jun pushed the door open into the local cafe, the door chime indicating that there was a customer.

he was going to meet minghao there. he said they always got refreshments first before they started practicing.

he searched around the cafe, looking for him. minghao saw jun first and waved at him, gesturing they were seated not too far away. as jun approached the table, he smiled to the boy beside minghao, who he supposed was chan.

jun somehow expected that minghao wouldn't be wearing his make up since they were only going for practice, but he soon noticed the evident cosmetics on minghao's face. he wore light make up that day, but it was enough to cover up his bare face.

he slightly rolled his eyes. it had only been a few days since jun got to know him but he got easily annoyed and impatient. he needed to see minghao bare faced. he wanted that money.

"hey", jun waved back at minghao.

"do you want to get anything to drink first before we leave?", minghao smiled. jun shook his head and the two initially seated boys stood up from their position, ready to leave the cafe.

minghao and chan led jun to their practice venue, which was a music station soonyoung's father owned, but it wasn't in use anymore so they would go to the vacant studio, using it as their practice room.

when they stepped into the room, soonyoung had already started practicing the choreography for the song 'lucifer'.

he soon heard them enter, so he stopped the song and took some deep breaths before welcoming them as if he had no clue about his and jun's little 'bet'.

jun wanted to glare at the boy but he restrained himself, not wanting any questions from anyone present in that room.

as they got themselves ready to continue practicing with soonyoung, jun looked over to minghao who was touching up his make up by the nearby mirror.

"hey... don't you want to take your make up off? your sweat will ruin it", jun leaned on the wall beside minghao. he chuckled upon hearing his statement.

"it's waterproof", minghao reassured, patting jun's back.

"he never takes off his make up, ya know", soonyoung called out. he was watching him the whole time. he smirked, winking in the process. jun rolled his eyes so hard he could almost feel them roll to the back of his eyes.


HI yAy uPdAtE HAHA hope you liked it!!
