9) She's Gone

Jaycob pov

Her voice, it's like an angels, it's like delicate bells, it is beyond words. I was mesmerised, my mate she is mesmerising. When she sings, it's like everything commands you to stop and listen to her, you can't help but get sucked in to her voice and there's no escape. When she finishes, you just want her to sing again, you can't help but love her. That's why, everyone erupts in to applause when she stops. I try to clap the loudest, but it seems as if everyone wants her to notice them and only them. You can't help but want to please her in any way.

Her small stature gets off the stool and disappears backstage. When she comes our, the first thing she does is go to Amy, the owner of the bar. Amy hands her money. Is this all she earns in one day, for singing in a bar? That can't be a lot. How does she afford the simplist of things like a house and clothes and food? I don't have time to dwel on this because she walks over to me. I smack a smile on my face and meet her halfway.

"You were amazing up there." I exclaimed.

"You're just being nice."

"You're just being modest." I counter.

She blushes. She is so cute when she does that my wolf Deus says. I don't know why my wolf is called Deus, most wolves have normal names. Deus says it is because we are special and made for great things, he insists that his name means God in Latin.

Ava walks past me and towards the door, I follow her like a lost puppy. We walk out in to the open air. I see her take a deep breath.

"Thank you again. You know that you don't need to always hang out with me, I will be fine on my own." She tells me.

"My wolf wouldn't allow that."

She just nods, she looks like she wants to say something else but decided against it.

"Speaking of wolves, it would really help mine if you might come and live in the pack house with me. Deus gets really anxious when he isn't with you." I ask her.

I need her to say yes. This whole process is hard for me. Because she is human, she can't feel the bond as much as I do. Most of my friends would have been fully mated by now. It is getting harder and harder to stop myself every day I am with her. It doesn't help that Deus is constantly putting thoughts in my mind about her that I don't want in there. What can I say, I have an extremely horny wolf.

"Deus?" she questions.

"Thats my wolfs name."

She looks deep in thought. When she gets like this she is unresponsive, form experience, someone only gets lile this when they are either talking to their wolf  or through mindlink, but she can't be doping either one of these thing. What are you hiding Avalon?

"Sure, I'll move in to the pack house." She replies after a while.

I can feel my wolf doing dances in my mind. I know that I probably have a stupid grin on my face but I can't help it, I'm ecstatic.

We get back in my car and I drive us back to the pack house. When we get there, her expression is the same one she had on when she first came her, complete awe.

"Do you have any belongings that you need to bring back from your old house?" I ask her.

She visibly freezes. Her face is a mask of horror. Does she not want me to see her old house? Deus whimpers at that thought.

"No, if I need anything I'll just go out and buy it." she quickly recovers and her face is a complete void of emotions again, I can't read it.

I can feel her hiding her emotions from me. How does she do that? No human should be able to do that. She smells human but doesn't have human like qualities. What ever she is hiding, I will find out and soon.

"Come on, I'll take you to your room."

I motioned for her to follow me upstairs. On the way up, I could hear the pitter patter of little feet running along the hallway. Out of no where, a little girl came bursting out of a door and came running towards us.

It was my youngest sister Lucy. She had dark blue eyes and light blonde hair. She had dimples when she smiled. She was 7 years old, I know its a massive age difference. She was giggling and hid behind Ava's leg.

"Save me." She giggled.

I chuckled, knowing full well what she needed savimg from. Avalon however looked alarmed.

"Save you from what?" she asked.

"The monster."

At that moment, we heard a loud ROAARRR.

"Oh no, it's too late." Lucy continued.

Out of the same doorway, the monster came, my other sister, Diana. Lucy and Diana are the spitting image of each other, apart from Diana has a lighter shade of blue eyes. Diana was 18 years old, like Avalon. Don't ask me what happened with the massive age difference between me and Diana and Lucy, my parents refuse to talk on this matter.

"This is the monster?" Ava asked.

"Yup, and I'm going to get yoouuuu." Diana teased.

"Aaahhhh, run away." Lucy cried.

Diana started chasing after Lucy again, they started running circles around Ava. She looked as if she was starting to get dizzy.

"Alright girls, I think you have scared my mate enough for one day." I intervened.

"Your mate!" Diana stopped.

"Oh em geee. My brother finally found his mate." Diana squealed.


"Yeah, this is my sister Diana, and my sister Lucy." I pointed at them in turn.

"Nice to meet you." Ava held out her hand for Diana to shake, but Diana just pulled her in to a hug.

"Group hug." Lucy shouted and joined them.

Avalon looked alarmed. She looked towards me and mouthed help. I chuckled and shook my head. No can do I mouthed back.

Eventually, they pulled away.

"Lucy, shouldn't you be in bed." I said.

Lucy's eyes widened and she sprinted away whilst saying. "What are you talking about, I'm in bed, you must be hallucinating."

"Sure, sure." I laughed.

"I'll make sure she gets in bed." Diana said.

I nodded. As soon as she was out of sight, I turned to Ava.

"Lucy's cute." she said.

"Yeah. Come on let's finally get you to a room."

I led Avalon down the hallways and to my room. I opened the door to my room and held it open for her. She looked around, examining it.

"This is your room." She pointed out.

"Well, I figured that we could sleep in the same room maybe."

She seemed to be deep in thought again. I was kind of anxious, I really want to get close to her, maybe convince her to tell me her secret.


I smiled at her. On the outside I made myself calm and collected, but on the inside, I was jumping up and down from excitement.

"Do you have a change of clothes in that backpack of yours?" I asked, she is always carrying around the backpack, I wonder what is in it.

Her eyes went wide and she looked down and mumbled "No." If I weren't a werewolf, I wouldn't have heard her.

I smirked, there is only one option left, and let me tell you, my wolf is very happy about this.

"You'll have to wear my clothes then."

She shrugged, "I don't mind."

I walked in to my wardrobe and took out one of my t-shirts and shorts. I handed them to her and sat on my bed waiting.

She kept on staring at me, as if she was expecting me to do something.

"Can you umm leave me to change." she asked.

"Oh right." I said embarrassed.

I hurried out of my room and closed the door behind me. Come to your office, there is something you might want to see. My Beta Zach mindlinked me. So I set off for my office.

When I got there, the door was slightly ajar and I could see my beta and Beta female Zach and Zachs mate Calla, my Gamma and Gamma female Nick and Nicks mate Haley.

"What is it you wanted me to see?" I asked walking in.

"Well we found out everything we could about Avalon Harris." Zach explained to me.

Zach and Nick are the closest people to a brother for me.

"That was quick." I said, I fully expected them to take a week to find everything they could, it usually takes that long.

"That's the thing, there is hardly anything on her." Zach explained.

At that moment, we heard footsteps outside. My georgeus mate, Avalon entered. She was wearing my shirt, it was too big for her and she had rolled up my shorts so they could fit her. I could feel my eyes getting darker as I took her in.

" Sorry am I inturupting?" She said in a small voice.

"No not at all. Do you need anything?" I said walking over to her covering her from other males prying eyes, can you blame me, she is stunning, who wouldn't want her.

"I came out of the room to let you back in but you weren't there, I heard voices so I followed them."

"Cam I just ask, who is this?" Haley asked.

"Oh right, everyone, this is my mate, Avalon. Ava, these are my betas and gammas, Zach, Calla, Nick and Haley." I said, pointing at each one as I said their name.

"You found your mate and you didn't tell us!" Calla exclaimed.

"When?" Haley asked.

"That night at the bar."

Haley and Calla squealed and pounced on Ava, bringing her in to a hug.

When they eventually let her go she was smiling.

"Does everyone here hug people when they first meet them?" she asked.

"I guess so." I chuckled.

"When will you be coming back?" she asked.

"In a bit, just go back to the room and I'll meet you there soon."

She nodded and walked out of the room. Once her footsteps had died down we continued.

"Sooooo. The person you told us to look up is your mate." Nick stated.

"I know it seems bad, but I can't shake off this feeling like she's hiding something from me. You could see that she was a human right?" I asked.

Everyone nodded.

"Well I told her about werewolves, she acted too calm for someone who just found out about the supernatural. Also, we ran in to a few rogues in the woods, she managed to take down 4 on her own!"

"She sounds remarkable for a human." Calla said.

"I need to check her background, see if there is anything we can find out about what she is hiding." I explained.

"That's the thing, she has almost nothing online." Zach pointed me towards the files they have on her.

It is a very thin file, not much about her. I opened it and the first thing I saw was the application for Amy's Ale's. It said that she had recently moved here from Ilkley, she could sing and play the guitar, piano and violin. It also had a picture of her. I turned that over but there was nothing else.

"Is this it?" I asked.

"We looked everywhere we could, social media, the Internet, she has nothing. Not even a house or flat or hotel booking. Its as if she doesn't exist." Zach said.

"She did tell me she doesn't have a phone."

"But that's not all. When we searched up the name Avalon Harris and went on pictures, this came up." Haley held out a picture for me to see.

It was an old picture by the looks of it. It was in black and white, but you could clearly make out the person in it. But the freaky thing was, the person in the picture looked exactly like Avalon.

" It was titled, Avalon Harris, March 1945." Nick said.

"Maybe it's a grandma?" I tried to make up an excuse for her.

"That's the problem, she appeared in the exact same way as our Avalon, out of the blue, and disappeared without a trace 2 months after this photo was taken." Calla said.

"I'm going to ask Ava." I said.

I stormed in to our room. But froze when I saw what was there. The lamp was on the floor, the bed covers were on the floor and Avalon was no where to be seen.

She was gone.

Hi everyone. I didn't want to do this chapter in Avalons pov because I would feel as if everything was repeating itself. I hoped you liked a pov from Jaycobs point of view. Please tell me if I get any spelling mistakes.
Word count - 2187 words
