I've seen you before

A few days went by and Diana was still at Dante's mansion. She's been going to the gym, and to her room mostly, she hardly even goes to the kitchen to eat, she's used to it.

And today she was in her room sitting on the bed, reading a book.

Diana's POV 

"Most people don't really know that I really like reading. I read comedy, action supernatural, 

all kinds of books. Reading was my escape. When I read it's like I'm not on earth anymore, but I'm in my own world.

And I love that feeling."

Suddenly her phone rang.



"Yes and.."

"Don't forget you have a fiance now!"

"Right, listen here and listen closely. I do not have a fiance until I say so. So mark my words I will end you if you try to control, even one bit of my life!"

And with that Diana hung up. She put her book  down she didn't feel like reading because now she was angry..

She put her scarf on and went to the gym.

She was throwing punch after punch with so much energy and power she managed to make the punching bag fall.

Then Rico went in to train and saw her standing next to the punching bag on the floor.

"Black rose! You might want to take a break, and relax and maybe eat something too"

Diana turned around to face him, her eyes were empty, only full of anger.

"And who are you to tell me what to do? My mom?"

"No. I didn't mean to offend you but your knuckles are bleeding and you haven't eaten properly these past 3 days!"

"And how do you know that?"

"I've been watching you. It's not everyday we have the black rose in our home!"

Diana giggled after hearing Rico say that.

"I can't believe it I made the black rose laugh"

"Yeah well, I can still smile you know?"

"And you have a beautiful smile you should smile more often"

That's when Diana realized that her scarf fell off when she was punching, so now Rico saw her face. Her real face.

"Wait, I've seen you before.." he noticed

"Look Rico, normally I'd kill the people who know my real identity, but... I feel like I can trust you, so.. Not a word, got it?"

"Yes mam... But weren't you that girl that was serving drinks when the attack happened at the club?"

"Yes.. now shoo, I have to take a shower."

"Need some co-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence!", She said while exiting the door, and Rico brusted out laughing.


While she was in the shower she was lost in her thoughts..

"This is messed up! Rose really think she can control my life and force me into a marriage! Like hell I will. I'll show her that I'm not a puppet she can control. I WILL KILL HER. And now Rico knows my real identity, but I really feel I can trust him he seems like a good man, and my gut feelings are always right. But then there's Dante that hot prick! He annoys the hell out of me. He's always trying to find out who I am, but fails!

Dante Santino you better stop playing with fire, before you get real burnt.

Rocco on the other hand has been really quiet. Normally he sends people to try and kidnap me, but fails every damn time. I guess his little pets aren't able to find me, since I'm living in the Santino mansion."

She finished up with her shower and went out and got dressed with her black clothes, and was about to leave until..

"Where do you think you're going?"

"I have a job"

"You're not going!"

"Try to stop me prick!" She said and got out of the window and went on a motorcycle and drove away while she shouted "I'll be back before you know it"
