Confession Letters (4)

It had been two weeks that Avni had shifted in her new apartment & thus, two weeks since they used to go for their morning runs together. They even visited the recreational club together every alternate day & both of them loved every bit of it. Both of them enjoyed each other's company, as it was just easy being with each other, they could be their own-selves around each other -  no filters & no apprehensions whatsoever! 

Neil had not felt so relaxed in a long while. Unconsciously, Avni had become that person who Neil went back to after an exhausting day at work. They used to tell each other about their day at work, do pottery, play guitar & walk back home together. The morning jog also helped to know each other better as they talked about politics, movies, books, environment, society, economy & probably all other things under the sun! 

Avni was living her dream. She had thought that life was good before but she was a little extra happy since she moved opposite Neil's. He had become the reassurance to her overthinking, & the pixie stardust in her otherwise mundane fairytale! She knew for a fact that she treading a very risky path! One wrong step & she'd definitely fall in love with him all over again when he'd just see her as a an admirer, just a friend! She did not want that, but she just could not stop herself to soak in his sunshine for a little-while till her heart eventually gave up! 

Right now, they were stepping out of the club after an hour of doing pottery. Avni had finally learnt how to make pottery mug today, & the grin on her face did not seem to fade any time soon! 

N - How about we celebrate your achievement by eating out, huh? - he excitedly offered. 

A - Hey, that's a great idea! How about some pan-fried momos with spicy chilly sauce? - she exclaimed! 

N - Pan-fried momos it is! - he confirmed while grinning at her. 

A - I know this food corner that sells amazing momos. The lady who runs it is from Darjeeling, her food is just so authentic, you know! You'll fall in love! - she explained while her eyes twinkled out of excitement & Neil thought he had never seen a more serene site! 

They booked a taxi & reached the place in about an hour all the while Avni explained how amazing her food was & how she just couldn't get enough. And, Neil listened to her as if she was telling him about the most fascinating thing in the world. He was fascinated! 

Reaching the spot, Avni led him to the back door of the food corner while Neil followed her confusedly. 

N - Uh, why are we going from the back door, Avni? 

A - I want you to meet someone. Come! - she held his hand & opened the door. 

The moment Neil stepped in & took in his surroundings, he was spellbound. It was small room with an idol of Buddha at the centre and it was so beautifully decorated that Neil just couldn't look away. The main idol of Buddha was adorned with a garland of fresh white flowers, & it was surrounded by a number of other miniature idols which were all carved of white marble. The space was entirely decorated with a huge variety of flowers - there were lilies, roses, daisies, hibiscus & their fragrance was  enough to calm anyone down. Neil also figured that there was a wide variety of fruits offered to the God - oranges, strawberries, kiwis, pineapple, peaches, dragon fruits & what not! He was completely captivated by the aura of the room. 

N - This is so beautiful! - he murmured making Avni smile. 

A - Come, let's offer our greetings. - she had still held his hand, not that he mind, in fact he smiled at her. 

They offered their greetings & then Avni led him towards a passage which led them to another room which Neil assumed was a kitchen. It was only after entering the kitchen that Avni let go of his hand, he didn't like the loss of the warmth her hand provided but kept mute anyway. 

Avni ran over to an old lady who was chopping some vegetables & hugged her from behind as Neil watched their exchange. 

A - Hajuraama! - she exclaimed as the old lady hugged her back. (*Granny!*)

Lady - Avni! How are you dear? - she asked as she looked at her adoringly. 

A - I am peachy! How are you? Are you taking your medicines on time, Hajuraama? - she asked as if talking to a child making the old lady laugh!

Lady - Yes, my child. I am taking the medicines on time. And, who is this beautiful boy, Avni? - she asked for Neil as she noticed him. 

A - Ah, he is Neil. We're neighbours. - she told with a smile on her face. 

Neil would lie if he said that he wasn't disappointed when she introduced him just as a neighbour. They were friends. Weren't they!? However, not wanting to spoil the moment, he smiled at the old lady & waved at her. 

Lady - Come here, boy! - she called & Neil obliged. She tapped his cheek with her hands & smiled at him which Neil returned. 

A - I brought him here so that he could eat the best pan-fried momos ever! - she said while the lady nodded. 

Lady - Go & sit at the table. I'll bring you momos & soup! - she told & they did as asked. 

Avni & Neil spent the next hour while eating & talking about various stuff. Turned out that the momos actually were amazing, they had an authentic Nepali flavour to them & Neil had never eaten anything so delicious before. Avni also told him about how this place was her go to place during college & she still visited here on weekends, however not as much as she'd like to because of work. Neil secretly loved it when she talked about things that she liked to do or was passionate about. Her eyes used to twinkle while doing that, and Neil was enamored by the look. 

After they were finished with eating, Neil insisted to pay while Avni held up an objection. They argued for good ten minutes when Neil finally convinced her that it was his treat for her making two pottery mugs today, however, Avni made him promise that she'd pay when they will celebrate him learning how to play a full song on guitar to which Neil happily agreed. 

Neil was about to leave after he paid the amount to the cashier while Avni was checking out the plants that Hajuraama had planted. But, before he could leave, the lady called out to him & patted his head lovingly. 

Lady - You're one lucky boy, Neil. - she said making him look at her in confusion. She is very possessive about this place & you're the first person she has brought here! God Bless you, son! Keep her happy, okay. - she said. 

Neil couldn't figure out how to comprehend this new information that just unfolded in front of him. He was happy, elated in fact, to think that Avni thought of him as someone who she could take to her safe sanctuary. An involuntary smile found home at Neil's face as he nodded at the lady & made his way towards Avni. 


It had been a week since their outing at the food corner, and to say the least, the last week had been hectic & tolling at Neil. He still went to the morning runs with Avni & still visited the club every alternate day, but work was exhausting. He had had an ER case almost everyday during the last week. And, today was the last straw! He had lost a patient. 

Neil felt miserable about himself. It was tough to lose a child who was just seven years of age & the most dreaded part was to inform the parents. He hated this part of his job. He had seen the kid's mother slide down on the floor & crying her eyes out while the father tried to console her, keeping his own emotions aside. 

It was unfair! - he thought. The kid didn't deserve it. The family didn't deserve it. May be, he wasn't good enough as a doctor. May be he could have done things differently. May be he could have saved the kid. But he failed, he lost him! 

Neil could feel his head throbbing because of ache & he didn't know what to do anymore. He was beyond exhausted. He was sprawled up on his sofa when the door bell rang. He knew who it could be, it was probably Avni, she had come so that they could leave for the club, but he had no energy. So, unwillingly, he dragged his feet towards the door & opened it. 

Avni knew something was wrong the moment she looked at Neil. His eyes had bags underneath them & he looked exhausted. 

A - What happened, Neil? Are you okay? - she concernedly asked as she kept her palm on his upper arm. 

N - Yes. of those days! - he sighed.  I don't think I'd be able to accompany you today, Avni. You go, I'll stay home. - he mumbled. 

A - No, you don't have to go! In fact, you know what, I am not going either. Come, sit. Have you eaten anything? - she asked as she led him to the drawing room & made him sit on the sofa. 

N - Avni, there is no need to stay. You go, I'll just catch some sleep & will be fine! - he tried to assure her. 

A - That's not the answer to my question, Neil. I asked have you eaten anything? - she pressed.

N(sighs) - Lunch. - he told. 

A - And, its almost time for dinner! - she said while shaking her head. Let's do one thing, you grab some sleep & I'll cook dinner, okay? C'mon, go to your bedroom. - she almost ordered. 

N - Geez, Avni you're bossy! I said I'll be fine. - he pushed his glasses up his nose.  

A - And, I said go grab some sleep. - she finalised as moved to his kitchen. 

Sighing, Neil moved to his bedroom & almost fell on his bed. He indeed needed some sleep & as soon as his body found a comfortable position, he had fallen fast asleep. 

After preparing dinner, Avni went to his room to check upon him only to find him frowning while he was in deep slumber. Avni chuckled when she noticed that he hadn't even removed his glasses before sleeping. Sighing, she sat next to him & carefully removed his glasses, making sure not to hurt him or wake him up. 

Neil woke up after two hours of deep nap while Avni was still massaging his scalp lightly with her fingers. He blinked a few times to fight the exhaustion & finally opened his eyes fully. 

A - How do you feel now? - she asked in her soothing voice. 

N - Better. - he said while searching for his glasses. 

Avni smiled before she grabbed his glasses from the bed side & handed them to him. 

A - Here!

N - Uh, thanks! - he smiled a little.

A - Freshen up & then we'll eat dinner, hm? - she asked. 

Neil nodded as he got up from the bed & moved to his bathroom to get a much needed shower. 

They ate in silence, which Neil was grateful for. He needed sometime to get through all the pent up frustration. Avni kept checking on him through her peripheral vision while she ate her own food. Once done, they moved to the balcony and settled on the swing bed that Neil had in his balcony. 

They were sitting besides each other with their legs hanging down the bed when Neil placed his head on her shoulder & exhaled a long breathe. 

A - It's going to be fine, Neil. I am sure you did your best. - she said despite the fact that her body had goosebumps all over her skin because he was so close to her & her heart was racing again. 

N - I know, but may be, my best was not the best that could have been done. I should have been better.  - he grimaced. 

A - Neil, it was not solely in your hands! We all come with a fate, right? - she slowly spoke. 

N(sighs) - Hm, may be, we do! But, I just want to sulk for a while & pretend that the world is unfair. I don't know any other way to deal with this. I'll be fine tomorrow, I promise! - he said as he turned to her. 

A - It's okay if you don't feel that the world is fair even tomorrow. Take your time, Neil! You'll come around. I am sure. - she offered him an encouraging smile as she placed her palm on top of his. 

Neil gave her a weak smile & before she could decipher anything, he was lying on the bed with his head placed in her lap. 

N - Could you please massage my head as you were doing before? It seemed to help! - he asked innocently making her smile. 

Avni moved her fingers on his scalp slowly as he slowly fell into a deep slumber. When she sensed that he was comfortable, & the frown on his face was replaced by a peaceful expression, she placed his head on the pillow & got up from the bed. She went to his bedroom & fetched a blanket from there. Covering him with the blanket, she herself lied beside him as she wrapped his arm around her midriff & let sleep take over. 
