part 26

~ edited ~


Will and I just finished doing the photoshoot for divine and now we are heading back to my grandparents house. on the way we listened to Will's Spotify playlist.

tomorrow we are going to Bali for millie's birthday. so as soon as we arrived back home we started packing. and of course i didn't forget to bring lots of bathing suits. because knowing millie, me and her will be spending lots of time in the beach or swimming in the swimming pool.

at Bali we are going to be staying at the potato head hotel which is the hotel of potato head. (a/n: if you don't remember potato head is the beach club millie rented for her birthday)

~ time skip ~

we finally arrived at Bali. the flight wasn't very long from Jakarta. Will and I were picked up by uncle john.

because he is working in potato head and he knows potato head more than anyone. he gave Will and i a tour before settling in our room. of course i didn't need the tour because I've been here millions of times but i still joined to keep Will company.

we settled into our room and as i was talking out my stuff from my luggage i asked Will "so..... we have no plans for today. what do you want to do?" "how about we go to the beach and before that we could go to a shopping center, i really need to buy millie's present" Will replied. "really her birthday is tomorrow and your just buying her gift now. i had my present since we were in Dublin" i stated. "*laugh* yes i haven't buy anything for her. i need your help. so have we got our plan for today?" Will said still embarrassed that he didn't get mills a birthday gift yet. "we got our plan if you promise to buy me the vegan ice cream that i show while filming" i replied. "okay deal"

today was a perfect day just for the two of us. Will got a gift for millie that actually matches my present. we got my favorite vegan ice cream. i got the flavor caramel praline and Will got a mango sherbet. after ice cream we went to the beach. we went to the beach right in front of potato head. we didn't went for a swim instead we just walked.

we sat down to watch the sunset. "wow it's beautiful" i said. "yeah just like you" Will replied. i looked at him and i give him a passionate kiss. after we pull away from the kiss i looked down at our promise rings and smiled. he did the same and kissed my forehead.

when we arrived at our room we found a note that said.

"hey go to room 184" - no one

Will and i both hesitated but we decided to go to the room. "is this the room?" Will asked. "yes" i said looking back at the note.

we opened the door

and to our surprise




"MILLIE" i yelled.

i went straight to her arms and gave her the biggest hug imaginable. Will immediately went in for a hug as well. so now we are having a big group hug.

we talked for hours to catch up with whats going on. Millie got a new boyfriend. but shes keeping it a secret. because when i asked "so.... who is the lucky man?" "you'll meet him tomorrow at my birthday" she answered.

we didn't notice the time and just talked for hours. when it reached 11 PM Will and i decided to go back to our rooms.

we cuddled and fell asleep easily after the long day we had.

A/N: this part is hella short i'm sorry. tomorrow's part is going to be better i promise. PlUs WhO iS mIlLiE's BoYfRiEnD ?????

Daily dose of will



671 words
