Not anymore

I'm not gonna give a description on this one. You'll have to read it to find out.

I'll give a little hint. This one's set after the infamous breakup.



It was an uneventful day on everyone's part.

Angela and Nyla were preparing cases to hand over to the DAs office for trial

Nolan and Celina were out patrolling together. Taking a statement from a woman who had her purse snatched.

Aaron and Lucy they were riding together. They were patrolling the streets.

Lucy and Aaron got a call to respond to a possible domestic incident.

Tim wasn't at work today. He had the day off.

"Show us responding." Lucy said in the radio as she then told Aaron to go

It was a normal day. Until it wasn't.


"1013 1013 1013 OFFICER DOWN! I REPEAT OFFICER DOWN! I NEED BACKUP AT MY LOCATION!" Aaron's voice yelled through the radio. "I repeat OFFICER DOWN!"

"Officer Jaurez! Let's go!" I yelled, and Celina came running to the shop


"1013 1013 1013 OFFICER DOWN! I REPEAT OFFICER DOWN! I NEED BACKUP AT MY LOCATION!" Aaron's voice yelled through the radio."I repeat OFFICER DOWN!"

I don't even have to say anything, and Nyla already grabs the keys, and we both take off running for the car.

(This parts back a step) (essentially what happened before everyone heard the radio)

"That's weird." I said to Lucy

It appeared nobody was home. This was the right address.

I peaked in the windows. Lucy did the same.

"Very. Keep your gun up. Eyes open. I don't like this." Lucy stated."Do you see anything?"

"No. You?" I asked

Before Lucy could answer, two loud gun shots rang through the air

"Aaron." Lucy said, grabbing her stomach.

"Lucy?" I asked."What's wrong?"

Before Lucy could get an answer. She looked like she was going to faint. She pulled her hands away from her stomach and saw the one was covered with blood.

I grabbed Lucy before she passed out. Luckily, she didn't, and I got her behind the shop where we would have coverer.

"1013 1013 1013 OFFICER DOWN! I REPEAT OFFICER DOWN! I NEED BACKUP AT MY LOCATION!" My voice yelled through the radio."I repeat OFFICER DOWN!"

"Good." Lucy said."It was under the vest."

"Please don't try to talk. Please keep your eyes open." I said, putting pressure on her stomach.

"Call Tamara. Tell her what happened. Tell her I'm going to be fine." Lucy said

"Okay. I'll call her the second you're in the ambulance." I promised."Do you want me to call Tim?"

"No." She said softly,"Angela will tell him."

Suddenly, the sirens of police officers and ambulances were approaching louder and louder.

"Help is here, Lucy. You're gonna be just fine." I said

"I know." She said

"HERE!" I yelled


"I checked the call that Aaron and Lucy were sent to. Record says it was a possible domestic incident." Angela Said

"So how the hell does it end with a 1013 call?" I asked out loud

"Clearly, something happened." Angela Said "Here. There they are."

I threw the car in park, and Angela and I we ran over to help Aaron and Lucy

We got there at the same time as Nolan and Celina.

I sent Nolan to clear the house and make sure there was no threat.


"HERE!" Aaron yelled

"Talk to us." Nyla said

"I've been better." Lucy said

"What happened?" I asked

"We were called here for a possible domestic. We got here, and it was silent. Nobody was outside. It looked like nobody was home. It was the right address." Aaron said quickly."We had the right address. Then we got up. We checked in the windows. It was all so fast. The next thing I knew, two loud gun shots rang out, and then Lucy's calling for me. She just about collapsed.
I carried her over here to get cover."

"It was an ambush." Lucy said

"Why didn't you say anything?" Aaron asked

"Well, I didn't know that until now." Lucy said

"Make way, guys!" Bailey said

"Hey Bailey." Lucy said

"Hi." Bailey said back "Aaron I need you to take your hands off. Let me work."

"Come on, Aaron." I said, helping him up.

Aaron stood up. He had his hand pressed against his forehead like he was really stressed

"It's not your fault." I assured him

"I know. I'm dreading the phone call I promised her I'd make." Aaron said

"To Tim?" I asked knowing they'd just broken up. So I'm not sure why she'd want to have Aaron call him.

"No. Tamara. Let her know what happened. I thought she meant Tim too " Aaron said "She said she didn't want to call Tim. She figured someone else would tell him."

"You promised her. You know you have to do it." I said

"Yeah. I know." Aaron said

"Angela!" Bailey yelled "Nyla!"

"Bullet went through and through. Blood pressures stable, heart rate is elevated but that is probably due to the shock. I'd say she's in pretty stable condition. All things considered." Bailey said "I'll see you guys at the hospital."

Baileys partner asked if anyone wanted to ride with.

"Go. I'll handle the scene until Grey gets here." Nyla said

"Okay. Make sure Thorsen makes that phone call!" I said getting into the Ambulance.







After everything was cleared at the house. Everyone got to the hospital as quickly as they could.

Nyla made sure Aaron made the phone call to Tamara.

Tamara beat the rest of them to the hospital.

Everyone was waiting until Angela came back out to meet them in the waiting room.

"Hey. So she's with the doctors now. The bullet went through and through. The doctors They're getting scans making sure the bullet didn't hit anything major. She was stable when I left." Angela Said to the group


When Angela Said she was stable. I let out a breath I did not realize I was holding.

I sat back down. Finally able to breathe.

John sat down next to me. He looked at me "She's going to be okay." He promised

"Thank God." I said

"Are you okay?" He asked

"I am now." I said

"Did someone get a hold of Tim?" Bailey tentatively asked

"Why would you call Tim?" I asked without hesitation

"He'd want to know." Celina said

I didn't say anything back. But in my opinion he doesn't get to be there for her. Not anymore. He's got to work on getting back into her good graces. They literally just broke up.

Suddenly Tim came bursting through the doors.

"Where is she?" He asked


I stepped up to Tim and stopped him in his place.

"She's with the doctors." I said

"Why didn't they call me?" Tim asked

"She asked that Tamara be called." I said

"I should have been there!" Tim said mainly to himself

"You can't do that." I said "You can't be here as her ex boyfriend. I know this is going to sound mean. But Tim. You don't have the right to be here as her boyfriend. Not anymore."
