The Ball: Part 2

(King Helbert's P.O.V)

I feel some sort of anger go over me, it was like I want to go shout at her but my heart wanted to just leave her for how happy she looks. She looked safe and happy which is all i ever wanted for her. I stand there for a while watching them, after about 2 minutes my wife comes and joins me.

"you know this actually reminds me of us when we were their age, your mother never approved but you used to sneak out and keep secrets from her so we can be together" she said as she took my hand.

"I know, its just when we started dating, it did tell my mother and she only disapproved because you weren't royalty. Macy, she didn't tell me and i thought we both have a close father-daughter relationship  but i thought wrong." i say looking down. For the first time ever, i feel like i don't actually know my own daughter.

"But dear, you gave the impression you hated Aaron's guts, so she i scared of telling anyone and as far as i know, she hasn't even told the rest of the knights yet." she said. "Just remember how scared you were of what your mother was thinking, Macy is going trough the same thought progress as you, if i was you i would let her do what her heart wants and do what she can while she still has the freedom because at the moment she doesn't realize once shes queen, she can't be a knight. This news will destroy her and she hasn't got long." she quickly gave me a quick kiss then walked back into the ball room.

I stand the same spot for another few minutes thinking. I will let her date Aaron and be a knight but she also needs to learn the responsibility of being a queen. In the next lessons i will have more father-daughter bonding chats and tell her i know about her and Aaron, hopefully she becomes less secretive and have a better relationship between us.  i walk back into the ball room and join my wife where we have a quick dance with each other.

(Macy's P.O.V)

After a long time hugging we decide to go back into the ball room. When we walking in, it was just my parents left dancing and servant bots cleaning up the room. I watch my parents dance together in each other arms and they seem so happy together. Suddenly i felt Aaron take my hand and he pulled me onto the dance floor. surprisingly he could actually dance to this kind of music.

For the rest of the night, me and Aaron and my parents danced away until the music bots had enough of playing  their instruments and kicked us out. We all got some more food before we went to our rooms and settled down for the night.

As I lay in bed I think about tomorrow and what needs to be done such as Ava wants me to sort out the spare weapons but I'm probably going to get Aaron to do that for me. And to get some training done because Clay has monitored the training room to make sure we actually done so training so when we going a timer goes off so he's can see how long we have been training for a day. As I start to drift off I think about the night I just had and how my dad didn't mind me dancing with Aaron and how he was actually nice to him. After a while I soon fall asleep.
