"yah, i'll give you fifty thousand won if you can manage to see him without make-up" 

"are you crazy? where will you get that money huh?", wonwoo whispered.

soonyoung nudged him away. he looked at jun whose eyes widened at the mention of the amount of money.

"if you don't want it then--"

"fine, i'll do it", jun agreed to his friend's 'little' bet.

they all looked over at the pretty boy standing by the lockers, talking to his own group of friends.

his name was xu minghao. everyone knew him by the fact that he always wore make up to school which made him like 10000 times more attractive.

mostly everybody had a crush on him, girl or even boy.

nobody has seen him without his make up, though. jun just got himself into a stupid bet, thinking that he'd be able to get the money.

he didn't know if he could even be friends with minghao who was a year younger, and probably doesn't even know that jun exists.

"yah, i think you'll be friends with him in no time. besides, you're hot and he's hot too. you guys match already", wonwoo gave him a friendly pat on his back when his other friends had left. jun smiled softly.

he wanted the money. he had to try.


hello!! first chapter up hehe :")) i hope you liked it! this is also author nim's first time writing an otp fanfic so please give this lots of love HAHA

also, just fyi 50 000 won is about 60-65 sgd :))

thanks for reading!

xx eisasshi
