o n e

"St-stay away from me! Your nothing but trouble!" You watched as your now ex boyfriend ran down the hall stumbling, trying his best to get away from you. "There goes another one." You mumbled to your self, pissed. And there is one explanation for why he just broke up with you.

"Kim.Fucking.Taehyung! I swear I am going to kill you!" You screamed as you marched to the lunch table where your brother and his idiotic friends sat. You stomped towards him and spun him around by his shoulders. "I don't recall that being my middle name," he says with a sigh. "But what did I do this time?" He asks as he rolled his eyes.

"You are the worst brother a sister could have. I'm telling mom on you as soon as we step foot into that house." You said between gritted teeth.  Taehyung let out a long and frustrated sigh as he stood up and looked down at you.

"What'd I do this time?" He say with a chuckle. But you didn't know why he found this situation funny, because you sure didn't find it hilarious at all. "I don't know why your laughing. Nothing about this is funny!"

You breathed hard and heavy as you and your older brother had a mini staring contest. Right about now you could imagine the steam coming from out of your ears.

You didn't understand why Taehyung was playing dumb. He knows what he did wrong. You weren't going to hurt him. You just wanted to know why he did what he did. Although that's what you'd believe. You and him both knew your gonna be hot on him as soon as you both get home.

Taehyung groaned and rolled his eyes. "I did you a favor so you should be grateful." You couldn't believe the words that came out of his mouth. This isn't the first time he scared your boyfriend away and you'd assume it wouldn't be the last.

"Grateful? You want me to be grateful?! You just made the hottest guy in this school hate me!" You wanted so hard to punch that stupid boxy grin from off of your brothers stupid face.

"Woah, woah, woah. Who says Kai is the hottest guy in the school. It's pretty obvious that I am. Isn't that right ladies?" Your brothers best friend. Park Jimin. You didn't know why he interfered in the conversation as it didn't consult him. But he made his way towards you and you brother as he threw a wink to a table full of girls. You scoffed and rolled your eyes as the girls practically fainted and squealed.

"Your not even all that cute jimin." You mumbled as jimin came over by you and your brother and smiled at you. You weren't going to lie, jimin was pretty attractive. And so was your brother. But you hated being related to him and being close to jimin, because all the girls would try to be friends with you only to get closer with them.

"Says the one who has a crush on me." Your eyes widened at what jimin said. You threw Taehyung a glare as he let a snicker release from his mouth.

"I told you a thousand times already, It was in 8th grade. I don't like you at all. Trust me, it's pretty obvious." You chuckled. Taehyung nudged your shoulder as he let out a soft laugh.

Jimin rolled his eyes and mumbled, "whatever." You stared at him for a while until clearing your throat and going back to the topic you and Taehyung was talking about. "You still didn't tell me the reason for why you ruined my life."

"Oh come on," Taehyung says as he throws his arm around your shoulder. You scrunched up your nose as you glanced at the arm around your shoulders then back up to him. "I didn't ruin your life y/n. I actually did you a favor- and please before you try to hit me let me explain- he has dated almost every girl in this school now, and I could tell girls where jealous of you. I didn't want them to try and hurt my little sister."

Your eyes softened at the last sentence he said. You hated to admit it but you totally got his point. It actually was a time when girls plan on trying to do something to you or made it seem like you where doing something wrong in your relationship.

You sighed as you rolled your eyes, debating if you should forgive him or if you should still rip his head off. "Awe. Brother and sister moments. So sweet." Just as you where about to forgive him Jin interfered into the conversation as well. You scoffed and pushed Taehyung's arm from around your shoulders and started to walked away.

"So do you forgive me?" Taehyung yelled after you as you walked towards the cafeteria doors. You didn't say anything except kept walking and ignoring your brothers annoying voice.

First chapter? 😁 I'm so excited for this book☺️
