9 Months later

This is essentially. Lucy is 9 months pregnant. About to pop any day.



"Lucy. I know you don't want to be alone. That's why I worked it out with Grey. Okay? I'm only doing half a day today. Also, today's my last shift before my leave starts." I tell Lucy who is sitting on the couch grumpy watching tv

Lucy is at the stage where she's ready to have the baby. She's past uncomfortable, and she's tired.

"Today's your last shift?" She asked

"Well, considering your due in two days. I decided it was a good idea." I said "Also the fact that we've had three false alarms in the past four days. I figured it was time."

"Oh." Lucy said

"Yeah. I texted Tamara. She's going to try and come over today. She said she wants to come over at least one more time before she meets her neice." I said

Lucy nodded. "Go. You're gonna be late. I'll text you and call you if I need something."

"I'll still pick you up if you still want to go to lunch." I said,"Maybe I'll see if Angela will come too."

Lucy nodded. "Go. Have a good day. Love you."

I kissed Lucy's lips and said, "Love you too, Babe."

"One last shift. Then, we will be closer to meeting our baby." Lucy called from the couch


"Bradford." Nyla called

I walked over to Angela and Nylas desks

"What?" I asked

"How's Lucy?" Angela asked

"Today? When I left, she was good. After last night's false alarm. She's ready to have the baby." I say

"I remember that." Angela said with Nyla, nodding in agreement

"Do you have everything ready for when the day comes?" Angela asked."I remember Wesley freaking out scrambling when it was time for Jack."

"Yes. Nursery is ready. The babies bag is packed. Lucy's decided all the outfits for the baby. Our bag is packed. It's all ready to go." Tim said

"You got a name yet?" Nyla asked

"We have it down to two names. But I'm not gonna tell you." I said."Lucy would kill me if I told."

"We got Lucy to slip and say that the baby was a girl. We can definitely get the name out of you by the end of the day." Nyla said

"You can try. But I'm not going to do it. She wants to decide on Baby boots' name until after she's born." I said

Angela and Nyla both gave me a look. "Speaking of Lucy. I promised if she was feeling up to it. We'd get lunch. And I'd say if you guys wanted to join us." I said

"Yeah, alright." They both agreed


The day started to progress. A couple of boring calls and an all-around uneventful day. For all parties.

Nolan and Celina were having an uneventful day.
Aaron was having an uneventful day.
Angela and Nyla were having a routine and eventful day doing paperwork.

However. Lucy was about to experience the most eventful thing to happen to her today.


I got up for the hundredth time to go to the bathroom. But this time when I stood up. I started walking and I realized.

My water broke.
