- twenty two -

We drove around trying to find the nearest mall.

"Is that a mall up ahead?" I pointed in front of us.

"Could be. Let's check it out."

Cody drove up ahead, which in fact, turned out to be a mall. He went inside the parking structure and parked in an open space.

We got out and made our way inside.

"So, anything specific you looking for?" Cody asked.

"Not really. I was thinking you could help me pick some things out. You know, just some casual and maybe fancier pieces. Basically, anything you like."

"I mean, I can try. My fashion sense isn't what you'd call the best."

"Hon, you can dress nice when you have to. Like, real nice. Besides, just pick anything that you think you'd wear or anything that catches your eye. And don't even worry about the price," I said as I held up the company credit card.

We went into a couple of stores, browsing for inspiration. Cody picked some basic tees, button downs, and jackets, along with some joggers, jeans, and some shorts, all in varying colors. Cody even picked out some workout clothes for himself while we were at the mall. We walked out of different stores with multiple bags.

"See? You didn't do so bad. You picked out some great things!" I told Cody.

"I just hope your mom likes them. You know, for her new line."

"I'm sure she will, babe. I mean, I'll be working alongside her on this so everything already has my vote."

We walked out of the mall and back to the parking structure.

We stored all the bags of clothes in the trunk and got in the car.



I woke up next to Cody in his bed at his place. I finally had everything unpacked from my old place to Cody and Chris' place. It felt good to have finally moved to LA but it took a while since there was a lot of going back and forth.

I've been so busy the last couple weeks that I haven't even been able to post my Disneyland picture from after the series in LA.

I sat up in Cody's bed. I looked over at him. Still sleeping.

I felt a little lightheaded and nauseous waking up so I went into the kitchen to get some water. Chris was in the kitchen as I walked in.

"Good morning, Chris. You're up early."

"Oh, hey, Aubrey. Yeah, not used to sleeping in on off days."

"I see what you mean. Um, would you happen to have any medicine for nausea or anything?" I asked.

"Yeah, I think. Let me check."

Chris rummaged through the cupboards and drawers. "Not feeling good, huh?" he asked.

"Yeah, been happening the last couple days actually."

"Could just be the stress from moving."

"Yeah, maybe."

Chris turned around. "Here, take this." Chris placed a small bottle of pills down on the counter.


I opened my water and took a sip, just to get something in me.

I opened the pill bottle and took one out on my palm. Before I could put it in my mouth, I felt something in my stomach come up into my throat. I threw the pill onto the counter and ran into the nearest bathroom.

I threw up into the toilet and flushed it. I heard Chris come up to the bathroom door.

"Aubrey, are you okay?" Chris asked as he walked into the bathroom.

I wiped my mouth with a towel. "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. Something was bound to come up soon enough."

"Do you want me to wake Cody up?" Chris asked.

"No, it's fine. I wouldn't want him to worry over this. It's nothing anyways."

"Here, let me make you something to eat. You need something in your system."

Chris walked away and into the kitchen. I washed my mouth out with some water in the bathroom and wiped my mouth again. I brushed my teeth while I was in there.

I walked back to the kitchen and sat down at the counter.

I drank more of my water and Chris was starting to make some breakfast.

Cody walked in. "Good morning, beautiful," Cody was behind me and kissed me on the head. "Morning, Chris. You making breakfast?"

"Yeah, Aubrey-" Chris looked at me. I gave him a look not to tell Cody what happened earlier this morning.

"She seemed hungry and so was I so..."

"Sounds good. Make me some too won't you?" Cody laughed.

"Anything for the Rookie of the Year," Chris smiled at Cody.

Cody made some coffee and offered me some. I shook my head no and asked him to get me a cup of orange juice. He took the carton out of the fridge and poured me a glass and set it on the counter for me.

He sat down at the counter next to me and sipped his coffee.

"Any plans for today?" Cody asked.

"Mmm, I don't know. I should probably drop the clothes off at my mom's work but other than that no plans," I responded.

"Okay, I can drive you there after breakfast and maybe we can find something else to do?"

"Yeah, that sounds like a plan."

Chris started plating three plates and he set one down in front of me and one in front of Cody.

"Thanks, Chris," Cody and I said at the same time.

We looked at each other.

Chris sat down in front of us and set down his plate and cup of coffee down. We all dug into the food.

"Wow, this is good, Chris," I said.

"Thanks, it's just something I whipped up pretty quickly."

Cody, Chris, and I were talking over breakfast about some random things. Life. Baseball. Plans for today.

"So, what are you doing today, Chris?" I asked.

"Nothing much. Just going out to workout and probably heading out to run some errands."

I was finishing up eating so I brought my plate to the sink and rinsed it.

"I'm gonna go get dressed," I said. I walked over to Cody and kissed him on the cheek. "Oh! And you never unpacked some of your stuff from your suitcase from the three-game series. You should probably do that so we can do laundry."

"Oh, yeah. I'll do that when I finish up."

"I can do it for you," I suggested.

"No! I'll do it, babe."

"Okay, okay."

Why is Cody acting so weird?

I left the kitchen to go into the bedroom.

"What was that about?" Chris asked.

"I have a necklace in there that I was going to give to Aubrey during the series."

"Why didn't you give it to her?"

"Because it's the same necklace I was going to give to Melyssa for our anniversary. I never gave it to her either because we broke up before I could," Cody took a breath. "And I never gave it to Aub because I just couldn't give that to her, you know? I mean, giving Aub my ex's gift? That's just disrespectful. I don't even know what I was thinking bringing that with me."

"What're you gonna do, man?" Chris asked.

"I'm probably gonna sell it or something. I just need to get rid of it and get Aub something else. Something better. She deserves something better."

authors note : hope everyone is liking it so far ! check out my other story, Secret Love, if you haven't already ! also I'm starting a new story called The Cameraman which stars Andrew Siwicki. it's different from my Cody Bellinger stories so I hope you like it !
