part 8

~ edited ~


its Sunday and today we're fitting for the costumes. i was woken up by millie screaming my name on the top of her lungs. "Y/N WAKE UP... WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE" "ohh shit" i said waking up and running to the bathroom because we're going to be late.

i got ready as quick as i possibly can and walked down the stairs where i saw everybody except the managers. "where's rachel and Amelia?" i asked (Amelia is millie's manager). "their still getting ready, lets wait in the car" Will said as the four of us walked up to the car.

we waited for a good 10 minutes before both Amelia and Rachel went inside the car. while listening to my favorite band of all time ABBA. they were an old band from the 80's that i grew up listening to. we continued listening to ABBA until we arrived there.

i knew that the cast was shocked finding out i like an old band that they only knew because of the musical MAMMA MIA. i knew them way before i even watched the musical or watched the movie. i could tell that everyone thought i liked girly music like Taylor swift or meghan trainor. but it was okay because they enjoyed listening to ABBA as well. it turns out that millie, rachel, and Amelia also really liked ABBA so the four of us danced to the beat of the song in the car.

Amelia showed a side of her that none of us in the car never seen (even millie). she dance and sing her heart out with me and we finally saw the fun and energetic side of her. she was cool and fun to hang out with.

we arrived at the studio and go to the costume room to get fitted for our costumes. the four of us were joined by the two managers went inside the big room filled with mannequins, all different types of fabric, and lots of other stuff. "and there is the designer" Amelia said.





"OMG AVA" i ran towards her. i knew her because she is apart of my Theater group when i was a freshman she was a senior and so i haven't seen her since. but i knew that she went to designing school and became a small shop owner and stuff but i am so surprised to see her. "OMG y/n. i didn't knew your playing in this movie" she said. "omg i miss you" i said hugging her.

the rest of the cast was confused and i broke the silence and said "so guys, this is my friend from my school theater. apparently, she's our costume designer" "hi" the rest of the cast said in unison.

the fitting went well and i was catching up with Ava. "so, how's your business going?" i asked her as she was measuring my body. "its going okay i guess. but, i really need new models. maybe you would like to model for me?" she asked "sure that will be fun"

"well i got the fitting done. now i need Will and y/n to try on the costume that your going to be wearing for the dream sequin" Ava said as y/f/a, Amelia, and rachel went out side. "uhm Ava, can i stay?" asked millie. "yeah sure" she answered.


y/n went first to try on the costume. the costume is for the dream sequin. so my character Ethan is going to have a dream about a beautiful girl but the problem is that she was wearing a mask because it was a masquerade dance. Ethan didn't know who it was until he went to Bali  for vacation and meet emily aka y/n's character.

i was shocked when y/n went out from the dressing room and showed me and millie the costume.

^y/n's dress and masquerade mask^

she looked stunning. the dress fitted her perfectly. and the mask showing her beautiful brown eyes. i was lost for words. i was speechless. i can't explain how beautiful she looked. i am really falling for her. i blushed so hard. i could feel my cheeks starting to burn up and my heart is beating harder and faster.

millie broke the silence and said "omg y/n you look stunning. doesn't she look great Will?" millie said. "uhm yes. you look beautiful, doll" omg did i really just said she's beautiful. i look back at her and i could see that she is blushing and i couldn't help it but give her a small smile.


Will just called me beautiful and that nickname made me blush. i can't believe it. this dress is... beautiful. "Ava this is beautiful. its perfect" i complimented Ava's work. "thanks y/n this is by far one of the most hardest dress i have to make. but it's worth it, even though you only wore it for a 5 minutes in the dream" Ava answered me

"okay Will, it's your turn" Ava said giving him a laundry bag with his costume inside. while Will was changing, i asked Ava "hey can i change out of this yet" "not yet i want to see your outfit worn side by side with Will's costume" she answered

i sat beside millie and waited for Will to show us the costume.

a few minutes later, he went outside of the dressing room and he looks so handsome.

^the suit and the masquerade mask^

he looked so amazing. the tux fitting his slim body perfectly. and the red of the mask brings out the blue in his eyes. all i could say was "wow"

"you like it, doll?" he asked "yes. you look handsome" i answered. i realized what i just said and blushed. and Ava said "okay y/n. stand up lets see this costume side by side"

i walked up towards Will and stand beside him. i could feel my heart racing. and i felt my hand slowly brush up to Will's hand. luckily the puffy dress covers up our hands touching.

and then the director busted inside the costume room and said "guys, we don't have time to do the dream costume photoshoot tomorrow. can you do it today? is the costume ready?" "the costume ready sir" Ava answered. "okay good. meet us in the studio for the dream photoshoot. its going to be on the instagram for the first look of the movie" he said. "why this costume?" i heard Will ask. "it's because your face is covered by the masks and no one will know who you are" the director answered. "thats smart" i said.

(a/n: please read... so this type of production is a quick production. when all posters, shooting, editing, and more is in your one time. so the movie premiere later in this book is only one month away from the shooting... usually if your doing a normal production it will take months)

Will and i got our hair and makeup done for the photoshoot and the both of us went to the studio together. Will looks so handsome and i am falling for him even more.

"okay i want you guys to look at each other. your face's have to be close. like you guys are going to kiss, but aren't like in the script. the photo will be from the waist up. and Will, i want your right hand to be on y/n's right cheek because, we're talking the photo from the left side. all clear?" the director said. "yes" Will and i said in the same time.

the shoot started and Will put his right hand on my right cheek. we're staring at each other's eyes and our faces are inches apart. we're almost kissing and i could feel his breath on my face. we were so caught up in the moment that the both of us didn't hear the director talking. we finally came to our senses and finish the shoot.

"okay that was a good shoot" i said to Will. he gave me a smirk and i gave one back. "yes, it was" he answered.

we went back to the villa and slept. i fell asleep wandering if Will feels the same way towards me.

A/N: this is my longest part so far. and this is also my favorite part so far. y/n and will is getting closer and closer by day. i hope you guys like this part. i'm sorry if you don't like the color pink for the dress.

Daily dose of will

1450 words
