77.What happened to Avu?

Avu : Mom Sid Bhai chlo dinner ready hain

All : Yeah

(They all finished the dinner except Avu. She is serving them the food and meanwhile talking to Vaish because she is getting bored. All complete their dinner. They didn't notice that Avu ate or not.

She is not feeling well but again she ignored. She took the plates and wash them. All were sitting on dining table talking with each other. She has to do an important work of office so she decided not to waste time in eating.

She is now cleaning the dining table. She is going in kitchen but she again started feeling dizzy and she fainted. She fell on the ground and meanwhile she hit her head with wall. Blood came out from her forhead.

All looked at her direction. All went towards her. Sid took her head in his lap and started patting her cheeks.)

Sid (panicking) : Avu Avu utho. What happened? Mom what happened to her?

VA : Sid pehele use room me leke jao. And Abhi call doctor quickly.

Vaish : Mom maine call kar diya.

(Sid took her to their room in bridal style. After some time doctor came. All went outside the room. Sid was too much tensed. Vaish was crying. Avu is so much close to her. Abhi and VA are consoling her because crying is not good for her in this stage.)

Sid (in mind) : Oh god. What happened to her? Please God nothing should happen to her. But why she fell? Oh god.

(He buried his head in his hands. Abhi patted his back consoling him.
After some time doctor came out of the room. All rushed towards the doctor)

Sid : What happened to her? She is fine na? She is ok na? Say na please

Abhi : Sid let her speak na.

Sid : Oh sry say..

Doctor : She is...
