dark skin, dark purple hair and bright yellow eyes were unique features. If she left him here, slave traders or other predators might come after him.

"Do you want to come with me to Balbadd? I'm meeting my friends there, and I can't wait exactly leave you here all alone." She uttered. The child gave it some thought before nodding. He will have better protection if he come with her. She also did not look like a bad person to him.

"I'm sorry for burdening you, but I'm happy that you're willing to take me." He conceded. The conqueror grinned and carried him in her arms. They flew once more towards Balbadd. It was not a silent trip anymore, rather it was something filled with laughter.

"I can see it now, Azami-nee!" Setta said in glee. She turned to where he was pointing at and saw a massive land with small islands surrounding it.

"Woah! You're right! Well the , I'll speed up a bit so hold on tight!" With a boost from her second djinn, Azami increased her speed and pinpointed Aladdin's location. It was near. She was about to stop when a force prevented her from doing so.

"Uh-oh! This is bad. Something is preventing me from controlling my speed. Hold on tight Setta, we're going to land pretty harshly." She released her djinn equip and was left exhausted.

"What!? What do you mean, Aza—" He was cut off as they crashed unto a table, and Azami thought that it will hurt bad. However, it seemed like they were cushioned by something or someone. She noticed a man with purple hair crushed beneath them. She quickly stood up and apologized.

"Oh my goodness! I'm very sorry about crushing you! I didn't mean to land on you!" She was about to go on when a mass of blue hair crashed into her for a bear hug (her breast to be exact). The conqueror knew of his antics of course.

"Aladdin~ What do you think you're doing?" A tick mark appeared on her head and bonked him.

"You perverted brat!" She blinked before checking Setta out. There was no injury on him except for a couple of scratches here and there, but it was something she could treat easily. She patted the dirt off him and glanced back at the strangers. They were staring at her silently.

"That was quite an entrance, Azami." It was Morgiana. The conqueror grinned and hugged the Fanalis. She, then, asked who the strangers were. The Fanalis looked at the trio who took it as their cue to introduce theirselves. Sinbad, Ja'far and Masrur were their names. She was delighted to meet new people, but she did not like Sinbad's advances. As subtle as it is, she did hear the Fanalis mutter 'Lady Killer of the Seven Seas'.

Setta, who had been hiding beside Azami, tugged her dress and asked who they were. Azami gasped and quickly introduced them. Aladdin trudged towards the boy and was already making friends with him along with Morgiana. She noted that the kid should also get along with kids near his age. Something was bothering her though. Sinbad's name was pretty familiar.

"Hmmm. Where did I hear his name? Sinbad. Lady Killer of the Seven Seas. Ah! He's the High King of the Seven Seas! How could I forget!?' Sinbad's true identity just dawned on her. However, he was still stupid for having the lady killer as a title.

"Obnoxious." She murmured. It was enough for Ja'far to hear which made him archangel eyebrow in question. Azami shrugged off the look and turned to her right where she saw Ugo out of his flute. Aladdin had summoned him again.

Sinbad cleated his throat to catch their attention. They looked at him, and he explained to them Balbadd's situation. The situation was dire, and he asked them for their assistance. Azami glared at the man. He was somebody she could not fully trust. She glanced towards Aladdin and Morgiana who looked like they were ready to help them.

"What do you think, Aladdin?"

"We'll do it!"

"I guess I have to go with you, huh?" Azami said as she clasped their shoulders. The two were happy that their friend was coming with them. Setta also offered his help to which the conqueror giggled to.

"Great! Then let's start planning, Aladdin!" Sinbad said before turning to the two girls.

"Morgiana, Azami, you can wait at the hotel." He uttered.

"Huh?" The two were stunned with what the king said.

"Even if you're a Fanalis or a dungeon conqueror, I couldn't let ladies like you fight." Sinbad pushed the two towards the hotel when Morgiana stomped her foot while Azami took out her daggers. She also wanted to question how he knew she was one when she did not even talk about it or parade her vessels. For all anyone could know, she could have been a magician.

"I will fight too." The Fanalis said with a pout.

"I don't know how you get that I'm a dungeon conqueror, but don't underestimate me, stupid king." Sinbad was stunned and just nodded.

"Yes ma'am."

And so they proceed with their plan as Ja'far explained to them their guess in which the Fog Troupe will attack along with the connections the thief group had.

