Chapter 10

Jungkook's PoV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm.

Last night went pretty well. Lisa can get along with my hyungs and of course, how can I forget about Jennie noona? How can she pretend that she didn't know me at all? Did she forget that she's the one who pushed me to be with his real sister?

My head is spining too early just to think about last night.

I yawned. This is the first night I didn't end up drunk after BBQ night with hyung.

I rubbed my eyes because I'm still a little bit sleepy, but I have class to attend. It's such a big mistake to have a BBQ night when I know I have class the day after.

I freshen up and decided to wear sweatshirt. I'm not in the mood to do fashion today.

I went to the kitchen and welcomed with a delicious food aroma. I can tell that Lisa was cooking something and I was right.

"I feel like it's becoming my habit to woke up with a beautiful lady who's cooking for me for breakfast." I said and I hugged her from behind. It becomes my second habit to hug her from behind because her neck smells nice.

"Jungkook, you need to stop startled me. I might have a heart attack." She said and I just chuckled. She can be very extra sometimes.

"What's for breakfast?" I asked her and release the hug so she can move freely.
"Haejangguk. I've made it for you. I saw how many alcohol you drank last night. I was surprised you weren't drunk. You really a heavy drinker." She said and served a bowl of haejangguk in front of me.

"I'm not a drinker, but I'm not a weaker either when it comes to alcohol." I told her and she just smirked. "Do you have class today?" I asked her.
"No." She told me. "But I have practice today."
"With your Sehun oppa?" I said coldly.
Lisa was glaring at me. "Yes. With Sehun oppa." She said and smirked again at me.

"What time?" I asked her.
"10 o'clock." She told me. "Why?"
"Nothing." I said as I was slurping the soup. I have to take a peek later. I need to know who's this Sehun guy. I need to know if he's handsome or not and I need to know if he's flirting with my Lisa or not.

"Don't do that." She uttered.
I frowned. "What? I didn't do anything." I told her.

"You're planning something and I know it's not a good plan." She told me. Seriously, how can she know what's on my mind? Is she a mind reader now?
"I don't know what you're talking about." I said and continue to eat my breakfast looking so innocent that I'm very good at. Even my hyungs couldn't resist it.

After I finished it, I checked my phone and it's almost 8 o'clock. I put my bowl into the sink and grabbed my bag.

"I have class at 8, I'll see you after practice?" I said to her.
She smiled and nodded. "Alright." She said.

I put up her chin and kissed her lips. She still act shy whenever I kiss her and I find it cute. I pulled away and her cheeks were red.

"Remember that you're mine, Lisa." I said to her and I kissed her one more time then I left.


Lisa's PoV

My heart still beating so fast everytime Jungkook kissed me because I'm still not used to it.

I used to be this ordinary girl who loves to dance, paint and hide, but now I have a boyfriend and soon to be a wife of the great Jeon Jungkook. How the tables have turn out?

I received a text from Sehun oppa.
He reminded me about the practice. He said he wants to see some choreography that I already prepared which I'm super excited about.

I'm glad that Sehun oppa wants to help me all the way. I have to learn a lot from him since he's the recent champion of the competition. I know he must have been really good at dancing. The company chose him to be a winner for nothing. I cleaned up and freshen up so I won't be late for practice.

After getting ready for the practice, I grabbed my key and bag with me.

All the way to the campus, my heart is beating really fast because I'm so nervous right now. The competition is start in three weeks and yet I don't know if I'm qualified for it or not.

I checked myself one last time before I hopped out from my car.

I started to walk to the dance studio. I feel there's a lot of eyes were looking at me. I didn't dare to look at them so I just kept looking down.

Once I entered the dance studio, I already saw Sehun oppa was standing there with his phone on his hand.

"Good morning, oppa." I said and I bowed to him. I know he said to stop bowing at him, but I just can't help it. It's my habit to respect everyone who's older than me.

"Morning, Lisa." He greeted me. I was dropped my bag and my jacket on the floor and revealing my outfit. I decided to did my hair a little with two down pony tails. "Wow, Lisa." He said.

"Why, oppa?" I asked them. He was staring at me from head to toe which make me quiet uncomfortable, but I can't show it to him.
"You have the perfect body for the competition." He conversed.

I touched my neck awkwardly.
"Uhm, thank you, oppa." I said. "Should we start to warm up?" I suggested, didn't want to create another awkward moment.

We do some warming up moves. I tend to be more focus right now. I can't being reckless.

"So, how about you show me your choreography first, and I will see if there is anything that needs to be improved or not." He suggested and I nodded.

The music started to rise up and I feel like my body is on fire. I closed my eyes and start to dance like I was born for this.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Once I finished, I can see the look at Sehun oppa's face. He looks...I don't know, fasciante? I couldn't tell. I took my towel and wiped away the sweats that running through my face.

"Wow, Lisa. That's really great and kind of sexy. The judges will love it." He said. I don't know how to take it, is he complimenting me or what? I don't want to think about it. "Just add more power, okay? From the start!" he said and I nodded while smiling.


Jungkook's PoV

I finished my class and I hurriedly walked to the dance studio from the back door.

I was snooping a little from the window and saw Lisa already there with a man, that must've been Sehun 'oppa' she was talking about.

I was thinking about to get in, but I have a better view from the window so I decided not to. Besides, Lisa will kill me if she knows I was staging her.

I saw her bowing at him and I looked at the guy's face. He was...okay? My he has this point and manly face.

Okay, I admit it, he's handsome. I feel like my body is burning, but I need to calm down.

"What the actual fuck?" I cursed when I saw Lisa took off her jacket. "Who the hell allow her to wear those kind of clothes? I swear I'll burn them once she gets home!" I whispered to myself. I was pissed off.

How can Lisa be so innocent to dress up like that in front of a guy? She always dresses properly around me. This is unacceptable.

I still peeking at them through the window and I heard music was on, so I guessed she'll dance soon.

I moved aside my anger because I want to focus on Lisa's dance.

My jaw was dropping when I saw her dancing like that. Shit, I can't take it anymore. Should I go inside? But what if Lisa gets mad at me?

And don't start with the look on that bastard's face. It has a lot of lust, I'm sure his dick down there was craving for her.

I was that close to kicking the door and take Lisa away from that pervert, but I remember that this is a very important thing for her. She needs this to impress her family. I growled myself in frustration.

My mind and body is on fire. I really need to take her away from there.

I punched the wall slowly to took a little bit off of my anger. I can't watch any more of their practice so I decided to go away.


Lisa's PoV

The practice went well. I got some advices from Sehun oppa which is really help to improve my dance ability.

I decided to had lunch at the cafeteria and read a book. I really want to go to Daelim, but after what happened last night, I don't think I'm ready to face Taehyung oppa just yet.

I checked my watch and it's already 4.00 PM. I need to go home, Jungkook is probably waiting for me at home. I don't want to hear his clingy words again. It gives me chills all over my body and I don't think I want to get it anytime soon.

Once I arrived the apartment, it was so quiet. So, probably Jungkook is not home yet. I checked my phone to see if Jungkook had texted or called me but nada.

It's a little bit weird. Ever since we make it official, Jungkook usually always call or at least text me about each other's updates. Maybe he's busy? I don't know.

I freshen up my body. My muscles felt sore because I've been practicing for hours.

I dressep up and walked outside. It still feel quiet all along. It's almost 6 o'clock and Jungkook is not home yet. Should I call him?

I sighed. Why am I feeling like this? Why did I worry about him? It's not like he would be in trouble or something.

I decided to cook for dinner.
Maybe he'd come in a moment. I cooked for dinner like I always did.

I heard the door being opened so I checked from the kitchen and there he is, walking straight with his bucket hat covering his face.

"Jungkook! You're home." I said in a higher voice just to make sure he heard me.

He stopped and glanced at me. His face looks pissed off. 

"I cooked for dinner. Come eat." I said and smiled.
"Not hungry." He said coldly and walked to his room upstairs.

What the hell happened to him? Did he just get fight with his hyungs?
Why is he avoiding me?

It's so unusual. I mean, it's not unusual since we used to avoid each other, but since we're offically a thing, it's so unusual of him.
Maybe he would talk to me later.


Jungkook's PoV

I was walking straight to my room when she offered dinner for me with a big smile on her face.

Why can she smile like that at me when she's just showing off her body to another guy?

I still feel mad. And the most frustrating thing is that I can't do anything about it because she doesn't even know the reason why I'm feeling like this.

I freshen up my body with warm water.
I took some moisturizer and serum to my face and went back to my room. I put some sweatpants and plain black shirt.

I threw my body on a bed and closed my eyes. I still can see how Lisa danced in front of that guys with his pervert face all over.

"Aish! I'm going crazy." I hissed myself as I sat back and rubbed my hair in frustration.

I suddenly heard my door being knocked. I know it's Lisa because who else is living in this apartment?

I exhaled a little and walked to the door and opened it. Lisa is standing there with a tray filled with food and fruit on her hands.

"I—I just want to make sure you eat something." She said and looked down. She looks a little bi of scared which I hate very much.

I gestured her to come inside and she did. I still didn't talk to her. I saw her put the tray on my desk and walked towards me.

"I've made pork soup rice and slices of melon." She said. I stared at her coldly and I can feel she's being uneasy.

"Did—did you fight with your hyungs?" she asked innocently. I almost chuckled, but I hold myself so I looked away. "Did you being chase by your fangirls again?" she asked again. I still looked away. "Did you have a bad lunch?" she asked. Seriously? How can she didn't remember about her being all too sexy for another man?

"Seriously Jungkook, I'm lack of thoughts right now and I'm getting crazy!" she started to yelling at me. "How can I deal with you when you're just walked away like that and shut the door and locked yourself here and not eat anything? It's 9 o'clock already, I—fuck." She said and sighed.

"I wouldn't be like this if you dress properly!" There. I've said it.

She looked at me in confusion and I looked away. I try my best to avoid eye contact with her.

"Wh—what?" she said in a suspicious tone.
"Nothing." I said.
"Jungkook." she said again.
"I said nothing, okay?" I vividly.
"Please don't tell me that you really didn't—"
"I did, okay? I did and I'm not happy about it." I said desperately.
"Jungkook, he's my dance mentor." She told me softly.
"Can you just look at him in the face when you dance like that, Lisa?" I asked her. "And why would you dressed up like that in front of him? You always dress properly around me, like you're scared that I might touch or rape you or something." I said in frustration. I sighed as I took a deep breath.

"Jungkook... I've never—"
"Just please, I need to clear up my mind. I feel like a bad person right now." I said tiredly. "Thanks for the food."

She looked at me hopelessly. I really want her to hug or tell me that that pervert means nothing to her.

"I'm sorry if I make you feel that way. I never know how to treat a boyfriend before since I've never have one. It—it's not my intentions at all." She said and abou to went outside of my room.

I stopped her by holding her hands and pulled her closer to my chest.

"Tell me, Lisa. Tell me if that jerk means nothing to you. Please, tell me." I desperately begged her. I don't care if she thinks I'm a clingy person or what, but I really hate this thought of her being close with another man.

She looked at me in the eyes. She touched my cheek softly and staring at every inch of my face.

"Sehun oppa means nothing to me, Jungkook. He's just my dance mentor, nothing more." She said softly with her teary eyes. "You're the one I'm going to marry."

"Lisa." I said helplessly. "Do not dress like that ever again in front of everyone when you're not around me, okay? I'm dying, Lisa. I can't watch you dancing around with such less clothes. I'll buy you a lot of less reveal clothes if you want. Just please, I beg you." I said. I admit it, it's kinda silly that we were fighting over clothes, but like I said before, I don't want to share what's mine.

"Should I dance in a sweatpants and big size shirt, then?" she asked.
"Yes, you should." I answered right away and she hit my shoulder.

"Are you done mad at me? Because I can't stand people mad at me for a long time. It making me feel like I'm putting them in a hard time." She informed me.
"You really do making me feel like I'm in a hard time." I said honestly and I pouted.
"I didn't know you stalked me, so it's clearly you're the one who puts yourself in a hard time." She said. Well, it's kind of true.

I hugged her tightly. I didn't know when did it start but I have this feeling like I don't want her to go anywhere without me.

I don't want anyone to hurt or harm her. I want her to be safe and protected.

"I mean what I said earlier, Lisa." I said, still hugging her.
"I know." She said. "And I'm willing to change that, okay?" she said as I feel her chin on my shoulder.

We were hugging for a few minutes. I feel so relieved.
