t e n

"N-no! I do not like him like that." You kept repeating. You don't know why but your mind and brain kept telling you that.

Your heart beat was beating incredibly fast. You kept telling Jiwoo no like it would change her opinion on assuming.

Jiwoo watched you carefully and she already knew the real answer. Which was you do. She thought that if you really didn't you'd be laughing it off but your actually freaking out.

"Y/n, you can't keep denying it. If your body reacts like that whenever you think of him then it's pretty obvious." Jiwoo says with a chuckle.

She walked back over to her seat that's in front of you. You didn't say anything except drink some of your drink and stare up at her.

"But I can't." You mumbled looking at the ground. Jiwoo furrowed her eyebrows and tilted her head to the side slowly as she looked at you.

"And why is that?" She asked.

You let out a annoyed sigh as you glanced back up at her. "It'll ruin his relationship with Taehyung. Of course it seems that Taehyung doesn't care for me like that, but deep down he really does. Why else do you think he scare off my boyfriends?" You ask with a little chuckle.

"You guys are almost turning 18. You could date whoever you want." She says. Jiwoo was starting to get irritated. She thought that you were just making up excuses so you could try and convince her that you didn't like him when you really did.

"Yeah but still... Jimin and Taehyung has been friends since they were babies. I don't think Taehyung will like that. Wait. Why are we talking about this? I don't like him and he doesn't like me. Now can I go home now?"

Jiwoo sighed and nodded her head as she stood up and picked up her things. You did the same and threw your trash away as you followed Jiwoo to the front to pay the bill.


"Tae!" You call your brother as you spot him walking threw the halls with some of his friends. But you didn't see the person you where looking for.

He turned around and jogged over to you and you walked up to him. He let out a soft 'hmm' as you stood in front of him. You glanced behind him at his friends for a second then back up to him.

You where a little scared to ask him because he probably would've suspected something, but you had to. "Do you know where Jimin is?"

He was quiet at first as he just looked at you with a eyebrow raised. You gulped and pulled off a innocent smile. He scoffed with a small grin as he shook his head.

"He's on the field playing football." He says as he ruffles your hair. You smacked his hands away and glared up at him as he chuckled.

"Thanks." You say as you start running to the field.

Taehyung turned around to see all eyes on him from his friends. "What?" He asked with his eyebrows raised.

"Your sisters cute." One of them says. Taehyung's raised eyebrows soon furrowed as he glared at the boy.

He walked up to him and placed a finger on his chest as he pointed at him. "Don't even think about it. I don't let my friends date my sister."


"Sorry!" You yell to the girls that you almost knocked over. You kept running, ignoring the teachers calling your name telling you to stop running but you didn't. You needed to talk to Jimin and apologize for whatever it that you did to make him hate you.

You turned the corner and stopped at the end of the hall smiling as you seen the doors. You ran to the doors and pushed it open. The cold air hitting your face as it blowed your hair from out of your face.

You glanced around for a bit not remembering where the field is. But thanks to the loud cheers and stuff you've found it pretty fast.

You ran towards the direction where all of the noise was coming from. You turned to your left and seen the big field filled with sweaty high school boys running around. You walked towards the field, quickly regretting it as some of the boys start to notice you.

You could hear their whispers as you walked past some of them on the bleachers.

"Isn't That Taehyung's younger sister?"
"What is she doing out here?"
"I didn't know his sister was cute."

You stopped by the bleachers, glancing around until you see the familiar figure. Once you spot him you don't hesitate to call his name.

"Jimin!" You yell. He looks over at you, squinting his eyes to make sure if he's seeing properly.

He holds the ball up to his chest as he places his hand over his eyes to block out the sun. But then in a blink of an eye on of the boys came crashing into him. You didn't know much about football but your pretty sure he just got tackled.

You mouth widened as you practically seen Jimins spirit leave his body as he laid there.
"Jimin!" You gasped as you made your way to his lifeless body that laid there.

"Hey, young lady!" The coach called to you. "Get off the field! He's fine!" He continued to say but you didn't listen. Once you reached him you kneeled down next to him and shook him.

Once you shook him his eyes moved from looking at the sky and met yours. You found it weird but once he looked at you it was hard for you to speak. But you managed to get the words out.

"Are you okay?" You asked him. Jimin opened his mouth to speak but a voice cut him off.

"I'm so sorry Jimin. I didn't think it'll be that hard." It was the boy who tackled him. Jimin sat up and you fell down on your butt as you say as well.

"It's fine." Jimin muttered as he tried to stand up. He hissed in pain as he almost fell over but the boy caught him with a 'woah' slipping from his mouth.

"Oh shit." Jimin whispers as he glances down at his ankle. The boy called the coach over and told him that Jimin might have sprung his ankle.

The coach kneeled down and lifted Jimins pant leg up as he slid his shoes off. He pulled his sock down and at the sight of his made you cringe. His ankle was swollen and a reddish purple-ish color.

You felt bad for him and you started to think it was your fault. If you hadn't called his name and distracted him he would've been prepared for the tackle.

"Hey. Girl. Help take him to the infirmary." The coach says to you. You nod and walked over to Jimins other side as you wrapped him arm over your shoulder, meanwhile the other boy did the same on his other side.

It took you guys some time put you guys eventually made it to the infirmary.

You guys helped Jimin walk into the nurses office. "Your so...heavy." You panted. But Jimin only glared down at you.

You guys helped him sit down on the bed. You bawled up a old sheet that was on one of the chairs and placed it underneath his injured ankle.

"Thanks." Jimin mumbled. But he was only looking at the boy. The boy nodded his head and muttered a "see you later." And left you there by yourself with Jimin.

You stared at Jimin. The conversation you had with Jiwoo the other day coming back in your mind.

"If your body reacts like that whenever you think of him it's pretty obvious."

"I think you like him, but your mind keeps telling you otherwise."

Jimin slowly shifted his gaze to yours and your eyes met. And that's when your heart started to thump against your chest.

Oh my gosh.

Omg I'm getting so excited! And I know it's to early in the book for anybody to start catching feelings but I just can't wait any longer.

I hoped you enjoyed this chapter!

I purple you all💜
