Perfect Peace (1)

PVR Cinema, Infinity Mall, 

Mumbai, 5:15 pm

Neil had finally managed to go on a movie outing with his best friend, Ali. Thanks to the pandemic, he had successfully dodged catching the attention of media by covering his face with a mask. Also, the fact that the theatres were working at a capacity of 50%, helped him avoid the crowd. It wasn't that he didn't like interacting with his fans, he sure loved doing that, but there were some days when he too wanted to be himself, the simple out going party animal that he was! And, today was one of those days. Today, he didn't want to be the Indian Football Team Captain, but a 24 year old guy who was a mushy movie bluff! 

Sitting in the top gallery of the cinema hall, he comforted himself with some hot chocolate as it was unusually cold in Mumbai that day. Halfway into the movie, Ali was fast asleep while Neil still had his eyes stuck to the screen when he heard some sniffing sounds. 

N- Is he dreaming about his breakup? -he thought it might be Ali who was sniffing. 

But when he turned to check upon him, Ali was snoring with a satisfied smile on his face. 

N(chuckles)- Idiot! Must be dreaming about food! 

He again tried to focus on the film but the sniffing sound was heard again. Frowning, he turned the other side to find a woman sitting there. And, to Neil, she resembled a Kashmiri apple, her red cheeks were wet due to the constant tears that fell through her eyes & the tip of her nose was red too, which apparently looked like  a cherry to him. But, coming out of his half-dazed state, he got up from his seat & sat next to her, she didn't seem to notice though. 

In order to make his presence felt, he cleared his throat but there was still no response. Slowly, he took his kerchief out from his pocket & passed on to her, making her look at him with her beautiful wide eyes which were still wet by tears. 

And, in that moment, as if the ultimate goal was to make this woman happy! That's what mattered. Why? He didn't know!  

Gulping down his apparently cliche & stupid thoughts, he indicated towards the kerchief through his eyes.   

N- Take it! 

Knowing that she indeed needed it, she took it with a small nod. Neil watched her while she wiped her face with the kerchief, her hair spreading all over her face, some stuck up at her forehead & he literally had to control his urge to set them behind her ears. 

N- You must be filthy rich, no? -he told more than ask, making her look at him in confusion. I mean, you're definitely not here to watch this film. So, you bought this ticket & came here just because you wanted some alone time! Quite filmy, huh? -he said making her chuckle to his relief! 

Girl- I had won it in a voucher. -she told, making Neil laugh at her cuteness & sincerity. 

N- So....what's wrong? -he asked being his cheeky self but she just looked down towards her hands that were resting on her thighs. Sighing, he said- Its okay if you don't wanna talk about it. I still have a solution, you know! -he told & she turned her head up to meet his eyes. Think about that one thing or person who keeps you going in life. Close your eyes & think about it. -she did as he had asked her to. Now, tell me, how do they like you? Happy or sad? The answer is quite obvious, right? So, just be that version that they like because that's what  keeps you going, hm? -he talked slowly & softly, as if talking to a child who was adamant not to listen to his parents. 

Inhaling softly, she opened her eyes & turned her head to look at him, a small smile adorning her face. 

Girl- Bahot hi lame aur filmy trick thi, but I don't how it worked. -she said looking into his eyes making him smile ear to ear, however she couldn't witness it as he had still worn his mask. 

N- Hi, I am Ne...

He was cut short by the ringtone of her phone. Flushed, she took her phone out of her handbag & answered it immediately. 

"Okay, I'll be right there in fifteen minutes!" -Neil heard her say before hanging up. 

She stood up from her & turned to move towards the exit, only to turn back towards Neil. 

Girl- Thankyou so much! I wish & hope that you'll be that version of yourself that the person ,who keeps you going, wants you to be! -she flashed a genuine smile towards him before leaving. 

N- In order to be that version of myself, I'll have to make sure that I see you soon, Apple Sahiba! -he thought  as he watched her go! 


 Next Day:

Ali- Neil, the designer will come today along with her assistant. So, just give them your measurements, okay? We need to get the outfit ready within a week. The event next week is really important & I've texted you the schedule for your practice so, just reach the ground on time. Also, Bebe had called to ask if...Tu sun bhi rha hai, main kya bol rha hun? Kal se pta nhi kahan khoya hua hai! 

N(smiling cheekily)- Ali, mere bhaai, mere praa, mere jiggar ke tukde, mere...

Ali- Kya chahiye? Time mat waste kar! Main sirf tera bestfriend nhi hun, manager bhi hun! 

N- Rude Bastard! -he murmured under his breathe. Yaar! I met a girl in the theatre yesterday &- 

Ali- What? Wait a sec, kaunsi ladki? When did this happen? I was with you all the time. -he asked being utterly confused. 

N- Jab tu kharrate maar rha tha tab! [When you were snoring!] Sun na yaar, I really need to meet her, please help me out to find her! -he almost whined like a five year old. 

Ali- Okay. Do the meeting with the designers & then we'll look out for Bhabhimaa, okay? -he chuckled & walked ahead while Neil mimicked him under his breathe.

As they entered the room, the designers were already waiting for them & as soon as his eyes fell on the assistant, his happiness knew no bounds. It felt like his deepest wish was granted. It was her, the girl he met yesterday, who was sitting in front of him. 

Ali introduced the designer, Mrs. Sinha to Neil while Ali definitely didn't fail to notice the spark in his best friend's eyes. It confused him, but it was neither the time nor the place to talk about it, so he just introduced the assistant designer to him. 

Ali- Neil, this is Miss Avni Mehta, she'll be working with Mrs. Sinha for your outfit. 

As soon as Ali finished, Neil took out his hand for Avni to shake, a little too excited while he could feel that her movements were slow & graceful, as if measured & restricted. 

N- Hi, Avni. I am Neil. 

A- Hello Sir. I hope you'll like our services. -she smiled at him as she shook his hand. 

Neil knew that she didn't recognise him as the guy she had met at the theatre & that was okay, he didn't want her to be embarrassed about crying in front of him. He knew that the reason she came to the theatre was to hide her tears from the world, so he pretended like he had never seen them! He just focused on her smile, which was comforting & soothing to him, the reason being unknown to him though! 

N- me Neil!- he said while she nodded making him frown. Say it! -he asked.

A(confused)- What?

N- My name! 

A- Um, Neil. -she said & he just couldn't stop himself from grinning. 

