Chapter 12

Silence filled the room when Neru and Hirate was left inside the room, the others already left while Fuyuka went outside to give the two some privacy when she realize that their atmosphere is very tense.

"Should we go, Empress?" Hirate asked as she can't stand the silence, Neru is not talking at all. Hirate just facepalm herself when she remember one of Nijika's advice to not talk first when the Empress didn't initiate the talk first.

"Sure." Neru respond, trying not to look Hirate's eyes. She's doomed. Neru furrow her brows clearly upset when she realize the tone that Hirate uses. Neru just sigh when she realize that Hirate might used it to avoid suspicion from everyone else, Neru is trying to deny it.

In reality, they're the only people in the room and if Hirate really did it for the sake to avoid suspicion then she won't have to use a formal language on her at this moment but no, Hirate uses it and even with that act Neru grew anxious.

They walk their way towards the vehicle that Nagahama Empress uses with Hirate in tow. Unfortunately, Hirate is behind her. Just this small details, Neru notice it all too well and she don't like it one bit. Not being able to do anything, Neru just shrug it off and let it go.

After all, they're just acquaintance who meet often when there's a chance and nothing more. But for Neru, it wasn't. After all, only Hirate saw the real her, only Hirate saw her smile, laugh and let herself let loose.

Only Hirate saw everything that everyone failed to see.

Hirate open the door for her while shielding her head in case she'll bump her head, such distance Neru saw Hirate in a closer look which reminds her of last night and even with that, Neru could confirm what she really felt. Neru know that she felt something, she knows it because it's evident. After all, it's her first time to feel something this way.

The ride all the way towards the Nagahama Town is very silent, Fuyuka notice that there's something going on between the two but Fuyuka failed to pitpoint what it is. She can't just ask the Empress about it because of their position.

Hirate on the other hand don't know what to act, she's contemplating whether to just put her work and forget everything that has happened or take a risk and let the formalities go when they're alone. Hirate is having a crisis, she didn't saw this happening at all. Hirate felt dumb, being awestruck of Neru's yukata because of how beautiful it is should pay a huge factor that she's an Empress. Hirate blame her lack of knowledge about this field and now she don't know what to do.

"So, she's the Empress Nagahama." Hirate thought, she smile secretly and just stare at the road beside her. She's sitting next to Neru who's sitting so straight that Hirate would like to ask if her back is okay. Fuyuka is beside the driver and is busy reading the papers that Sugai-sama handed earlier for the plan of the town.

Suddenly, Hirate felt a cold warm hand on her hand. It was so sudden that her neck almost break just to see what Neru's up to, when she look at Neru, the girl is looking in front as if nothing is happening.

Neru is about to take her hand back because by now she's so embarrassed why she did it in the first place but before she could, Hirate grab it and hold it as tight and as subtle as possible.

Hirate conclude that she'll take a risk about this, she wants to be with Neru and love her even if it's one sided and give Neru happiness she crave for. Hirate don't care anymore and if ever fate lead her to this, she's willing to take a risk.

Hirate smile secretly and continue looking at the road while her left hand is holding Neru's hand firmly. Trying not to let go.

Hirate herself don't know why all of a sudden it went like this. She don't know why, but learning the truth about everything causes Hirate to realize that she indeed fell in love with the girl in those days that they're spending it together.

Hirate fell in love with Neru, not the Empress Nagahama.

"Nagahama-sama, we have arrived." Fuyuka announce and glance at Neru on the mirror, but before she could see Hirate let go of her hand. Neru could feel the absence of the warmth of her hand but she can't do anything about it but to wait for it to arrive once again.

Hirate went out first and open the door, as Fuyuka lead the way with Hirate just behind Neru.

"Shall I give Hirate-san a tour around the Empire, Nagahama-sama?" Fuyuka asked, Neru glance at Hirate and smile to her right hand.

"I will be doing it, Fuyuka-san. Let me do it." Neru offers causing for Fuyuka to look at the girl shockingly, but give her all not to show it.

"Um- s-sure, Nagahama-sama." Fuyuka stutter and bow before she leave the pair. Fuyuka know something is up, she felt it but whatever it is seeing Neru smiling and gentle is making Fuyuka happy and that finally Neru is slowly making her way out of her shell.

"Wait, what if?" Fuyuka doubt as she's fighting with herself.

"There's nothing wrong to have suspicion about it but there's something about that girl. What if she's the owner of the coat that Neru has this morning?" Fuyuka wonder without knowing that she just hit the jackpot with her theory.

"Well then, if she indeed is it'll be so awesome. Would you look at how the fate of love leads you to someone."  Fuyuka said with a smirk on and walk inside the mansion with the pile of papers on her hand. Trying not to show how happy she is for Neru.


"Lastly, this is the chamber. This is where I eat." Neru finish off the tour, Hirate furrow her brows because all of the places causes isolation. Even to where she eat, it was so isolated.

"Pardon for asking but are you caged perhaps?" Hirate asked, Neru just chuckle of how upfront the girl is but it's not a surprise already.

"Maybe.." Neru said and glance towards the hidden gate, Neru smile because of the memories she shared with the person in front of her on that place

"Maybe not.." Neru continue and smile as she grab the girl by the arm and sprint towards the hidden gate that leads to the sanctuary just a few yards away.

Hirate smile because of the gesture as she realize that between the two choices that she wonder earlier whether Neru is just acting or not when they're alone.

Neru's actually showing her who she really is without her position hindering it. And for the nth time, Hirate understood Neru without Neru explaining anything.
