The secret relationship

(Macy's P.O.V)
It's 6 Am, the day after and I'm at the castle thinking about the evening me and Arron are going to have while servant bots change me into my princess gown. Today my dad was learning me how to speak like a princess ready for the ball. I walk into the dining hall and sit down at the table with my mother and father.

"Ahhh Macy you look beautiful in that dress" my father said to me while I smile through the pain of sitting here.
"Dad how long is this going to take because all my friends are at the Fortrex waiting for me?" I asked nearly jumping out of my seat.
"Sweetheart your father just want you to be more princess like, you only have to do this for one night while other royalties from other realms come to visit and anyway they are bringing their sons so if you like any of them, just give me a little heads up." My mother said to me while giving me a little wink. "Unless there is a certain Knight that you like"

I turned red as one of Axl's tomatoes with many thoughts going through my head such as does she know? If she does, how did she find out? What if she told dad?
I look over to my dad who's looking a bit excited.

"I knew it, I knew it, my sweet Macy likes one of the Knights and we can all guess which heroic one it is and who has always been there for us!" My dad said in a really enthusiastic tone.

I laugh nervously and smiled at him " erm dad can we not talk about my love life and get to this princess stuff because I really want to get to my friends" I blurted out as fast as I could thinking the quicker I get out of here, the quicker I can get to Aaron to tell him the problem I just got myself in.

I would tell my dad that I was dating Aaron but the truth is, my dad don't actually like him because of all the trouble he always gets into which apparently makes him a bad influence to a princess. The only reason my dad made him one of his Royal Nexo Knighs is because he is one of the best archers in the kingdom and he is a great advantage for when we go into battle. I'm a bad liar but my dad is an excellent one to people he don't like such as Aaron because he can be nice to him in person but as soon as he leaves he tells me he is a bad influence and I shouldn't be hanging around with someone like that. Becoming queen may be my biggest task but my most important one is to get my father to like my boyfriend.

It's now 2pm in the afternoon and Iv just changed back into my knight gear. I grab my bag and head to the entrance of the castle to go back to the Fortrex. I go to open the door, suddenly somebody knocks on it. I open the door to see Clay standing there.

(Clay's P.O.V)

I was in the middle of my daily patrol when the King calls me and asks me to come pick Macy up as he didn't want her to travel to the Fortrex on her own. I knock on the door to the castle and by surprise Macy answers the door, for some reason she didn't look very impressed to see me.

"Oh Clay what are you doing here shouldn't you be back at the Fortrex"  Macy said to me while grabbing her bags.
"Your dad told me to come pick you up since he didn't want you to walk to the Fortrex by yourself" I explained to her as she was walking down the path.
"Wait let me guess he also told you that I have a crush on you" she said to me sarcastically.
"No he didn't" Macy suddenly stops and turns to me.
"Clay firstly I don't have a crush on you so let's make that clear, and if my dad ever calls you to pick me up  please tell him yes but don't because I prefer to travel by myself and thirdly the reason I sarcastically said I had a crush on you is because we was talking about my love life and my dad thinks I have a crush on you when I don't" she said to me in a softer and normal tone.
"Ok then" I replied "and anyway I'm not ready for any relationship at the moment since my whole life is being a knight and let me guess you feel the same why"
Macy suddenly turns red and try's to avoid eye contact with me
"No way you have a boyfriend, who is he?" I became more curious.
"You don't know him, he's not from this area, i met him a long time ago and we only just got together!" She burst out. "Clay can you please not tell anyone about this"
I promised her that I won't tell anyone and we both get into our car and we head back to the Fortrex.

(Aaron's P.O.V)

Today's been quite boring since I have had nothing to do. Clay was out patrolling, Lance was out meeting fans, Axl was in the kitchen and  as usual I was banned from going in there because I might cause trouble and icing might go everywhere. This has only happened once because when me and Macy started dating, I wanted to make her a surprise cake but everything went wrong. Long story short, icing went everywhere and I got made to clean it all.
Macy should be back from training soon and no one has anything planned so I hope we have some time to ourselves.

I hear a knock on my bedroom door.
"Clay if that you I don't want to do extra training" I shout.
The door knocks again. As I opened it, Macy jumps on me giving me a really big hug. As soon as I realised what just happened I quickly carry her out of the door way and into my room and kick the door shut behind me. I put Macy back on the ground and we share a few kisses before we brake from each other.

(Macy's P.O.V)

I look into Aaron's eyes who I just caught by surprise. We just stand there smiling at each other before any of us say anything to each other.
"So what has your dad said about me now" he asks me as we both sit down at the end of his bed.
I turned round to him and explained everything that went on with my mother, father and Clay. Once I finished talking I look up at Aaron who was very calm. He didn't say anything but smiled.

Suddenly he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me towards him. A second later he pulled me into a passionate kiss that felt like it lasted a while un till I pulled away. I looked at him with a confused face. Aaron laughed and gave me a few small kisses before he stood up.

"Well I guess  this gives us more time to be together" he said to me as i stood up next to him.
I give him an even more confused look "I don't get what you mean?"
"so if you have a secret boyfriend that's not around here and if I had a secret girlfriend from a different village we can fake plan a double date but really we are planning a date for ourselves" he explained to me.

After he explained it to I got really excited because that might actually work. This has probably been the first time Aaron has ever came up with a great idea like that. With so much excitement I jumped and gave him another hug and a few kisses un till be both decided that we should head to the lounge room to meet everybody else.
