13) I Won't Be Another Rapunzel

And they spoke of their Antigonie, who they called Go, as if she were a friend.
Leo hadn't yet written any music, but he had made drawings on butcher paper stolen from the kitchen. They curled around his walls, intricate doodles, extensions of the boy's own lean, slight body. The shape of Leo's jaw in profile, devestating. The way he gnawed his fingernails to the crescents, the fine shining hairs down the center of his nape, the smell of him, up close, pure and clean, bleaching.
The ones made for music are the most beloved of all. Their bodies a container for the spirit within; the best of them is music, the rest only instrument of flesh and bone.
The weather conspired. Snow fell softly in the windows. It was too cold to be out for long. The world colorless, a dreamscape, a blank page, the linger of woodsmoke on the back of the tongue.
- Lauren Groff


Its a brothel, the downfall of men. Where they go to cheat on their wives. The drink is cheaper here. You can have sex with young girls for £2, or go home to your wife and have sex for free. Most choose the former.

The downfall of men. The maker of prostitutes. The ruiner of marriages. The brothel.

Tonight, the men think that there are three new girls, how wrong they are. Grace, Belle and Aria. The real downfall of men.

Today they are wandering through the crowds, occasionally making eye contact with each other. They are in waitress clothes, reavealing. It is just a top, in the style of the typical medieval girl, and a mini skirt, like all the other girls there.

A drunk man wanting some relief, playfully smacks Belles behind.

She let's out a small squeak, immediately alerting Grace and Aria.

"Are you free tonight?" the drunk man asks.

"I was, but now I think..." Belle makes eye contact with Grace and then Aria, they both nod, "I have something in my diary that can't possibly be moved."

"Oh yeah, do you think I can change that?" the man slurred, standing up.

"Nope, in fact, you are involved in it, the whole bar can be, if you make the right choice." she says.

"What choice do you want me to make?" he blatantly flirts with her.

"Now, honey, that's up to you."

"Come on, let's take this to the back room." he grabs her arm and trys to drag her along, key word, trys.

Belle holds her arm, not bothering to hide her disappointment.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing. I just.... No, it doesn't matter."

"Tell me what you want me to do, I can't do anything you want without you telling me."

"Do you really want to know?"

"Of course."

She leans in and whispers so only he can hear her. "I wanted you to make a wrong decision, so I could kill everyone, not just you."

The man laughs, not knowing just how serious she was.

"I bet you would honey." he slid his hands up and down her arms and whispered in her ear, "Now, shall we take this somewhere else, or do you want everyone to see us making out?"

She giggled, "I don't know." she slowly leans in. "Would you be embarrassed?"

"Come on, enough games. I just want to get laid. Now let's go." the man roughly grabbed her by the arm and started dragging her to the back of the  room.

"Get off of me!" Belle shouted.

She pulled her arm out of his grip. He turned around, a murderous look in his eyes. He drew his arm back and slapped her. Hard. Her head snapped to the side. But she did not flinch.

He leaned in towards her, her head was still turned away. "Listen here you bitch. I want to have sex, and yoy are going to give it to me. So stop your whining and let's take this to the back room. Do your bloody job."

Belle slowly brought her head back to face his. But, she did something he did not expect her to do. She smiled. A big, wide, genuine smile.

" Now that's what I wanted to hear. " her grin still holding.

Her yellow eyes glowed. Her head bent back and she raised her arms up. She muttered some incoherent words and started raising up from the ground. As soon as her feet were level with his head, she stopped.

He looked around, seeing if anyone else could see this, or was he going crazy. He was shocked to see, two other girls were also levitating in the air. They all looked the same. His mouth dropped open in shock.

"Close your mouth, pretty boy." Belle laughed.

He turned back to her. All her eyes were white, she had a blank look on her face, but she still had that manical grin on her face. He quickly shut his mouth. By now, everyone had noticed them. The few sober ones were scared. The drunk thinking the effects of alcohol was getting to their heads.

"Now this is what I wanted. I should thank you. Your ignorance caused this."

"I've been itching for a new kill for ages." Aria spoke.

"Let us not waste our time then." Gracd said.

"Quite right sister." Bell said.

They threw their heads back and mumbled.

"Exaudi, aer et aqua.
Dona nobis vim, ut exeat.
Da nobis accipere virtutem.
Dona nobis vim ad hauriendum illa in sanguinem populum curae suae.
Sit sors nostra.
Illos sua fata liberemus.
Ne fati eas capere.
Ne fati eas capere.
Let fate take them.
Let fate take them. "

They continued saying the last line over and over. One after another, everyone in the bar started convulsing. They all collapsed on to the floor, blood coming rapidly out of their nose, ears, eyes and mouths. When everyone was either dead, or close to the grave, they stopped, lowered their bodies to the ground and looked out at their work.

They started walking around the bodies, observing and judging what they have done.

"Are we pathological thrill seekers do you think?" Aria asked.

"No." Belle said.

"We just like to see justice done for those incapable of seeing to it themselves." Grace said.

Aria nodded.

"This was fun." Belle laughed like a little child.

In ways, they are children. Never having that chance to grow up. Being snatched from their cradles. Never having a mother to tell them what is right and what is wrong. Never having the sweet release of death, only causing it. A path of destruction following them wherever they go.

Avalon pov

I walk down the hallway, keeping to the shadows. All I can see is red. They will pay. I can hear heartbeats up ahead. I crack my knuckles, preparing my body for what is to come. A wave of new found strength flows through my body.

I growl under my breath and tiptoe to the door at the end of the hallway. I start shifting, the familiar feeling of my bones cracking and reforming washes over me. I am in my large, white form. I feel all of Dea's strength flow through this form, stronger than ever.

I take a few steps back and growl as I charge at the door and burst through it. It is easy to come unhinged. I hear a startled yelp and turn swiftly towards the sound, my teath bared. There is just one guard there.

Idiotic rogues. Too confident that the moon goddess can't escape.

The guard starts to shift, but I don't give him the pleasure of it. I pounce on to him. Quickly biting through his neck, instantly killing him. I keep my hold on him for a bit longer though. I rip his head off of his body and throw it in to the dungeon that I came from. It leaves a bloody path in its wake.

I then prowl along the floorboards. My sensitive ears picking up where a floorboard would creak do I can step over it.

When I get to what seems to be the living room, I can see two rogues, a girl and a boy, playing chess? Why would you want to play chess? No offence to those who like chess but there was a perfectly working TV there. Which would you choose?

I look around the room. There was a door to what looks like a kitchen. Some stairs leading to another hallway. And a door. If had a window in it. And behind that window, I could see outside. I did a wolfy grin.

I turn back towards the two playing chess and growl. This alerts them to the other presence in the room. They look at me wide eyed. My powerful  aura was hard to fight against, I could see them visibly twitching, trying not to submit to me.

They seem to shake out of a trance and the boy shifts in to a muddy brown wolf and the girl in to a chocolate brown wolf. They charge towards me, it was obvious where they were aiming. The muddy brown wolf was aiming for my legs, and the chocolate brown one was aiming for my back. They were hoping to bring me down. Too bad they were too predictable.

I leap in to the air and jump over them. This stuns them for a bit, but long enough for me to make my next move. I latch on to the muddy brown ones back with my teeth and pull. I come away with a chunk of his back. He howls in pain.

I don't give him time to recover as I them jump on to his back and grab on to his neck, snapping it in the process. His dead carcase fall limp to the floor. The chocolate brown wolf stares in horror at her dead comrades body. I give her time to recover. I don't know why, I probably just wanted a proper fight. My wolf was very bloodthirsty.

She growls at me. Determined to avenge her friend. But nothing gets between the moon goddess and her freedom.

We both launch in to the air at the same time. Her claws rake down my stomach. But I barely register it. The adreneline running through me won't let me. My claws attach on to her shoulders, not letting them go. When we get to the ground again. I swing my body round and propel her off my claws. I broke her arms. She is unable to stand for now. But due to werewolf healing, she will recover soon. So I have to take this to my advantage now.

I growl and grab her neck. I press down hard enough to wound her. She I whimpering and howling like mad now. I throw her to the other side of the room and start stalking towards her. She whimpers and tries to get up, only for her legs to give out under her. Blood is spouting from her body in all directions. When I get over to her, she whimpers loudly and submits to me, hoping I would grant her mercy. I just growl at her in response and latch myself on to her neck and press down hard. Probably killing her in the process.

This is when I am alerted of another presence, by hearing the smash of glass behind me. I turn around swiftly and growl at whoever is her. I smile when I see that it is Liko. He has come to watch his little lamb slaughter his allies.

He is staring at me in horror. When he snaps out of it, I see the smirk that I had gotten used to, the smirk that will always haunt my nightmares.

"Wow. Little lamb, who knew you were capable of this. I thought the moon goddess is meant to love all her wolves." he says.

It true. With all this adrenaline pumping through me, I haven't felt the usual stab of pain through my heart whenever I kill wolves. But I don't let this phase me. I growl louder at him and start stalking towards him.

It seems that now he finally focuses in on the blood dripping from my muzzle and that he is my next target.

"Now, now. You wouldn't want to hurt me. If you ever want to get out of here and survive them, that is." he starts backing away from me.

Who's them? Oh well, it won't matter. I am the moon goddess. I can handle anything.

I growl at him and start picking up my speed. Now he has his back pressed against the wall. When I reach him, I look him dead in the eyes and slam my jaw in to his thigh. I grab on to it with my teeth and drag him to the sofa. His crues of pain don't phase me. No. He doesn't deserve to die a quick death. I will make him pay. I will make them all pay.

I bite on to his other leg and brake both his arms to immobalise him. His screams echo around the house. I shift back in to my human form. I still have my underwear on, not that it matters, he has already observed my whole body.

"Where is she?" I snarl at him, setting my next target.

"W.. Who."

"The woman who first came to me, idiot."

"Y.. You mean Ma.. Marcelle."

"If that's her name, then yes. Where is she?"

"She... She's probably upstairs. In her.. Her office."

I tie up his hands and legs with some clothes that the other two wolves shredded when they shifted. I realise that, Liko puts on a tough mask when he is the one in charge. As soon as I started calling the shots, he became a stuttering baby.

I walked upstairs, slamming every door open that I came across, until one door I opened had the woman, Marcelle, in it, holding a knife in her hands to protect herself. She probably heard me opening doors.

All of a sudden, the knife is launched at my head. I quickly dodge it, but not fast enough as it slices across my ear, opening it a bit.

I bring my hand up to my ear and take it away. My fingers are covered in blood.

I turn back to her and smile when I see the scared little face she has on. Knowing she got rid of her only weapon.

"You're going to pay for that bitch." I snarl.

I speed walk over to her, grab her by the ear and drag her downstairs. On her part, she didn't even struggle.

When I get downstairs, I see Liko still tied up in the same spot. I tie Marcelles hands and legs up with the remaining scraps of clothes. I shove her on to the sofa next to Liko. They both have terrified expressions etched on their faces. I don't know why, but it brings me joy to see my captors in this way.

"Stay there if you know what's good for you." I say.

They nod, not daring to say anything.

I go back upstairs, knowing that I opened up some bedrooms that might have clothes in that would fit me. The first two I have no luck with, but the second bedroom I try has clothes in that would fit me. I don't want to waltz around in my underwear through the woods.

I put on some black leggings, and a blue short sleeved top. When I get back downstairs, I see Liko and Marcelle still in the same positions. Good.

I go in to the kitchen, my mind set on what I need. I look in many cuboards and drawers. But I can't find what I want. I look in the last cuboard, I see two bottles of whisky, and a bottle of prosecco. I take out the two bottles of whisky. And take them in to the living room. I was tempted to drink some, but I decide against it, knowing that I will need ever last drop.

In the living room, I walked around, sprinkling the alcohol around behind me. I try to get it everywhere, on the curtains, on the carpet, around the door, and on the sofa. I dumb a whole bottle of whisky on Liko and Marcelle. When I had gotten all around them, I search around the fireplace, looking for a lighter.

I can't find a lighter, but I can find some matches.

I turn back to Liko and Marcelle.

"You are all going to pay for what you have done."

"You.. You don't want to do that. You won't be able to escape them." Liko said.

"Listen. I don't care who they are. I am the moon goddess. Whoever they are, they can't hurt me. I won't carry on playing Rapunzel, I will escape the tower without any help from some guy. "

"You don't understand. These aren't like any others." Marcelle said.

I just turn away from them, not wanting to deal with them anymore. They will do anything to try to get me to take them with me.

I get the alcohol again and carry on covering everything. I had to make sure everything was covered. I couldn't afford a slip up. They had to pay.

I went outside once everything was covered. I lit a match, ready for the flare, when I heard a voice.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." it said.

I turn around around. That voice. It's a voice that all guardians have grown to fear.

Oh guardians. Or should I say fate.

Hey everyone. Thanks for reading. Translations for what Grace, Belle and Aria said:
Hear us air and water.
Give us the power to extract.
The power to take.
Give us the power to take their blood.
Let their fates be ours.
Ours to take.
Let fate take them.
Let fate take them.
The translations may not be correct, but that's google translate for you.
Word count - 3017 words
