Chapter 25

Third person's PoV

"And you just forgave him that easily?"

Jisoo, Jennie and Lisa were having girl's day out at Jennie's apartment.

Lisa took a sip of a cup of tea and slowly nodded to respond what Jisoo had asked earlier.

"I'm tired, unnie. The doctor said I have to avoid being stress and do something less stressful." Lisa told her.

Jisoo crossed her arms together. She's the one who's stressed right now because sometimes she thinks that Lisa is too kind for her own good.

What Jungkook did to Lisa for the past three months was unacceptable. Everyone still haven't talk to Jungkook about what happened, especially Jin and Taehyung.

"I should've had killed him yesterday." Jisoo uttered as she put some chips into her mouth.

"Lisa, I'm sorry." Jennie suddenly said.

Jennie looked down and frowned. She felt guilty about what happened yesterday. If only she can be more careful about the Lisa's baby ultrasound print, all of this mess wouldn't have happened.

"Unnie, it's oka—"
"No, Lis! Stop, okay? Stop saying that everything is okay, everything is fine. Can you see how much people was hurting you? Me, Jungkook, Rose, my mom and dad. You shouldn't have said that everything is fine! You should've hate us. It's frustrating every time you said you're fine because we know that you're not!" Jennie said and higher up her voice and sighed tiredly.

Jisoo and Lisa looked at her and frowned. Jennie started to tearing up because she knew how much it must've been hard for Lisa to experienced all of this in a such young age.

Lisa walked towards her and hugs her unnie warmly and smiled.

"Unnie, I mean it when I said I'm fine. I don't know, but since I know I'm pregnant, everything just—just make me realized how much God's loves me. He gave her and I couldn't ask for more. I'm the happiest person in the world with this little one inside me." Lisa told her unnie while holding her hands.

"But still, Lisa. We need to teach Jungkook a lesson." Jisoo suggested.
"I'm agree." Jennie nodded while wiping her tears away.
"Like, what?" Lisa asked.
"I have a perfect idea." Jisoo said and winked.


Jungkook's PoV

I wake up to the sound of my alarm.

I reached my phone and it's 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

Fuck, I've overslept.


Where is she?

I quickly freshen up and put some clothes on. My face still swollen and have a lot of bruises because of yesterday. It's still hurt, but it's nothing compare to what I did to Lisa.

I walked outside immediately and knocked Lisa's room door.

I knocked a couple of times, but she's not opening the door.

"Lisa? Are you there? Lisa, it's me Jungkook." I said, still knocking her door.

Still silence.

"Lisa? Are you okay? Lisa?!" I started to panic because she's not answering.

Should I break in? What if she's faint? What if she's unconscious? What if something happened to her? What if—

Someone was knocking the front door. I looked at its direction and still deciding if I open the door front first or break Lisa's door first?

Someone was knocking again. Who would it be?

I ran my way to the front door and quickly opened it.

I was dumbfounded when I found five people with four suitcases. They're straightly staring at me, like they're ready to drown me into the Han River.

Except for one person who was folding her lips.

I didn't get the chance to speak, but the five of them just came in with their own suitcases on their hands.

"Are—are you guys going somewhere?" I stuttered.
"Shut up." The said in union.

I looked down because I don't want to make them shouted at me anymore. The five people I was talking about were Lisa, Jin hyung, Jisoo noona, Taehyung hyung and Jennie noona.

"They'll be staying here with us for a week." Lisa told me and I looked up and my eyes wide open.

"What's wrong? You have problem with that?" Taehyung hyung said like he was ready to grip the hell out of me.

"No, it—it's fine." I told him.

"We need to make sure Lisa is safe from you." Jisoo noona said coldly.
"I won't do anything to her, noona." I told her.

"Are you sure? The last time I checked, someone just beat the hell out of you because you're being an absolute son of a bitch." Jennie noona attacked me this time. I thought she's done being a bitch?

Geez, her savage and cold aura really gets me.

"Guys, enough." Lisa said softly.

Everyone was sighing. It's only a few minutes they had arrived, but it's already feels like a year.

"So, Lisa will share a room with Jennie. And you punk will share a room with Taehyung." Jin hyung ordered.

"And you?" I asked.
"I'll take the main room with Jisoo." Jin hyung said. I was about to roll my eyes. "Roll your eyes and no one stopping me from killing you." He demanded.

I gulped. He's so scary. My face hasn't getting better yet and he's ready to kill me. I've never know if Jin hyung have this side of him that terrifies me a lot.

"By the way, I'm hungry. Please, cook something for us." Jin hyung ordered.

"Ah, I'll go make dinner then." Lisa said and about to went to the kitchen, but Jin hyung stopped her.

"Not you. Him. And you shall not help him." Jin hyung said and pointed at me.

I really am in trouble.


Lisa's PoV

We were watching TV while Jungkook was cooking for dinner, alone.

Jin oppa told us that no one could help, especially me. I couldn't say no when he already demanded.

I occasionally looked at Jungkook's direction to see if he's struggling or not. It must've been hard for him and I badly want to help.

"He'll be fine, Lisa." Taehyung oppa said. I guess he noticed that I keep checking on Jungkook.

"Are you going to do something to him? You know, you're sleeping with him later." I asked politely. I honestly scared if Taehyung oppa would do something to him.

"I don't know. What do you think, hyung?" Taehyung oppa as he stared to Jin's oppa.
"It's up to you." He replied and smirked.

I just sighed. I swear, sometimes I wish I've never met them.

They told me that they want Jungkook to learn something from his bad attitude towards me. I think it's a little unnecessary since I already forgave everything.

"Have you take your vitamins, Lisa?" Jisoo unnie asked me as she tried to change the subject.
"I have." I replied.
"What's the baby's gender? Did you know already?" Taehyung oppa asked.
"It's a girl." I said and smiled.
"She'll look exactly like Jungkook." Jisoo unnie uttered.

Everyone was furrowing their eyebrows at her.

"Why's that?" Jennie unnie asked.
"You know, there's a myth said if your first born is a girl, she'll look 90% like her father and if your first born is a boy, he'll look 90% like his mother." Jisoo unnie said.

We were chuckling because Jisoo unnie started to talk nonsense. She really believes in myth, legend and those fairytales.

"The dinner is ready."

We turned around and saw Jungkook was standing behind us with his bunny smile. He looked so precious, it's like his proud of himself for making dinner for all of us.

Jin hyung stood and gestured to all of us to go to the dining room, so we followed him from behind.

When I passed Jungkook I mouthed 'thank you' and he smiled.

He cooked sundubu-jjigae, which is my favorite food.

We were all gathered around and started to said out gratitude for the food. I tasted the food and it was so good.

"Yah! What is this? It's tasteless!" Jin oppa suddenly shouted and pretty much shocking everyone of us.

"Is it?" Jungkook asked.
"Yah! You don't believe me? Did you think I'm a liar? Go put some salt and pepper. Aish, you punk." Jin oppa scolded him.

Tasteless? It's not tasteless at all. It's actually really good.

"Let me grab—"
"No. Let him." Jin hyung said.

I was about to say let me go grab the salt and the pepper, but again, I couldn't do anything once Jin oppa already demanded.

Jungkook was smiling and stood up. He grabbed some salt and pepper and gave them to Jin oppa. He didn't complain though.

I saw Jisoo unnie dropped her spoon on purpose. Everyone was staring at her.

"Jungkook, please give me another spoon." She ordered him.

Jungkook stood up and grabbed a new spoon for her. He still had a smile on his face.

"Yah, Jungkook. Do you guys have soju here?" Taehyung oppa asked.
"Ne, waeyo?" Jungkook replied.
"Go grab some." He ordered.

He stood up again and grabbed five bottles of soju from the refrigerator. He came back and handed each one of theme bottle of soju.

"I didn't get one for you, because you know— the baby will—"
"It's fine." I said before Jungkook said the rest of  his words.

Seriously, did they doing this on purpose?

Even Jungkook hadn't eat a spoon of his dinner yet. Why are they acting like this?

"Jungkook-ah, do you have a plastic bowl?" This time, Jennie unnie asked.
"Ne. Waeyo? Do you want me to go grab it?" he asked.
"Ne." She said.

When he was about to stood up, I stopped him.

It worked to get all their attentions on me. I sighed and closed my eyes. This is so frustrating already.

"Just eat your dinner, I'll go grab it." I told Jungkook.
"What's wrong with you? Yah! Go grab it, Lisa is pregnant." Jin oppa said with food on his mouth while pointed at Jungkook.

"No. Just—just let me go grab it okay?." I said and went to kitchen.

I could feel their eyes was glaring at me, but I just can't take it okay?

I know they've planned all of this and I know Jungkook deserves more bad treatment from them, but it's just too tired to see.

I came back with six plastic bowls and put it on the table. They're all eye-ing me.

"Please, no more ordering, okay? Just, please. I really want to enjoy my dinner in peace." I said tiredly and no one dare to replied me back.

I sighed and came back to eat without talk more.


Jungkook's PoV

I know why they did all of those things earlier.

I really know they were doing it on purpose that's why I didn't say anything. Jin hyung would never did that suddenly for no reason.

If I have to served everyone right just to get back with Lisa, I'll do it willingly.

This is nothing to compare to what I've done to her.

Everyone already went to their own bedroom and which means, I'm here now in my room with Taehyung hyung.

He went mute all along and I didn't have the gut to talk to him first because his face was nothing but a flat one. I'm sure his mouth would open widely when I tried to make a conversation.

I was scrolling into my Instagram page once I already cleaned up and ready to go to bed. I was planning to sleep on the coach, not wanting to make Taehyung hyung uncomfortable.

He's out from the bathroom and already on his plain shirt and boxers. I pretend to look busy because it's already felt awkward.

I saw him put some cream on his face, and still I didn't say anything.

He crawled up to bed and checked on his phone. Seriously, this is getting more awkward and uncomfortable.

"Are you going to sleep there?"

Thank God.

Finally he said something to me. I'd be sleeping in a such unpeaceful night if he keep ignoring me.

"I want to make you feel comfortable." I replied. I know, stupid.

He  smiled sardonically at me. I just looked down because I didn't want to make my self stupid even more.

"Suit yourself." He said and turned off the lamp beside him.

It's funny how he acted like this is his room, but again, I couldn't do anything. I have to do everything what they want me to do, I need to gain their trusts again.

It's so quiet and I saw Taehyung hyung still hadn't sleep yet because he still have his phone screen on.
I guess he was texting with someone.

"Who are you texting, hyung?" I asked.
"Why are you texting her? She's just next door." I told her.
"I'm keeping her awake since she said Lisa couldn't sleep." He told me.

I got up and sat immediately when he said Lisa. He glanced at me with one of his brow raised.

"Is she okay?" I asked.
"You suddenly worry about her now? Don't you think it's a little too late?" he asked sarcastically and went back his focus to his phone.

I sighed and frowned.

He's right, though. It's too late. She's probably hates me now than before, but I couldn't let my guard down. I know the pattern that I will through wouldn't be easy, but if it's for her, I know it would be worth the fight.

I stood up and put my slippers on. I need to go to the back porch to search some fresh air.

"Where are you going?" Taehyung hyung asked.
"I'm thirsty. I'm gonna get some water. Do you want some?" I asked back.
"No, I'm good." He replied.

I nodded and headed outside.

I went straight to the back porch and saw the door already opened.

Was it Jin hyung? He's probably couldn't sleep either.

I walked outside with hands on my pocket. The weather was quiet nice but a bit cold.

I saw a beautiful figure was standing there. She was staring at the sky and I could tell who she is just by at staring her from the back.

"Why are you here?" I asked her softly.

I saw her face was surprised a little bit as I stood beside her.

She smiled at me warmly and back staring at the sky, didn't even bother to answer my question early.

"Jennie noona said you couldn't sleep." I said.
"So, you're the one who's been texting her?" she asked.
"No, Taehyung hyung told me." I replied.
"Of course. I feel bad for keeping her awake, so I said to her that I need some fresh air." she said and smiled a little.

I joined her to staring at the sky. It's really beautiful up there. The memories from Lisa and I suddenly came by.

The last time we were staring at the stars at night was when I chose her to be my wife. I saw how mad she was, I'm glad I did anyway because I could get to know her better.

"Why are you here?" she asked me.
"I couldn't sleep either. The room feels awkward with me and Taehyung hyung." I told her.
"He still didn't talk to you at all?"
"He did when he had to." I replied and smiled.

We chuckled. I really miss her, so much. I really wish there's a word bigger than sorry.

"What's the baby's gender? I saw the print, but I couldn't figure it out." I asked and she grinned.
"It's a girl." She told me and smiled.

I smiled sadly and looked down.

How can I hurt two most precious women in my life? How can she smiled like that like there's nothing happen?

I feel tears were dropping a little and I wiped them right away, I don't want Lisa to think that I'm weak. I have to be stronger for her and our baby. Yes, our baby.

"Hey, are you okay? Your face still swollen and the bruises still visible." She asked worriedly as she touched my face softly.

When I feel her touch, I couldn't help it. I really couldn't help but break down into tears. This is too painful.

"Lisa, I'm sorry. Please forgive. It must've been hard for you to stand up alone and knowing that I probably won't come back. It must've been very hard for you to staying strong because of my attitude, because of my selfishness. I—I'm sorry." My voice cracked as I keep her hand on cheek and held it as tight as possibly.


"Please, Lisa. Don't say it's okay. Don't say it's fine. Tell me to do something so I can repay everything. Please, punish me, Lisa. It's dying to know you were not okay back then. I'm sorry, I'm sorry." I said and sobbed my heart out.

The last time I knew, I felt her lips on mine as she kissed me softly. I stopped to cry because I'm pretty much shocked by her action.

The kissed was soft and warm. She kissed me like she knew it's the only way to cure everything.

She pulled away and her eyes went straight to mine.

"The only thing you can do right now is being here with me, okay? I need you to always be here for me and our baby. She needs you. She needs us, Jungkook. I am not okay after everything what you've done to me, but I couldn't careless. Our priority is the baby and I need you here with me so we can take care the baby together. Okay? So stop. Let's start a new journey together. I know it will be tough, but at leas we've tried." She told me.

I couldn't say anything except nodded and hugged her tightly. This is the second chance that she gave me and I can't be reckless. I will prove it to her that I'll take care of her and our baby.

From now on, they're my priorities.

Third person's PoV

Jin, Jisoo, Jennie and Taehyung were watching both Jungkook and Lisa from distance.

Jennie and Jisoo were crying too because they really want Lisa to be happy. If Jungkook one of the reason, then they'll accept it.

Jin and Taehyung were sighing as they comforting each of their girlfriends.

"I guess Lisa really loves him." Taehyung uttered.
"She does. She doesn't give up on people easily." Jisoo said.
"She gave me a second chance too, you know. No wonder why she gave it one to Jungkook." Jennie added.
"I guess we need to forgive him too. I know Lisa doesn't want us to live this way." Jin said and everyone nodded.

Jungkook was hugging Lisa from the back and star gazing together.

Jin, Jisoo, Jennie and Taehyung were all smiling because they already made up and there's nothing more peaceful than seeing both of their dongsaeng are happy.

"But we still need to teach him a little lesson." Jin said and wined at Taehyung.

Taehyung smirked and both Jisoo and Jennie just rolled their eyes.
