Unexpected Reunion: Clash of Friendships

You look at the book that strange man gave before disappearing into thin air. "Blue Lock first volume.." you read out loud.

Ah! This! This is the manga of the game you are stuck in!

Forgetting all about the strange man, you opened the book and started reading it.


"IS THAT IT?!" You tilted your head to the side as you looked at the end page. "WHAT HAPPENS AFTER THAT?" You yelled as you made a weird face in disbelief.

You sighed and relaxed your body well now you at least know some things about this story.

1st thing is that isagi yoichi is the main character.. you don't know him yet.

2nd the real story is to start in about 4 years.

3rd and most important is that your brother ego Jinpachi will the coach of the whole blue lock project..?

"Right... this is confusing.." you mumbled to yourself.

As you sat in your room, determined to get your hands on the second volume of "Blue Lock," you decided to turn to the system for help. Mumbling to yourself, you pondered where to find it, before finally addressing the system.

"Hey system, where can I get the second volume of Blue Lock?"

The system's response was prompt and straightforward,

"ᶠʳᵒᵐ ᵐᵉ, ᵒᶠ ᶜᵒᵘʳˢᵉ!"

A lightbulb went off in your head. Of course, the system should have access to all the volumes. Why hadn't you thought of this before?

"Really?! I wanna buy it then!" you exclaimed, your eyes shining with excitement.

"ᵀʰᵉ ᶜᵒˢᵗ ᵒᶠ ᴮˡᵘᵉ ᴸᵒᶜᵏ ⱽᵒˡᵘᵐᵉ ² ⁱˢ ¹ ᵐⁱˡˡⁱᵒⁿ ˡᵒᵛᵉ ᶜᵉⁿᵗˢ,"

the system informed you.

The figure caught you off guard. "1 million..." you muttered under your breath. The next question came out with a hint of anxiety, "H-how much do I have?"

The system's response was far from encouraging.

"ʸᵒᵘ ʰᵃᵛᵉ ᵃ ᵗᵒᵗᵃˡ ᵒᶠ ⁰ ˡᵒᵛᵉ ᶜᵉⁿᵗˢ ʳⁱᵍʰᵗ ⁿᵒʷ. ᴹᵉᵃⁿⁱⁿᵍ ʸᵒᵘ ᵃʳᵉ ᵃᵇˢᵒˡᵘᵗᵉˡʸ ᵇʳᵒᵏᵉ. ᴮʳᵒᵏᵉʳ ᵗʰᵃⁿ ᵗʰᵉ ʰᵒᵐᵉˡᵉˢˢ ᵖᵉᵒᵖˡᵉ."

The reality of your financial situation hit you like a ton of bricks. You were flat out broke. Desperation and frustration began to well up within you.

"Is there any way I can get love cents?" you asked, hoping for a glimmer of hope.

"ᵂᵃⁿᵗ ᵗᵒ ᵉˣᶜʰᵃⁿᵍᵉ ᴮˡᵘᵉ ᴸᵒᶜᵏ ⱽᵒˡᵘᵐᵉ ¹ ᶠᵒʳ ˡᵒᵛᵉ ᶜᵉⁿᵗˢ?"

the system proposed.

You hesitated for a moment, weighing your options. Finally, you nodded. "Yes, let's do it."

"ᴼᵏᵃʸ, ᵉˣᶜʰᵃⁿᵍᵉ ᵈᵒⁿᵉ. ᴴᵉʳᵉ ᵃʳᵉ ʸᵒᵘʳ ⁵⁰⁰ᵏ ˡᵒᵛᵉ ᶜᵉⁿᵗˢ,"

the system announced.

You couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment. It was only half the amount you needed. You realized that the book you exchanged must have been used, hence the reduced value.

"Y-YOU SCUMBAG!" you erupted in frustration, grabbing a nearby pillow and hurling it at the holographic screen. It sailed through, hitting nothing. "This whole system is a scumbag!"

Now, not only did you lack the second volume, but you had also lost your copy of the first volume. The situation seemed increasingly bleak.

"What's up with you today?" Rin asked as he stared at you instead of doing his homework.

"..just do your work" you barely mumbled as you just stared at your feet.

"It's hard to do so when you look like your life has been stucked out of your body." He bluntly Said. Resting his chin on his hand.

It was true. Your life had been stuck out of you today more than once.

You ignored Rin's curiosity and slouched further into the chair. Conversations about your bizarre experiences with the system were something you definitely wanted to avoid.

How could you possibly explain that you had seemingly traveled to a nonexistent place, or that you were trapped in a video game, or that his entire existence was fictional?

The mere thought of uttering those words sounded like a one-way ticket to a mental hospital, so you chose the safer option - to keep it all to yourself and avoid such conversations entirely.

Rin sighs and leans on the table and watches you, his head resting on his hand and elbow. He's worried about you. He stares at you with those big round loving eyes, waiting for you to say something.

Rin kept staring at you and knowing him for so many years now, you knew that he wouldn't stop until you tell him about..

so with a sigh, you began explaining, "Imagine this - you have a manga that is very important, but you want the second part. The catch? It's ridiculously expensive. There's an option to exchange it for some money, but what you get after trading it in is only half of what you need. Now, you're left with neither the manga nor the money..."

As you spoke, Rin's eyes widened in surprise and shock. He absorbed every word, a palpable jolt of disbelief coursing through him as he leaned forward.

"You... you gave away a manga really important to you just for some money?" His voice was soft, filled with incredulity.

You nodded, a mix of regret and frustration coloring your expression. "Yeah, it seemed like a good idea at the time"

"You're... absolutely a dumb hoe," he stated bluntly.

"Wow, you're so good at comforting me," you retorted sarcastically.

Rin considered for a moment. "You know, if it means that much to you, I can buy you another one."

Your eyes widened with surprise. "Really?"

He grinned. "Yeah, of course. It's not a big deal."

Your face lit up with gratitude. "Oh, thank you! You're the best, Rin!" You got up and hugged him tight out of excitement.

Rin blushed as he tried to maintain his composure, but your excitement and gratitude were contagious. He couldn't help but smile, and his cheeks turned a shade of red as you hugged him tightly.

Clearing his throat, he patted your back gently. "You're welcome. Just don't go giving away your favorite manga again, okay?"

You pulled back from the hug, still beaming with happiness. "I promise I won't. And thanks for being so understanding, Rin."

With a nod, Rin returned to his homework, but a warm feeling settled in his chest. Your appreciation meant a lot to him, even if he didn't always show it.

"You ready rinrin?" You stood outside his room waiting for him to get done. Today was the day that you and him were gonna go and buy some manga for you.

"Alright I'm done" he came out looking like a prince..

"This is not fair" you mumbled under your breath, he seems to have heard it "not fair?" He repeated confused.

"It's not fair that you get to look like a prince while I'm here looking like a.. a..!" You were shrugging to come up with something. "A.. a FAT BLUE ROBOT CAT!"

Rin blinked, clearly taken aback by your unexpected comparison. "A what now...?" he asked, still trying to process your creative metaphor.

"Yeah!" You put your hands on your hips, still pouting with determination.

Rin sighed and shook his head. "Right, I think I'm gonna go ahead. I don't want to lose any more brain cells talking with you right now." He began descending the stairs.

You hurriedly followed him. "A-Ah! Hey! That's so rude... Be nice to me, I'm older than you!" You yelled, trying to catch up.

"Only physically," he quipped with a grin, quickening his pace and leaving you to chase after him.

"So which one do you want?" Rin asked as soon as you got in the store.

You held up your hand. "Let me at least look first!"

You headed straight for the romance manga section, scanning the colorful spines for something that caught your eye. After a few minutes, you pulled out a manga and called to Rin, "Rinnie, look at this!" You showed him the manga cover.

"The story follows Chihaya Ayase, a passionate and determined high school girl who aspires to become the Queen of karuta," you explained with enthusiasm. "Along with her friends, Taichi and Arata, she navigates the challenges of the game and her personal life, exploring themes of friendship, rivalry, and the pursuit of one's dreams."

Rin raised an eyebrow. "Is it a romance?"

You grinned. "Yeah! Childhood friends to lovers, I'm guessing. It looks like a must-read!"

just then another book catched your eyes "oooh!" Like an excited cat you went and grabbed the book.

Just then, another book caught your eye. "Oooh!" Like an excited cat, you went and grabbed the book.

"'Tamako's Love Story,'" you read aloud. "It's a manga that continues the story of 'Tamako Market.' It follows the blossoming romantic feelings between Tamako and her childhood friend, Mochizou. The story beautifully explores their emotions and the challenges of confessing their love, all set against the backdrop of a charming mochi-making community."

You looked at Rin, your eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "Oh, should I buy this one too?"

You thought for a second there. Rin is 12 right now I don't think he has the money for too many manga..

In the end you ended up buying only 1 book since you didn't want him to spend all of his money. (You gotta save for the future when you get married ykyk( ・ิω・ิ))

As you and Rin made your way home, the sun painted the sky with hues of orange and pink. Your conversation was light and carefree.

Suddenly, while you were deep in conversation, you nearly collided with someone who had appeared out of nowhere.

"Whoa! Watch where you're going!" you blurted out, but as you looked up, the words died on your lips.

"Um" you stood in your tracks as you looked into the yellows eyes that were staring at you with surprise.

"Are you okay y/n?" Rin asked you with soft eyes then turn to the boy next you, giving him a death glares.

"Y/n chan?" The boy blinked a few times not believing his eyes. "Hi long time no see bachira-kun" you awkwardly waved not really knowing how to reply.

As Rin observed the interaction between you and Bachira, his eyes darted back and forth, his jealousy apparent in the way his brows furrowed and lips pressed together. He clenched his fists, an evident struggle within him as he watched two people from your past meet unexpectedly.

"Y/N CHAN!" without warning bachira jumped and hugged you almost making you fall. "Is it really you?!" He asked his voice mixed with a lot of feelings.

ᴺᵉʷ ᵃᶜʰⁱᵉᵛᵉᵐᵉⁿᵗ ᵘⁿˡᵒᶜᵏ!

ᵐᵉᵉᵗⁱⁿᵍ ᵃ ˡᵒⁿᵍ ᵗⁱᵐᵉ ᶠʳⁱᵉⁿᵈ!

The screen appeared with a new achievement but you ignored it for now.

"Yes megu kun" you called him by his nickname as you patted his back to calm him down. "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL YOU WERE MOVING AWAY? DO YOU HAVE ANY IDIA HOW SAD I WAS? OMG YOU-" he kept going on and on while rin stare at him weird, probably wondering how loud this guy can be.

Bachira's enthusiastic welcome filled the air as he hugged you tightly. You chuckled at his dramatic reaction, understanding that he had missed you dearly. ( i mean you were his one and only friend)

"Sorry, Megu-kun. It all happened so suddenly, and I was just a kid back then," you explained, Well all of that did happened bc of this shitty piece of system. But you decided to not cruse at the system rn and save it for the later. your voice filled with affection you said, "I missed you too, though."

As Bachira continued to express his delight at seeing you again, Rin's expression grew more perplexed, as if trying to comprehend the bond between you and Bachira. The contrasting dynamics were quite apparent - Rin's protective jealousy versus Bachira's genuine excitement and loud affection.

After the initial wave of emotion, Bachira finally noticed Rin standing nearby, watching the two of you with a curious and somewhat guarded expression.

Bachira's enthusiasm quickly shifted as he turned his attention to Rin. "And who's this, Y/n-chan?" he asked, his tone somewhat challenging.

You introduced them, albeit in a somewhat awkward tone. "This is Rin, my... friend."

Rin, not one to be outdone by Bachira's enthusiasm, extended a hand to shake. "Yeah, nice to meet you."

Bachira gave Rin a long, scrutinizing look before finally accepting the handshake. "Hmm, friend, huh? Well, Y/n-chan, you've got quite an interesting friend here."

The tension between Rin and Bachira was palpable, like two wild animals sizing each other up. You were left hoping that they could find common ground despite their contrasting personalities and affections for you.

"A-ah right! Meguru kun what are you doing here tho?" You tried to change the topic, since it didn't look too good between them.

As Bachira shared more about his visit, the atmosphere between him and Rin gradually shifted from tense to more relaxed. They seemed to find common ground when discussing their love for soccer, or so you thought because even then they were fighting like cat and dogs...

You sighed as you looked at them two.. 'why can't rin get along with anyone..'
