-twenty three-

I set the bag of clothes in the trunk of the car. Cody was already in the driver's seat so I got in the passenger's seat. 

"You know where to go?" I asked Cody. 

"Yeah, it's in the lil' mall thing, right?" 

"Yeah, shouldn't be too far." 

Cody drove us to the plaza and we made some small talk. 

"You finally getting settled in?" Cody asked. He looked over at me, giving me a warm smile. 

I smiled back and replied, "Yeah, finally. I mean, I still have to arrange some of my furniture and clothes so it's not in the way, but other than that, it's been really great. I still can't thank you and Chris enough for letting me move in." 

"Babe, it's my pleasure to have you moved in with me and Chris. And don't even worry about all that stuff. As long as your stuff is here and that you're happy, you have nothing to worry about." 

"You're right, you're right." 

Cody pulled into the parking lot of the plaza and parked in an open parking space. 

We got out of the car and I grabbed the bag of clothes from the trunk. Cody walked alongside me, holding my hand as we walked around trying to find my mom's store.

"This one," I said, pulling Cody into my mom's store after I had found it. 

We walked around the store trying to find my mom and eventually, an employee came up to us. 

"Hi, can I help you find anything?" the employee asked. 

"Yeah, actually. Would you happen to know where Elizabeth is?" I asked. 

"Uh, yeah. Is there a reason you'd like to see her?" 

"Yeah, I'm her daughter and I'm just dropping off some samples she asked me to get." 

"Oh, okay. Well, she's just in the back, so go through that door and she should be back there," the cashier helpfully responded. 

"Thank you so much," I replied and walked away.

 I made my way to the back, with Cody walking behind me now. I opened the door and walked around to see if I could find my mom. 

"Mom?" I yelled out. "It's me, Aubrey." 

"Back here!" I heard coming from another room. 

I walked to where I heard the sound originate from. I opened a door and lo and behold, there was my mom. 

"Hey, hon! What're you doing here?" my mom asked. 

"Just dropping off the samples that you asked me to get," I said, handing her the bag of clothes. 

"Oh, okay. Thanks, sweetie. Is Cody here too?" 

"Yeah," I motioned for Cody to come to where I was standing. He made his way over to me and popped his head in the door. "Hi, Mrs. Mendes. So nice to see you," Cody greeted. 

"Oh, hello Cody! What a nice surprise. And I assume he helped you pick some of these clothes out?" my mom asked.

"Yeah, actually! I think he did an amazing job," I replied. 

"Yeah, hopefully, you like them," Cody also replied. 

"I'm sure I'll like everything in here." 

After talking for a bit with my mom, we finally made our way out of the store and back to the car. It was nearly lunch time so Cody and I decided to get some lunch nearby. Cody recommended some good spots nearby so I let him decide where to go. He knew exactly where he wanted to go. 

"I swear to god, Cody, if it's IHOP," I joked. 

"Haha, it's not I promise," Cody laughed. 

I had no idea where Cody was taking me. But, while Cody was driving, I decided I would post some throwback pictures on my Instagram. 

aubreymendes posted a photo

Liked by gabrielconte, marianavicente, and 70,517 others 
@aubreymendes  such a throwback but i absolutely loved going to disneyland with my love on his offday 
Tagged: @codybellinger

Load 20,419 comments 

@marianavicente  how can someone be this pretty ?? 

@kikehndz  thanks for the invite guys :( 

@suebaaby  okay slayyy girl ! 

@dodgerwags  cody at disneyland ? can't imagine 

@ashlibellinger  bring me back a churro ! 

@codybellinger  my baby lookin cute <3

@aubreymendes  i loveee youuuuu @codybellinger

@elliethumann  okay okay i see you :o

@jessicaadams  whatcha lookin at ? 

@melyssaperez  cody's really sacrificing a lot for you huh 

After minutes of driving, Cody pulled into a parking lot. I didn't recognize where we were. 

"Where are we?" I asked Cody. 

"You'll see," he said with a smile. 

We got out of the car and made our way to the front of the restaurant. I looked up at the sign. Frankie's Pizzeria. 

"Oh my God," I said, laughing. 

"You remember this place?" Cody asked.

"Of course I do. This is the place I spilled my drink all over you. It was so embarrassing," I started blushing. 

We walked inside. A small tinkle of a bell was heard. 

"Hey, it's Cody B!" the man at the cashier greeted. 

"What's up, Marco?" Cody greeted back, giving the man a hug over the counter. 

"Long time, no see, man. When's the last time I saw you, huh? 4 years ago?" 

"Yeah, sounds about right. I've been real busy lately," Cody replied. 

"Oh, Mr. Major League is too busy for Frankie's Pizzeria," Marco joked. "And who is this?" 

"Oh, Marco, this is Aubrey, my girlfriend. Aubrey, this is Marco. He's Frankie's son. I've known this dude since I was like 6." 

I stuck my hand out to shake Marco's hand. "Nice to meet you, Marco." 

"Nice to meet you too!" Marco said. "Now what can I get this lovely couple?" he asked. 

"You know me, Marco, I gotta get the usual," Cody said. 

Marco scribbled it down on his notepad and looked at me. "Oh, I'll just have the pepperoni," I said. 

"Okay, it'll be right out!" Marco said. 

"How much do I owe you, Marco?" Cody asked. 

"On the house today, Cody," Marco said and winked. 

Marco walked away and into the kitchen. Cody and I took a seat near the window. Cody sat down across from me. 

We talked a bit on how the pizzeria has changed since the last time we were here and our plans for tonight. 

"Oh, that reminds me. I gotta go to the stadium tonight. Doc said he wanted to talk to me about something, so will you be fine staying at home for a bit?" Cody asked. 

"Yeah. I mean Chris will be there so I'm sure we'll have something to talk about." 

"You know, I love that you and Chris are becoming friends." 

"I mean, he's nice and super chill. Feels like we've known each other forever, haha," I said. 

Marco came out with two plates of pizza and set them down on our table. Cody and I thanked him. I looked down at my pizza and it looked so delicious. I looked over at Cody's. 

"You get pineapple on your pizza?" I asked, baffled.

 "Yeah, is there something wrong with that?" 

"No, it's just that pineapple and pizza just don't go together. It's like disrespectful to the pizza, you know?" 

"Whhaaatt? It's so good. What're you talking about?" 

We debated over pineapple on pizza while eating. I pointed out the cons and Cody pointed out the pros. Just back and forth. 

Before we knew it, we were done eating. We threw our plates away and exited the restaurant. We got back into the car and decided to head home so we could relax a bit. 

authors note: hey guys! i am so so so sorry for the long hiatus! i got super busy with school, considering i'm almost at the end of the year. sorry this chapter isnt too eventful! maybe something surprising will happen next chapter?? stay tuned !
