Ring Tones say alot

 (Listen to the song ------>)


     His blue eyes captivate me as he starts to strum. I hear girls whistle for him but his eyes stay on mine. I'm frozen. He starts to sing, his voice low, sweet. So distracting I almost didn't notice what he was singing. Break Your Heart by Taio Cruz. I didn't think it was possible for me to be so closed off in that moment but instead of breaking down and letting the words get to me, I closed him out. I put up walls I had up when my father died. To be strong for my family. But this time, the walls were for me. He cant reach me now. I break his gaze as he sings the bridge. And walk away. I could feel how blank my face was and his gaze on the back of my head. But I didn't care. When I was nearing the door, a thought occurred to me as he sang a part: I know Karma's gonna get me back for being so cold.

Karma was going to get him back. And I'd help. 


After he sang a few others did to. Someone even sang the ABC song....really? When they were done, I carpooled with Delly and the girls. I noticed Finnick talking to Gale with Peeta, who didn't really seem to be listening. He got the song stuck in my head. I turn away, my face blank again. The girls were happy about what they'd done. I should be two, right? "Why are you so quiet Kat?" Annie asks, frowning a bit. I smile. 

"Thinking. So what now?" I ask, they said they had a surprise for me after the Talent Show.

"Well.." She pauses for dramatic affect, I roll my eyes and Jo snorts. "We had Thresh record you singing and posted it on YouTube." She grins widely at me as my mouth drops open....they didn't...no. No.

"What?" I ask in a whisper. I could feel my cheeks burning red hot. 

"You should be happy, Brainless. You have about 700,000 views in the last 30 minutes." She said showing me her phone. Sure enough, I did have that many, and it was still growing. Jo reaches over and closes my still open mouth. I wasn't that good....was I? "Of course you were." I'm thinking out loud again. "Yup." She said popping the P. 

"We should throw a party!" Finnick shouts, popping a sugar cube in his mouth and throwing an arm around me. "To celebrate Kitty Kat going viral in less than an hour." I roll my eyes.

"Hell yeah," Gale said, grinning like an idiot. A cute idiot. I shake my head. Why not?

"Sure, even though I didn't ask anyone to film me." I mutter dryly. Since were already dressed up from preforming, now all we gotta do if head to Finnicks house.....or should I saw mansion. It was one of those classically build mansions, like a Castle without a moat or draw bridge. I blink up at it, shaking my head. "Damn." Was all I had to say. We went into the Fourier to set up, Annie turning on music and me setting out chips and soda. Finnick brought of the hard liquor when his parents left to go to some meeting. He made the party sound innocent when we both knew it was anything but. 

"Annnnd, sent." Finnick replies. He just sent a mass text to everyone in his contacts, meaning everyone's phones in the room started buzzing, I ignored mine. Didn't want to bring my flip phone out, its just embarrassing. I feel a tap on my shoulder and see Gale standing there. He's smiling sheepishly. I notice he has a dimple on his right cheek. 

"Hey, I..I have to ask..." He gets cut off by the doorbell ringing around Finnick's home. I stare at in shock. Finnick opens the door, revealing a group of boys, carrying beer. Some even eye me. They weren't ugly just not...not...nope. Not going to think about him. I turn and notice Peeta glaring at the guys as they eye me. A petty thought crept into my mind. Well then, Peeta, two can play this game. I turn back to one of the guys as he sets the beer on the coffee table. I wink at him in what I hope is in a flirtatious way before turning on my heels. Peeta's eyes are darker and his jaw is clenched. I ignore him, walking to the bathroom. Before I can shut the door, Annie follows. 

"What was that?" she asks, looking shocked. I flush a bit. Was I that obvious?

"Just...being flirty?" It was more of a question than a reply. I shrug it off. She smiles knowingly.

"Trying to make Peeta jealous?" She asks. I nod sheepishly. I couldn't lie to Annie. Jo comes in then, her face alight with humor. 

"Well you succeeded. Lover Boy out there is threatening that green haired dude you winked out. I believe his words were. 'She's off limits'." She makes air quote, smirking at me. I return with a gape. He goes from saying he'd break my heart to staking a claim over me and I'm sending mixed signals? I leave to see the Living area almost packed and its only been about 5 minutes since I stepped out, the girls following me. "Wow, Finn knows alot of people." I see Annie frown when she notices how many girls were here. I always thought they were dating. But as I look in the corner, I notice him flirting with some slutty girl in a tube top. I shake my head. Moron. 

As I walk around, I finally find the kitchen, hoping to get some chips before they get eaten. I notice Peeta sitting there, a beer bottle in his hand half empty. He looks cool an closed off as he looks at me. I return his gaze with a cold one of my own. Speaking of morons. "Didn't think you were the flirty type." He says, his voice challenging. 

"I'm not." I respond, looking around for my chips. 

"Thought so." The cocky tone to his voice makes my blood boil. 

"Cram it, Bread Boy." I hiss, getting on tip top to check above the fridge.

"Looking for something?" I look over at him to see my bag of chips on his lap as he sits on the counter. 

"Give me the chips." I demand, holding my hand out. He smirks coolly.

"You want it baby? Come get it." He slightly thrusts his pelvis up, suggestively I think. I walk up to him and grab him by his shirt collar, glaring into the eyes that once made me smile.

"Don't you ever. Ever, call me baby, or sweetheart, again. As far as we're concerned, you're barely a friend. I tolerate you on a daily basis. I will never be your's." I seethe. His eyes heat and I feel his hands grip my back. I freeze.

"Never say never." He says. The look in his eyes are suggesting something more than just friends. 

"T-thats not what I meant." I whisper, letting go of his shirt. I try to get him to let go of me so I can get away, but he wont. He wont let go.

"Then what did you mean? Friends? I have plenty of friends, Katniss." He laughs harshly. That's the first time hes ever used my name. And it pissed me off for some reason. I shove him, anger in my veins again.

"I loathe you." I hiss. He leans forward, so were nose to nose again.

"Back at ya," He says lowly, his minty breath blowing in my face. 

"You're a jerk!" I shout in his face, not caring who turned to look at me.

"You're a bitch!" He shouts right back, still so damn close to me. Just when my gaze shifts to his lips, I hear someone clear there throat behind us.

"What?!" We both shout looking to see Gale standing there, looking a bit pissed.

"If you two are done screaming at each other. I'd like to talk to Catnip alone." I was so close to chewing him out for that nickname when he grabs my arm and pulls me away. Peeta grips my other arm, hopping off the counter and pulling me back. "Hey!" He shouts. Then they play tug of war with my arms, it hurts like hell, but they're to busy yelling at each other. I finally I get out of both of their holds and back away. I hear a clatter and see my phone on the floor between them. I go to dive for it but Gale grabs it first. Damnit! "A flip phone?" He looks at me, a small smirk on his face. I glower at him.

"Give it back!" I grab it but he doesn't let go, he'd already opened it and was going through my contacts when I grabbed for it. Peeta laughs at us as I struggle to get my phone back. Suddenly the song She Is Love starts playing from the counter where Peeta was sitting. Before he can answer his phone, I look to see my picture pop up on his screen. I freeze, its a picture of me laughing during lunch. I don't know when, but I notice the browning in my hands. Why would he take that picture? And why was that song playing for my ring tone? I turn to look at him, a tiny speck of hope knocking on the brick walls I built up. He was no longer laughing but staring, a slight flush of pink in his cheeks. The speck starts to glow. Before he could say anything, Gale grabbed my hand.

"Kat, will you go out with me?" He asks in a rush. My eyes widen in shock. I open my mouth and close it again. What do I say? No? Yes? I hear Peeta scoff as he takes his phone.

"Should have known." He mutters before taking off. I want to go after him but Gale is holding on too tight. 

"I.." I push his hand off me, following Peeta. The party is packed now, so I had to maneuver my way through slutty girls and drunk guys. He couldn't have gotten that far. As I look for him, so many things he's said start to confuse me even more than I already was. So much for no boy drama. I turn a corner to see him talking to a girl. I stop and stare at him. When he reaches out to tuck some hair behind her ear, I turn back around. He wasn't worth all this fucking pain, was he? So many damn questions and no answers. I'm about to leave the party when Gale grabs me....again. "Yes." I say without thinking. He stares at me with his mouth hanging open.

"Wait...what?" He seems dumbfounded. I look right in his identical eyes.

"Yes, I'll go out with you." I reply. A smile breaks out on his face. Before I can smile back, his lips are on mine.

Ooooo Katniss got alot of shit on her plate when it comes to Peeta. And Peeta seems determined to ignore feelings he must have. Right? Like the title of the chapter says: Ring tones say alot. ;)

