Finding Out the Truth

It's been a couple of days since the fallout. Tyler says it's all been super awkward since they do, in fact, live together. It's clear that I don't know Travis as well as I believed. Then again, it's only been a month and a half. I'm so stupid, I trusted him too quickly. It was such a 180º from the day we were at Fatburger. He was so sweet, so understanding, it doesn't make any sense. It was entirely too easy, I should've known he wasn't just going to let me go. 

I know it's not smart, not like anything I do ever do is, but I want to go talk to him. Tyler isn;t going to be happy about this; if he finds out. We've been friends forever, he practically shuts out anyone who hurts me. I don't know how he's gonna handle this seeing that Travis is like a brother to him. They also live together, so this is a tricky situation. I feel bad putting him in such a tight space. Screw it, I just can't leave things the way they are. Now, where's my phone? I scramble to type his number, nerves throwing my thumbs into a frenzy.



"Panda... thank god you called, I'm so sorry."

"It's.... do you wanna meet up?"


"Well, yeah."


"The park near your house?"

"That's cool, see you soon?"

I slip into sweatpants and my favorite hoodie before yelling out to my mom that I'm leaving. I skip down the driveway, sliding into my car. Feels like it's been ages since I've driven Morena. Yes, I named my car. My bimmer is my baby. Just before I back out into the street, my stomach voices it's displeasure in my eating habits. I run back in, snatch a granola bar out of the cupboard, and yell out one last goodbye to my mother before swinging the door open only to find myself staring at the LAST person I planned on seeing today...... Tyler.

"Oh, hey."

"Sup Pan, you heading out?"


"No, you're not."

"You don't even know where I'm going."

"You're going to see Taco."

"And if I am?"

"Panda, you can't go see him! He just hit you!"

"I don't care Tyler! I want to know what's going on with him!"

"I know exactly what's going on."


" I know I have my issues to but he-"

Tyler's eyes widen as if he realized he's said too much. I get off of the couch and step closer.

"What Tyler?"




"Tyler answer me!"


"Tyler! What the hell do you mean?"

"Panda that's really something he needs to tell you."

"Ugh... what the hell Tyler!"

I snatch my things off of the coffee table, run a tired hand through my hair, and storm out; slamming the door behind me. I can't believe him right now! If it's so important, why couldn't he just explain it to me himself?! Now it's suddenly okay to go and talk to him. Tyler's so aggravating sometimes. I can't take this wishy-washy behavior.

* * * * *

An awkward air chokes us both. Travis just spilled his whole life story, and it is a story indeed. He was bullied as a child. However, he was branded as the aggressor when he finally fought back. After being stepped on for so long, the backlash would be rather extreme. No one expected him to, so they carted him off to therapist appointments, putting him on medication. I guess he really does have anger issues if he's been taking them to this day. On the other hand, he was never taught how to process his feelings. I just didn't expect to see him act out like that, especially towards me.

"Did you bruise?" I jump, unware I'm so stuck in my thoughts. "Huh? What?" He looks down, not wanting to repeat what he said. "Did you.... ya know, bruise?" I reluctantly nod and slightly lift my shirt, exposing the mark. He reaches out to touch before recoiling his hand. "Travis, it doesn't hurt to touch it; not anymore."  Why did I even say that? I can tell it hurt him to hear that. He wraps his arms around me and sighs. "I'm really sorry." I sit frozen for a split second before returning the gesture. "It's fine. If it makes you feel better, now we've both been off our meds." He smiles at the twisted realization. "Travis look, I get that you felt used. You felt like I dropped you for Frank... but it's not like that." He nods. "I get it Panda. I said I'll give you thinking time, and that's what I plan to do. Properly." He kisses me on the forehead. Some silence passes before my alarm chimes. I need to get going. Travis walks me out to my car and with one last hug, lets me go.
