You're mine

Diana's POV 

"I didn't except to see Marc here, i knew that there will be rich men other than the mafia but him? Well this will be fun since Dante is holding his cup so tight his veins are almost popping out and the glass is on the edge of breaking. So I decided to help him, i squeezed his hand to tell him to calm down.

"So, fiance huh?" said Dante without breaking eye contact with Marc.

"Diana, may I talk to you in private?", asked Marc, but Dante didn't let me talk 

"No she may not, I need to talk to her"

"And who are you? And why are you with my fiance?"

"That is none of your business golden boy. Now I suggest you leave, I need to talk to her." Said Dante to Marc with the deadliest look ever, and damn that was hot. I really also didn't want to stay with boring marc anyway, he thinks I'm okay with him being my fiance. So I stepped up and told him 

"Excuse me Marc maybe another time, now I'm here with Mr. Santino." and I swear I saw Dante smirk at my words and before we leave he offered a devilish smirk to Marc.

We arrived at the elevator door at the end of the ballroom, and I decided to break the ice

"Who do you think you are, I only said that so you don't cause a scene, but who are you to tell me who to talk to and who to be with, it's not like we're together sir.", before I could know what was happening, my head was thrown backwards and his big hand was holding my throat and he whispered

"Oh but doll, I know you don't want that fiance of yours, and I know that this marriage is a forced one, so don't pretend you actually like him, please your taste is way better than that" with that been said I didn't even know how he knew all that, so without thinking I answered

"You're right he's not my type, but those handsome men inside that ball room are...." when I said that his face expression changed from a smirk to an angry Dante.. his hold on my neck tightened and he said

"You're mine doll..."

"I'm not yours Santino"

"Oh but you are you just need to realize it Lopez" then he let go of my neck and the elevator doors opened, we got out and Dante went in the car and gestured me to get in, and so I did."

Dante's POV

"So, my plan to stay away from here, didn't really work out, I just couldn't let her be with anyone except with me. Those strange feelings and new emotions are confusing me and I don't know what to do but for now, I know that I can't stay away from her and that I needed her to be mine.

I drove to the mansion and when I parked she got out and walked in, I followed her, grabbed her  by the waist and pinned her to the wall behind, the way she reacts to my touch is adorable, and I'm happy to know I can make her feel that like that.

"What are you doing Santino?" she asked quiet angrily 

"You thought I was done Lopez?", she tried to free herself but without success my hold on her waist was too strong. I crashed my lips onto hers, not being able to wait anymore, I needed to taste her, I needed her... And to my surprise she reacted how I wanted her to react, she kissed me back, her kisses were hungry and so were mine. She then started to take my tie off, then my shirt.

"Are you sure doll?"


I was pleased she said yes..

"As much as you think you have control Lopez... I'm gonna show you tonight who the real boss is... Cause I'm gonna fuck your brains out...."
