chapter 18

From your vantage point behind the door, you observed as hundreds of teenage boys assembled in the room. Recognizing many of them from sorting their information, you couldn't help but acknowledge the array of potential love interests present. It dawned on you that this was likely the beginning of the romantic entanglements within the unfolding story.

As soon as the main character stepped into the room, the lights dimmed, and Jinpachi hopped onto the stage, initiating his mic testing.

"Phew, dodged a bullet there," you sighed in relief, grateful that you weren't the one tasked with addressing the massive crowd of teenage boys. The prospect of speaking on stage in front of such an audience made your introverted self shudder.

Jinpachi-nii continued to ramble on about soccer, a topic that held little interest for you. As he spoke, some people in the audience questioned and resisted his instructions, but true to his nature, Jinpachi shut them down with unwavering authority.

"Then step through the gate," Jinpachi declared, and with dramatic smoke effects, the door you were leaning against swung open. A confident smirk adorned his face, but it quickly faded as he caught sight of you. Lifting an eyebrow, his expression clearly conveyed a silent question, asking, 'What are you doing there?'

It seemed you weren't supposed to be behind that door after all.

You blinked dumbfounded, realizing that everyone's attention was now directed at you. The desire to run away surged within you, but, unsurprisingly, the system had other plans.

New task!!
Take the lead from ego Jinpachi.


Of course... you couldn't forget that the system loved to get on your nerves. Reluctantly, you accepted the task.

Quickly you opened the menu system and went ahead and drink some stuff, Then grabbed the mic from your brother.

Quickly, you accessed the menu system, downed some items, then seized the mic from your brother.

"Hello!" you cheerfully greeted with a big smile, flashing a V-sign. "Ego-chan here." You continued, addressing the assembled boys. "Now, I know you teenage boys don't want to do this - staying away from your family and girlfriend, if you have any. But listen here, if you want to become the best in the world, you'll need to sacrifice things."

You narrowed your eyes and spoke in a low tone, "You will live for the excitement of scoring a goal only; that's what being a striker is."

With determination, you pointed at the door. "Now then, if you are ready, go through this door."

Smirking playfully, you added, "And of course, a cute girl like me will be cheering you all on!" Your statement was met with a mix of surprised and intrigued expressions from the boys.

The moment you mentioned being a cute girl cheering them on, the boys eagerly sprinted towards the door, almost running you over in their excitement. You had to swiftly sidestep to avoid being caught in their stampede.

Your brother glared at you, "Did you have to say that last part?"

"They're boys; they need some motivation," you shrugged playfully, defending your approach with a mischievous grin.

As you stood at the front, distributing jerseys one by one, both Anri Senpai and you received different buildings to oversee. While handing out the jerseys, you couldn't help but notice some familiar faces, including Shidou, the peculiar guy you had encountered at school before.

"Hope you will cheer for me oppai-chan~" he smirked while taking his jersey and walked away, leaving you standing there, still processing what he just called you.

Oppai-chan..? Oppai...chan...? OPPAI CHAN?!?

Your mind raced with confusion as you thought about what the heck was wrong with that guy, glancing behind to see where he had disappeared to.

"Ahm," the guy next in line stood there uncomfortably. "Ah, sorry about that," you apologized, handing him his jersey. The process continued until you were once again met with a familiar face.

"What are you doing here?" he questioned, his tall figure looming over you, a stern expression on his face.

You bit your inner cheek, avoiding eye contact as you examined your hand instead. "That's none of your business, Itoshi Rin."

"What do you mean, that's none of m-" his voice started sharp but abruptly cut off. "Forget it," he muttered under his breath, snatching the jersey away from your hand.

He took a few steps, halted, and glanced back. "Also, don't go around saying, 'a cute girl like me will be cheering you on.' It's cringe." His words pierced through you.

Embarrassment flooded your cheeks, and you stomped your feet on the floor in frustration as sson as be went away. "Ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous."

After your little frustration dance, you went to where Anri Senpai was, only to find out that she wasn't done yet.

"I'll help," you exclaimed, taking half the jerseys out of her hands and instructing half the boys to line up in front of you instead.

"Lego-chan!" A voice full of excitement rushed to you and hugged you, almost making you lose your balance.

"Whoa, calm down Meguru-kun," you hugged him back. "Did you know how surprised I was to see you? I was so happy! I missed you a lot! I missed seeing you every day, but it's okay now because I can see you every day, right?!" He went on and on about how happy he was, overwhelming you with his excitement.

He finally let go of you and took his jersey "I hope you will only cheer for me Lego-chan!" He smiled brightly then proceeded to kiss your cheek and went his way.

You blinked dumbfounded before a blush crept up on your cheeks. "I have no idea where he got that nickname from..."

Turning your attention to the next guy, he seemed to look at you strangely. Tall and buff, he reminded you of someone, but you couldn't quite put your finger on who it was.

"Are you okay?" you asked him, tilting your head to the side. The guy opened his mouth to say something, then closed it and nodded before heading inside.

Next up was a guy with shaved hair. Without wasting a second, he blushed and asked, "How old are you, Ego-chan?"

"Eh?" The question caught you by surprise, but you answered, "I'm 17."

"We're the same age!" He jumped in excitement and grabbed your hand. "Marry me!"

"Eh?!" This really took you by surprise, and you tried to smile it off, but the guy wouldn't let go of your hand.

"Uh, dude, I think you're making her uncomfortable," a voice spoke up from behind him.

'Hero...!' you thought to yourself, relieved. You really didn't want to break the guy's face; you wanted your image to be just a cute girl, not some crazy girl who broke someone's face :(

"Ah, was I?" The guy let go of your hand and rubbed his nape in embarrassment. "Sorry, I didn't mean to, you were just so pretty," he whispered the last part, but you heard it and gave him a smile. "It's okay."

With that, the guy left, and the 'hero' came into view-surprisingly, it was none other than the main character himself.

"Isagi Yoichi?" you gasped in surprise.

"You know me?" The blue-eyed boy asked in surprise. "...I just know your name," you lied and fake laughed.

"Thanks for helping though" you hand him his jersey with smile as you thanked him, he seems to be taken by surprise. "It's no problem" he blushed while he took his jersey.

You deftly handled a few clicks, and soon, the camera started working. Jinpachi took his seat and began his address.

"Are you done changing, you unpolished gems?" he inquired, his face maintaining its typical creepy expression...

"Hey, hey.." he tested the microphone, and you playfully waved in the background, chiming in with a cheerful "yahoo~."

However, Jinpachi promptly pushed you off the screen.

Following the explanations of the game rules, which you couldn't care less about, you rallied with enthusiasm.

"Alright, boys, do your best!" you winked and cheered in the background. Jinpachi shot you an annoyed expression before simply ending the call.

"Fufu, Jinpachi-nii, you won't let me have fun..." you puffed out your cheeks, pouting in the corner of the room.

"I'd rather you not get close with those XY chromosomes," he said, keeping his eyes on the screen. "Typical overprotective brother," you shrugged your shoulders and started watching the game featuring the main character.

You already knew how it would end, but it still irked you how that shaved cut guy tried to put Bachira on the spot. However, you couldn't entirely agree with Bachira's actions. "Damn, that kick looks like it hurt."

Igaguri, the shaved cut guy, kicked the ball right into the buff guy's face, eliciting anger from him.

Your eyes widened in realization as you read his name, "Rensuke? Right!" The memory hit you, and you couldn't help but feel a mix of surprise and concern for Rensuke.

As the match concluded, it ended just like in the manga: with Kira disappearing.

Jinpachi initiated the video call once again, launching into his egotistical speech. His smirk grew larger and creepier with each passing moment, and he brought his face uncomfortably close to the camera.

'...did I truly isekai into a soccer game or a horror show?' You sweatdropped, finding the situation simultaneously amusing and bizarre. You watched from behind, wondering if the dramatics were a staple of the soccer world or unique to this peculiar game.

"Alright nii-chan, enough with creepy expression." You pushed his face away from the camera and got in the frame yourself.

"congratulations, you have passed the blue lock entrance test!" You cheerfully said and give them the thumbs up.

Before you could get another word in, your brother pushed you aside "stop getting in the way y/n" he glared at you, making you shrink away in fear.

"Alright.. :×"

You approached the Z building, tasked with taking the players' measurements and weights. As you opened the door, you were greeted by an unexpected sight - a room full of naked guys. "Oops," you gasped, swiftly closing the door and employing a tissue to staunch your suddenly bleeding nose.

Name: Ego Y/n
Biggest weakness: good-looking men.

Taking a deep breath, you knocked this time before entering, relieved to find everyone fully dressed. "Sorry about that," you apologized, shamefully staring at your feet, unwilling to make eye contact.

"I'm here for your measurements and stuff," you explained, your attempt at professionalism disrupted by the earlier accidental peep show.

"Now, if you'll please follow me," you said, guiding them to the designated room with a hint of lingering embarrassment.

"First up is bachira meguru" you spoke and bachira got in front and stood on the weight machine.

"Say y/n-chan" bachira spoke up grabbing your attention "do you wanna go on a date with me after this?" His question made your cheeks heat up

Your face turned beet red as you stammered, "m-megu-kun.. we can't... because you are gonna be stuck this for months" you explained since this whole blue lock project is basically like a boarding school, but for soccer.

"Boo" he pout while you heard some guys yelled "don't you dare make another move on our pretty manager", which only made you flustered more.

"Alright, next up is Chigiri Hyoma!" you exclaimed, turning to the next page.

Chigiri stepped up, and you gestured for him to stand on the machine. Something about him seemed familiar, and it hit you - he was one of your unlockable love interests.

"Um, did we meet before?" you asked, feeling the weight of curiosity.

"Is this the part where you fall in love with me and get yandere obsessed?" he bluntly remarked, causing the embarrassing memory to flood back.

"Sh-shit, crap, why do you remember that... oh god," you cursed under your breath, covering your face with the book in your hand.

Chigiri chuckled at your embarrassment, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Don't worry, I won't get yandere obsessed with you, at least not yet," he teased, making you groan.

You cleared your throat, trying to regain composure. "Let's just focus on the measurements, shall we?" you suggested, desperately steering the conversation away from the awkward memory.

As you continued with the measurements, you couldn't help but wonder how many more encounters with your unlockable love interests would be this cringe-worthy.
