Chapter 3

Shida and Risa went to God knows where for a job, Hirate on the other hand doesn't know where she's going. And so she goes back to her house and grab her flute, it's a cheap looking flute that makes you question if the flute can still play or not. Regardless of its appearance, the flute is still in it's perfect condition.

Hirate walks her way towards her sanctuary with the flute in her small bag, she put the bag on her side and cruise the night. Akanen and Koba still didn't arrive at home, Hirate know that they'll arrive by the morning and so Hirate pays her sanctuary a visit.

Her sanctuary consist a lake that overlook the town on the other side and a swing that Hirate made it herself. It's a perfect sanctuary that Hirate promise no one would know. The large trees that brings fresh air, the flowers that calms her and a huge rock that she can sit on where she play her flute to let her frustrations and sadness out.

On her dark days, it's her flute that's with her aside from the four people that she considers her family. It's her flute that helps her to get through the hardships that she's facing. It is her flute that knows her emotions and feelings well.

Hirate sat down at the huge rock. Even though it's evening already, the lights from the houses on the opposite side of the lake brings light. Hirate's not scared with darkness anymore. On contrary, it calms her. The millions stars above her, as if guiding and watching over her is keeping her company. She didn't feel alone but that doesn't mean she's not lonely.

As she play her flute, letting her emotions out, it is a kind of song that anyone can tell is out of sadness and a question towards the world. A song that meant something without singing a lyric, a kind of song that can bring you to tears by simply playing it. No vocals, no other instruments, just Hirate and her flute in the cold evening of her sanctuary.


"Nagahama-sama, I think it's time for you to tell us why you keep on insisting to pay the vendors who make breads and give them away for free." One of the Nagahama officials asked Neru who's looking at the window, not even sparing the officials a glance. Expecting that she's not going to give them an answer, one of the officials change the subject.

Among the Empresses, Nagahama Neru is known for her coldness, stoic and mysterious personality. Regardless of her attitude, they're still a sucker for the Empress due to her beauty. They'll follow what Neru wanted even though it's against their own will in hopes that they manage to melt the Empress.

But even though Neru doesn't listen to one of her officials, she'll think about everything. Her decisions are absolute. Even though her decisions sounds absurd to the officials, they still follow her since the result is always great.

"If this is what the meeting is all about, I'll have to leave. I don't want to waste my time on such useless gatherings." Neru said coldly as she stood up and walk towards the door, the officials just sigh and shrug it off because clearly they just calls out a meeting to have a glimpse of the Empress.

Neru barely goes to the gatherings, she always ask her most trusted right hand Saito Fuyuka to go to her meetings instead. Neru's not stupid to not know that they only ask for a meeting just to meet her, with such intentions, it makes Neru irritated and stop coming at the gatherings unless it's a gathering for the Empresses.

She only went to the gathering because they said that it's an emergency situation, Neru didn't hesitate to come since the town is in her hands.

Neru went to her 'sanctuary' as what Hirate perceive it as. Neru walk her way towards the big Keyaki tree and just stare at the flowing river since it calms her.

Remembering the question that her officials ask, she can't help but wonder why did she even do such things as to give away free bread. In this era, breads are quite pricey but Neru care less. She wants to help the people outside even just by little bit, remembering Hirate's words from before, she grew concern to the people outside and want to help them out even if it's not much.

The life outside is hard.

She still remember that, Neru thought that her life is hard. Meeting Hirate that one time may make Neru realize and see how the life outside is harder. Neru wants to give Hirate a new yukata when she saw how dirty her yukata is, it's not like she's judging the girl but seeing how Hirate is so uncomfortable being in the same area Neru's in, Neru wants to give her either a yukata or just dress herself simply which is quite impossible to do so just so Hirate won't feel uncomfortable.

Neru always comes in her sanctuary to calm herself down and think more freely without any distractions at all but now, she came with a different intentions. Even on how Neru continue to decline the idea, deep within' herself she hopes that Hirate would come and visit the place once again.

Knowing that the girl doesn't know her at all, she hope and act like an ordinary girl even for a while. No formality, not trying to impress her like all the people did when they meet her. Neru wants to be ordinary and normal but for Neru, she knows that in this lifetime it is impossible to do so. Meeting someone that doesn't know her makes Neru happy, she can act like an ordinary girl even though it's temporary.

Neru's ears ticked when she heard a noise coming from the bushes near the gates, she furrow her brows since the thing is quite noisy. Neru hide herself behind the huge Keyaki tree and waited for the person to gather herself and stand up.

The said girl stood up as Neru giggle out of amusement, Hirate's dusting her yukata as she pick up a plastic bag with some bread inside it. Neru realize that Hirate is wearing the same kimono when Neru saw her for the first time.

Neru silently walk her way behind the girl as Neru grin to herself when the oblivious girl continue to look around, scanning the area.

"Are you being chased again?" Neru suddenly spoke causing for Hirate to flinch when she heard the sudden voice from behind.

Seeing the girl in front of her, Hirate can't help but awed. It is a different kimono this time, it's a mix of yellow and red that suits Neru well.

"Well, I bought a bread and hoped that we can eat it together as a thank you." Hirate innocently said, hearing this Neru can't help but feel glad and thankful for the act. Neru immediately nodded and ask Hirate to follow her towards the bench.

So this is what it feels like to be simple and normal, it's delightful and surreal. Neru thought as she stare at Hirate who's giving her a huge smile while handing her the bread.
