
"In other news, a giant scaly creature was spotted lurking outside of Hunter Hill's home moments ago." Ethan, Rory, Benny, Ellie, and Sarah were all sat on the couch and hoped that the newscaster would say something about the alligator.

While they continued to watch the TV, Erica walked through Ethan's front door. She was soaking wet and her clothes were torn apart. "Erica? What happened to you?"

"You guys are the ones with your finger on all that's weird around here, you tell me!" she spat before she explained. "I was driving a freshmen through the car wash in the back of my dad's pickup-"

"Wait stop- you drove them through a car wash?" Ellie interrupted.

"Well after she made them all roll around in manure, someone had to hose them off," Ethan answered for her. Ellie's jaw dropped.

"Be glad I was nice to you when you were a freshie, nerdette," Erica told her. "Anyways, something huge and scaly jumped out of the pipes and attacked me! It was some kind of mutant alligator thing and it came out biting. Now I know how my food feels, and I don't like it!"

"Are the girls okay?" Sarah asked her.

"They're fine... my new leather jacket is trashed, though," she answered pointing to the sleeves of her jacket.

"Hey, looks like they found Thor's buddy," Ethan gestured towards the TV as it showed some rescuers recovering the alligator. "Well, guess that's that then."

"That's not the one that attacked me," Erica stopped. "The one that I saw was bigger than that." They all stared at her back in confusion.

"That means Thor didn't have a buddy," Benny realized. He snapped his fingers, "They're breeding! And if Erica's right, them babies ain't pretty."

"Wait, we're talking about an entirely different species. One capable of incredible strength, growing to different sizes, the possibilities are endless," Ethan said.

"And thanks to the dork squad, they're loose in our city sewer system!" Sarah pointed to the rest that were sitting on the couch. She noticed her phone vibrating and looked to see that Erica was calling her, even though Erica was standing right in front of her.

"Are you calling me?" she asked her. "Uh, no. That swamp thing must have taken my new phone when it tried to bite my arm off!" Erica groaned.

"Did you hear that?" Ethan asked. The group just heard a small... noise and a smell that followed it. "Nope! Nobody did!" Sarah quickly answered.

Ethan felt his phone go off, too. He looked at it and noticed that the gator was texting his phone from its stomach. "Wait, I just got an idea."


While Ethan was hacking into the phone's location signal, Ellie and Benny stood close behind him and watched while Sarah and Erica looked somewhat bored from the geek hacking that was happening. "As long as the phone is in the alligator's stomach, we should be able to track it."

"Then, we can call anyone who was eaten and see where they are," Benny chuckled. "I can hack into the satellite and find the exact location of the alligator," Ethan explained.

"And boom," he said, waiting for the recognition of his peers until he got no reaction. "Come on! No reaction? That was a lot harder than it looks."

"That thing's going up into Hunter Hill's Mansion Country," Sarah pointed out looking at the map.

"That was a 126 bit encryption I just hacked through," Ethan still complained.

"We thought it was awesome," Ellie reminded him, sending him a high-five followed by Benny's high-five.

"Wait, where was Heather last seen?" Sarah asked. "Hunter Hills."

"That's it! Where else would a tropical, sewer-dwelling lizard be able to make it through the winter? Under a hot tub!" Ethan realized.

"Isn't Tad having another party today?" Erica asked. "You know, the guy who lives in the house that the slimy gator is resting in?"

"Yeah, a pool party."


Sarah, Erica, and Ellie walked in front of the guys into Tad's house. They all began to walk onto his front lawn when Sarah asked them, "Are the costumes really necessary?"

Ethan, Benny, and Rory were all wearing the type of clothes that you'd see on a nature documentary or on a crocodile hunting show. Benny defended, "What? We need to be prepared when we get down and dirty with this croc."

"I refuse to enter a senior party with them dressed like this!" Erica whined. "I'm just glad that we talked some sense into you, dorkette."

Ellie shrugged as the three girls were able to walk in, but the three guys weren't allowed in since they radiated nerd fumes. "Let's just go in the back way."

Erica, Sarah, and Ellie all made their way into the pool area and the two vampires smirked. "So many dining choices. It's kinda like picking your own lobster at a crab place."

"You guys can't-" Ellie's comment was interrupted by the smell of something insanely gross, followed by the guys entering their conversation. "Hey- oh my god, what is that smell?" Ethan said, disgusted.

"God, it smells like a burning tire," Benny groaned. Sarah turned flustered towards her friends and quickly rushed away, looking for a washroom. "She's gassy, it's an over-eating thing," Erica explained.

"I'm going to go find a snack. I think I'll go for a blonde," Erica added, scanning the crowd and walking away. "Uh, TMI?"

"Come on, let's give these seniors JEI," Ethan smirked. He stopped smirking when neither Benny, Rory, or Ellie knew what he was talking about. "Just Enough Information? You know, to save themselves from-"

"Just go do it!" Benny and Ellie snapped together.

Ethan ran up to the DJ's booth where Tad was and reached for the microphone, gaining everyone's attention. "Hey! There's a man-eating mutant alligator heading right towards this house!" There was really no point in him announcing that to the party, since everyone just laughed at him. "Everyone get out of the water!" Tad took the microphone out of Ethan's hands and motioned him to go away.

"I'll be honest, E. I kinda knew that was going to happen," Ellie said as Ethan walked back to where they were sitting. Ethan shrugged, "I guess we're going to have to do it the old-fashioned way."

"Run and call the police," Rory answered. "No. We wait for it to show itself, and then we give that gator some wicked indigestion." He sat his bag onto the table, as did Benny.

"Good snacks at this party. Has anyone got any more SPF 1000?" Erica smiled as she joined the rest of them. "What's the dork squad up to now?"

"Well, the alligator should come up right under the hot-tub. Then, all we have to do is wait for it to come up through the grate-"

"And in goes the liquid kaboom," Ellie smirked as she flicked the potion in her hand, making it sparkle.

"You know, it's pathetic how good you guys are at this stuff?" Erica told them. She picked up one of their many bottles and said, "Your proportions are off. You need more soda."

Rory took the bottle out of her hand and inspected it. "She's right. How did you know that?"

"Because before she was an undead vampire of the night, she was a mega-nerd, remember?" Benny smirked. Ellie chuckled, "I think you had a higher average than I did."

Erica hissed at the two and pinned against their chairs. "Remind anyone of that again, and both of you will spend eternity in a grave. Get it?"

"Got it," they both squeaked. "Good."

"Hey, guys," Ethan said to get their attention. "This thing is getting close." He pointed to his phone that showed the alligator rushing to Hunter Hills. "Who's the bait?"

"There's only one way to settle this," Ellie told them. The four of them, excluding Erica, sat up and yelled, "Rock, paper, scissors, lizard, Spock!"

"Are you kidding me?" Ellie, Benny, and Ethan groaned since Rory won.


Ellie, Ethan, and Benny each walked up to the side of the hot tub in their swimsuits. As soon as Benny and Ellie came even close to the hot tub, the people that were in it already just left. "Oh good, you guys got rid of them," Ethan said.

"Guys, it's right under us," Erica said to the three as they stood in the water of the hot tub.

"Wait, maybe we're doing this wrong," Benny suggested. "What if the cell phone's just drifting underneath and we-"

Benny's suggestion was quickly interrupted by the slashing of the water in front of them. Ellie, Benny, and Ethan all ran out of the water and beside of the hot tub. "Ethan, now!" Ellie yelled.

"I'm not ready!" he replied. "This isn't a good time to not be ready, Ethan!"

"Grab the hot tub cover!" Ethan yelled to Rory, Benny, and Ellie. "Why us?!"

They each ran to the hot tub and covered it up, waiting for Ethan to make the potion. "I don't like this plan!" Rory yelled. Ethan ran over to the alligator until Erica took the bottle from him and yelled, "Eat science!"

She shoved the potion into the alligator's mouth and they all ran back behind the poolside chairs. They hid their faces as the beast exploded, leaving traces of scales all over the place. "Did we win?"

"I just peed my swimsuit, can you tell?" Ethan asked Benny and Ellie. "It's cool, just go with it."

Tad walked up behind of Ellie, Benny, and Rory and grabbed their shoulders. "We took a vote, and you nerds can stay," he told them. "But you have to tell your girlfriend to stop polluting the bathroom, because it smells like a dead skunk in there," Tad said to Ethan before he left.

"He thinks Sarah's my girlfriend!"


"So, did you fix your little issue that you had?" Erica asked Sarah as the two and Ellie walked down the hall. "Ugh, problem solved. I'm eating a lot less now. No more blood buffets."

They kept walking until they saw Ethan, Benny, and Rory strut down the end of the hall. "Oh my god," Ellie muttered. The three boys were wearing different items from the alligator's skin.

"Pretty sweet, huh?" Ethan told them. "I've got alligator socks," Benny added. "And I've got alligator underwe-"

"Okay, normally I have a problem with wearing animal skins, but I'll let it slide since it was an evil toilet gator," Sarah told them. Erica furrowed her eyebrows and asked, "So they can steal things from their victims? What a double-standard!"

As both Erica and Sarah walked away from them, Ellie stayed with her nerd friends. "Are we finally cool now, El?" Benny asked her, slinging his arm around her shoulders. "No, but I have one question for you guys. What are you going to do about that gator still locked in the supply closet?"

The boys' eyes widened and Rory and Ethan ran into another hallway. Benny unwrapped his arm around Ellie, pecked her cheek and quickly said, "Thanks, babe!"

"Idiots," she chuckled, shaking her head as she left to class.
