3.The college

Next morning~

Avu got up early in the morning. She got ready and makes breakfast for her and eatsΒ  it. She has to go directly to her job after college. So she starts to preparing herself as it's the first time she is going in a reputed college.

While our hero is still sleeping in his largeeee bed. His alarm starts ringing. He took his alarm clock and throws it on wall and again sleeps. After some time Abhi came in his room.

Abhi : Hey Sid, wake up yaar. 😑😑😑

Sid : Bro please 10 minutes.

Abhi snatches his blanket.

Abhi : wake up fast or I am not gonna talk with you. You want to go late at the very first day of college?? Wake up sleepyhead**😑😑😑

Sid : Ok dada... Please only five minutes.

Two thousand moments later... πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜œπŸ˜œπŸ˜œ

Sid : Flood, Flood... Bachao bachao. Mein doob jaunga.
(Yes readers Abhi throws a full bucket of water on his face.)

Abhi : Now wake up and get ready fast. Mom is waiting for breakfast.

Sid :πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’ ok... But I will take revenge soon.
Then he did as Abhi said. He then took a key of his car and started driving. 🚘🚘🚘

While going...
Sid *thinking* : Today is the biggest day for me in my life. I am gonna surprise Ari. Hope she will be happy.

Sid reaches in college. All his friends are already there. He goes towards them.

Reem : Let's go guys. I am too much excited.
It's our first day.
(Started jumping in excitement)

Jai : Stop stop babe. We are in college.

(All started smirking.) 😏😏😏

Faisu : let's go guys. We have to take our timetable.

Ri : yes let's go.

While going...

Sid in Ari's ear : looking beautiful

Ari : Thank you😊

They took their timetable and went towards class.

Jann : yeaaaahhh... We all are in same class.

Faisu chuckles at her excitement.

Anu : chalo yaar guys.

Ri : ha chlo.

All boys : Girlfriend ka gulaam. 😏😏😏

Ri gaves them death glare. All burst into laugh.

As soon as they reach the class,they started running towards last benches.

Ri : Faisu yaar yeh mera bench hain. I reached first here.

Faisu : Oh Anu (looking towards Anu) so you are sitting with that Moksh(random boy) (Ri goes to Anu)

Ri : what the hell?? Anu you are not sitting with me?

Faisu took advantage and sits on that bench with Jann. All burst into laughter.

Ri then realized all things. He then took Anu and sit in front of Faisu and Jann.
Now all are sitting like Jaireem (Jai and reem) on second bench, behind them Rinushka(Ri and Anu) , then Sidishfa (Sid and Ari) and last Fainat (Faisu and Jann). First bench is still empty. All started talking to each other.
A girl came into class and found no any bench is empty except first. So she sits on that bench. No one notices her.

Teacher came in the class.

T: Hello students.Good morning.

All : Good morning ma'am.

T : so as today is our first day and first lecture so we will not study but you will introduce yourself.

All become happy and start to shout. Ri play a whistle.

T : okay stop now. But before starting I want to introduce you to someone.

What will happen next??
Whom about teacher is saying?? Stay tuned.
